The Secret That Finally Took the Pressure Off Picking a Niche

When I first committed to creating an online business, I was so stuck when it came to really niching down with my messaging and getting specific, and honestly, it was one of the utmost frustrating things in phases of my business. So, I want to share with you the big breakthrough that happened for me that not only helped get me through it, but helped me get onto the other side with action and paid client work. Are you ready to dive in?

Picking a Niche Does Not Define Who You Are

I’m an ultra-indecisive person and so, this was like a toxic formula for me at the start of my business when I was really working to get clear on my niche and my message.

The biggest fear that kept me for me from getting clear on my message was that I didn't want to choose the wrong thing.

I know this sounds crazy, but I felt like, “if I pick the wrong thing, I'm going to waste time”. I was afraid of the possibility of committing to something, trying it, having it be wrong, and then, having wasted all that time. So, what did I do instead? I wasted a lot of time not picking and not getting clear. I still ended up wasting time. The second course of action - or inaction - felt better for me because it seemed more in my control. It felt awful to not be clear in my business, but it didn't feel as awful as picking something that could be the wrong thing and wasting my time. That is how stuck I was.

What really freed me was when someone finally told me that as I pick my business, as I pick my niche, as I choose all the things within my business, I needed to remember that it doesn't define or change who I am.

I’m still Anna, I’m still me, and I’m going to be me no matter what I do.

Marketing Your Business: How Your Niche Change Everything

Niching is primarily about marketing. This blew my mind!

Because while niching doesn't change who I am, it definitely changes like the clarity at which people perceive my business.

I believe in being fierce and clear, picking one message or one core thing to lead with; this allows you to attract clients. Once those clients are attracted to you, you can serve them however feels best to you. Let me give you an example. If you're a fitness coach: a lot of health coaches come to me and say, "Should I focus more on fitness or on food?" Let's just say you pick a certain area of food, and you're talking about that all the time, and so, you're attracting this audience. If someone comes to you to work one-on-one, and they say, "Actually, I do want to focus on my health, but it's not really food I want to talk about; it's getting into a regular exercise routine." They are there in front of you, and you're working with them: you're going to help them out however they need to be helped. You're going to be present with them - of course, to the level that you're qualified - but you're going to help them however they need to be helped in that big umbrella of what you do. You don't have to say, "Oh! Well, that’s not my niche, so I can't help you with that." Of course, you can help them with that; that is what you're meant to do. When I was taught and reminded that my niche and my message was simply more about marketing and attracting people to me, it took so much pressure off.  When I work with women in their businesses one-on-one, we work on all sorts of things. When I’m in a session with them, I’ll say, "What do you most want to get out of this session?" That way, I know from the beginning what they need and are hoping to achieve, and I can be present with them there. I am sure to listen to whatever it is they're needing in their business: whether it's specific business strategies, life-coaching type of things, or even if they're struggling with stress that is affecting their business.

I found that after choosing a niche and getting clear, I have actually felt more freedom.

I have women in front of me that I'm working with one-on-one, and I can help and be present for them in whatever area they need.

When you're not clear in your message, you are not really attracting a clear audience.

Sometimes, you’re not even visible. However, once you’ve chosen a niche, attracted an audience, and they're in front of you, you can serve them the best that you can in the fullness of who you are and everything that you're qualified to do. I hope that that is helpful in realizing that as you're picking and making your best guess at 'What do I want to do for my business? What do I want to niche in? What do I want to specialize in?", yes, it is important that you get clear, that you pick, but remember, not only can shift your niche down the road, but it doesn't change who you are, or even what you do in some ways, because you're still you, and you're going to be present with and serve the people best that are in front of you.


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