How to Have a Sale in Your Business without Compromising Your Brand or the Integrity of Your Pricing

Are you ready to apply a simple sales strategy this holiday season? In this post, I share 10 different ways you to sell more (without the ICK feeling). Pick one to apply today!  But also know that if you don’t feel aligned with having a sale this week, it’s YOUR BUSINESS - you do you! Also, don’t worry, these sales tips will work all year long! 

10 Heart Centered Ways to Sell MORE


I think authentic deadlines and urgency are a GIFT to your dreamy to help her take action on something if she truly needs it. In my book, your humans have busy lives and are making dozens of tiny (and sometimes really big) decisions every single day. What urgency does is it bumps up your offer as a higher priority on their decision list. You're not forcing them to purchase, but you are giving them the gift of a deadline so they can hop in or out and not leave the decision hanging. How MANY of your audience members are just waiting for you to LEAD and create a boundary around their buying experience?


Consider discounting a smaller or digital product (or adding a fun BONUS to your big offer!) instead of discounting your signature offer so that you maintain the long-term integrity of your signature offer.


For quick sales, it's best to sell something in the impulse-worthy $27-$197 price range. Pricing psychology tells us that this is the range where people don't have to ask their partner or overthink about the decision. You're not facing a money objection, so if your dreamy NEEDS what you're offering and they trust ya, they're IN.


Do you know what creates buzz and excitement in your audience? When YOU are buzzing and excited about what you're offering! List THREE reasons why this offer will be of the highest service to your audience. What is the #1 RESULT that they might get from your product if they show up and apply it to their life/business? You seriously have the opportunity to change and shift lives with your product-- the only thing that's in the way is SALES (AKA you communicating with excitement in a clear way what your thing is and how it will help your dream clients)! SO DO YOUR JOB AND GET EXCITED! 


Relationships will always be the center of heart-centered sales. So don't just post about your offer ONCE, do a Facebook or Instagram live where your audience can connect with you. Do some private invites to people that you genuinely think your offer would be a good fit for! Ask your friends to help share your offer. Don't just expect comments on your Black Friday post-- go comment on others' Black Friday posts and spread the love! Anytime you sell, amp up the connection and your visibility and your sales are guaranteed to correlate. It's not *just* a strategy that works (relationship building and connection), it's also what feels good!


It's totally not ONLY about the cash you'll bring in during your sale (though that is great!) but it's about actually seeing which people in your audience are READY for your work and ready to invest the time and money in it!! This helps you know who to invite to your next-level offer in 2021. Those humans that buy your $67 thing are only in because they ALIGN with how you do work and they trust you as the expert-- this is a HUGE win. You've already built trust with your free stuff, and now you can build trust and an even bigger win with your $67 thing, which makes your next level offer a no-brainer. 


It takes work to be clear and concise, but the clearer you are the easier it is for your clients to buy. Title. Price. Deliverables. How to Buy. Where to Contact you with Qs. Date and Time the deal starts and ends. MAKE IT SO CLEAR! 

8) Be a Broken Record

I know you’ll want to send ONE email and then hide- but remember a successful launch is often a dozen posts and several emails and several Facebook lives etc. The online space is noisy so don’t take it personally if people don’t buy on the first email. AND if people unsubscribe that’s okay too. COMMIT in advance to how long and how often you will talk about your offer and then stick to it. TAKE A STAND for your offer. I can’t tell you how many people BUY on the very last day, or reach out on the last week of a launch and say “I didn’t even know you were offering this!!” 

9) Excellence VS. Perfectionism

You want to deliver an excellent product but don't get stuck in perfection. Every time I re-launch a product I update it! You can't have a 2.0 without stepping out and doing a 1.0. All you need to make a sale is a account. You can deliver a workbook via google drive + email. You can schedule a client session via google calendar. Be excellent where it matters (i.e. showing up for your clients!) and release looking perfectly professional all of the time.


In Sell with Heart™ we talk about not just enduring objections but really *celebrating* them. Typically if someone is seriously considering your offer and picturing themselves in your program-- only then will they express a question about fit or worth. ASK for objections not just on sales calls but with your digital products too. On social, I'll ask, "What's keeping you on the fence with [product]?" At the end of my email, I'll write, "Hit reply to this email if you have any hesitations, I answer all my emails personally." You can trust yourself to answer any and all Qs honestly, so be a safe space for your audience to explore product fit with you!


There's no better feeling (and marketing) than taking care of your current and past clients. My humans stick around for a long time and I'm guessing yours do too! If you update a program-- consider giving past alumni access! Another way that I honor current clients is not discounting in my business in a way that undermines my current pricing structure.

Which of these 10 tips was the most helpful for you? I’d love to hear it below! 


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