Creating Passive Income with Suzie Agelopoulos


Episode Summary:

Business Mentor for Passive Income, Suzie Agelopoulos, is on the podcast today and she’s sharing her story of quitting her full time job and successfully building two multi-six figure businesses. I’m so grateful for this conversation though because we went beyond the money – Suzie talks about the importance of listening to your intuition, knowing your own patterns, and why you should focus on happiness over money. We’re ending the episode with some personalized affirmations for you no matter where you may find yourself currently in life and/or your business journey. Enjoy!

Discussed in this episode:

  • When Suzie knew she had to quit her full time job and find a different way to make money

  • Understanding and learning how to listen to your intuition to do the things that feel good 

  • Why your success depends on your ability to be all in in your business 

  • How to address your inner critic and the voice of fear when it shows up

  • Learning your own patterns and limiting beliefs and how to identify and overcome them 

  • The energy of money and it’s connection to your happiness 

  • Personal affirmations for you and where you’re currently at

Episode Resources:

About Suzie:

Suzie is the top mentor to those that want to create passive income and live a deeply passionate life. After successfully building two multi-six figure businesses while traveling to 49 countries, she has helped hundreds of women escape the 9-5 through her programs and mentorships.

  • ** This is a raw, unedited transcript.

    Anna Rapp (00:03):

    Hi friends. I'm so excited to welcome to the show, my friend, and also mastermind sister, Susie, who is a business mentor for passive income. So excited for her to share her story and expertise with us. But why don't you introduce yourself?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (00:16):

    Hi everyone. My name is Susie and I'm a business mentor for passive income specifically. I go hard with Airbnb <laugh> and I help women get their first units and get them up running and profiting. Even if you don't own property.

    Anna Rapp (00:35):

    I love that so much. Okay. So tell me a little bit about how you got started with all this.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (00:43):

    Well, <laugh> how I got started was a complete accident of sort, or maybe, maybe it's fate. It probably was fate <laugh>. And I was in a completely different business. I was in the restaurant business and I was just so miserable. I think the passionless life thing was really getting to me. And I knew that I like I needed to do something different even though my family has owned restaurants my entire life. And so I was actually looking for a restaurant in this period of time to buy, however, deep down, I really didn't want one. So I was not finding one for like two years straight. It was also this big Amazon boom in Seattle where I was living. And so everything was just very, very difficult at that time, but I think really what it was was my mind blocking it.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (01:39):

    So after two years of looking for a restaurant and waitressing and bartending and doing all the things in the, in the, in between one day, I just like got so tired and needed a change, started listening to a podcast that you know, was self development. And one day I just knew intuitively that I had to quit the restaurant business and move in a different direction, even though I didn't know what that was gonna be. So to make a long story short, I quit all of my restaurant jobs on in one week and had a little bit of money and savings and decided that I was just going to start researching or like going in the direction of the things that I was passionate about. And so I quit my jobs, but before I went, quote, unquote hard with that, <laugh> I needed a little trip to Bali <laugh>.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (02:37):

    So I was like, I'm gonna go to Bali and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna get to business. And so I went to Bali and that is actually where I found my answer, which was at a cooking class. I sat next to this older couple and they were traveling the world. And of course I was like that's exactly what I wanna be doing. And so I had no shame and I was like, how are you guys doing this? <Laugh> how are you making money? Or what did you do in your life to make money? And they said a lot of things, but we basically live off of a short term rental property in Hawaii. We live in the property three months a year, and then we rent it on Airbnb for the other nine months and we make $210,000 a year.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (03:27):

    And back then five years ago, $210,000 a year was about 22 million to me now <laugh> so I, I spent the rest of the cooking class, like questioning them about everything and then, you know, finished my vacation. And when I came home, you know, it was time to pay bills. And I was like, should I do that Airbnb thing? And I had used Airbnb before. It was, it was very new back then. Like when I started this, like lots of people didn't know about it or whatever. And I had used it before. I knew how it went. And so when the end of the month came and I, all the bills came out, I was like, oh crap. Like I need to make money. So I threw my little studio apartment in downtown Seattle up on Airbnb and it booked out and I made like $600 or something crazy on that weekend. And then I did it again, like a week later, I think it was like five days for 800. And I was like, how am I making money without doing anything? This is insane. And I literally moved out of that apartment, straight into my parents' house and put that unit up full time and replaced my income. I made like $50,000 that year on that studio apartment. And it just spiraled into, you know, eight more properties and teach helping other women and other people I should say teaching them the exact same thing.

    Anna Rapp (04:54):

    I love that so much. Thank you for sharing that story, Susie. Yeah. Okay. Take me back to, I love all of that, but I was especially captivated by that first part, when you were saying like that moment, when you felt like, you know, the restaurant industry like that whole, like, I feel like a lot of us, you know, have those moments. I know for me, I have several of those moments that one of those moments was when I, you know, was visiting my parents in San Diego. And I felt like I was supposed to say, and I canceled my plane tickets back to Redding, you know, like there are some of the, and I like, I'm just so fascinated in those moments. Cause for me, I'm someone that sometimes I feel like I have a hard time making decisions or I have a hard time overthinking. And yet there are these distinct periods in my life where I felt like it absolutely was not hard for me to make the, like, it just felt right. And it, you know, people look on the outside and say like, oh, that must have been so hard, but like what to maybe share some of your thoughts or experiences around maybe some of those more bigger decisions that you made.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (05:52):

    Yeah. I mean, if I, if I knew then what I know now, <laugh> I, I would be listening to my intuition a lot harder back then. And I, I just didn't even know what I knew, what the word intuition meant, but I didn't really understand that it's an actual guidance system. <Laugh> yes. I had no idea until I, you know, basically couldn't take it anymore. I was ready to literally choke my boss because this person that was younger than me was trying to order me around. And it, it, it's kind of like life made me look at it and my intuition was of course screaming. And also I still wouldn't look at it. So then life like made me look at it and I was so miserable that I had to quit. But from that one intuitive decision that led to basically a whole new life. Now I make all of my decisions from just how it feels in my body and what my intuition says. And, and trust me, it's like so much more lucrative to do that. <Laugh> yeah, because we, we know, we know the answer.

    Anna Rapp (07:00):

    Oh, let's talk about that for a minute. Is that okay? Yeah. Cause I feel like, especially like probably people listening to this podcast, right. There might be some people that are like in the middle of a big decision, whether it's quitting their job or whether it's they have a business and they're thinking about pivoting in their business. Right. Tell me a little bit more about maybe what are some intuitive decisions right now in your life that you're working on and what, like, how does that practically look like you tapping into and tuning into and making decisions by intuition?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (07:31):

    Well, I mean, even from okay, from back then, it was like, I'm not happy doing this. Let's do something else. What I want it to look like is a lot less work for a lot more money <laugh> and I literally thought that I literally thought that, and I think I manifested Airbnb cuz that's exactly why Airbnb is. Yes. And once I started Airbnb, I started, you know, of course listening to more podcasts that led me to a online marketing podcast. And as soon as I started listening to it, I was like, oh my God, this sounds something like something I would love. I don't really know if it's for me because how can I do that? Like how could I actually make that work? And so once I started learning about online marketing more, I was like, yes, this is for me because it just felt right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (08:16):

    So then I moved in that direction. Then I was doing online coaching. And when Airbnb like kind of came back into my life, like to teach it, I just had a decision there. And it was like, I, I think that I wanna do Airbnb. I think that feels better than, you know, the other thing that I was doing. So then I pivoted again, just from the way it felt. And then that blew up for me. And now I do the same thing all the time. It's like, whether it's in business or we were just talking about where I you know, where I am, am living or what I am doing, it's always really like, okay, how do I feel about this? What do I really want? What is the, what is, how actually, what feelings do I wanna feel and why would I not do the thing that feels good and makes sense in my mind, it's usually fear or it's like, I'm scared that a program's not gonna fill out or anything like that.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (09:22):

    And then now I can sit with that and just be like, and if it doesn't, is that okay? And I can, I can be with that. And I, I just say, yes it's okay. And now I do it anyways. And nine, well, 10 times out of 10, it always works. It always fills out it always whatever. So I think it's really like, if you are, if you're feeling called to go in a different direction or pick a different niche or even start your business altogether, it's like, think about why you wanna do it and what part of you doesn't wanna do it. And if it's like the fear or the ego, like pulling you away from that intuition, that's what you gotta kind of identify.

    Anna Rapp (10:08):

    I love that. I mean, I feel like you gave us like a baby manifesting course. Right? I love how you said, like, how do I feel? What do I want? Right. That's the clarity I love that you said, why would I not do the thing that feels good? Right. That's like clearing the fears. And I also love that piece of detachment that you phrased as, and if it doesn't happen, am I okay? Right. Yep. Yeah. Like, you're welcome podcast listeners for that baby manifesting course. <Laugh>

    Suzi Agelopoulos (10:34):

    Yeah. Like, honestly, that's, that's really what it is when it comes down to it and where things go wrong is when we get to our, our head about it or we're too scared to sit with. Well, what if it doesn't book like, well, what if it doesn't? What, what if you don't fill something out, then you just like, literally don't fill something out. <Laugh> like, and, and what, yeah.

    Anna Rapp (10:59):

    Tell me, like, tell me about a time when you felt like in any of the things you've wanted in your life or business that, tell me about a time when you got stuck in your head.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (11:11):

    I mean many times <laugh>, but before I launched my Airbnb course, I was really only doing one-on-one coaching for online businesses and Airbnb. And this was, this was a course. And so it just was different. It felt different and it's not different, but it felt different. It felt like I had to like, you know, be bigger and, and be louder and all that stuff. And that kind of scared me. So I would just like, spiraly into what if it doesn't work? What if it doesn't work? Oh my God. If it doesn't work. And I remember, you know, we have the same coach, so I was, I, I was like lazy. Okay, fine. My goal will be to sell one one course. And she was like, excuse me, <laugh>

    Suzi Agelopoulos (11:59):

    You like, I don't, I mean, that's, that's fine and everything, but like, you're not doing all this work to sell one course. And I was like, but I'm just so scared. No, what if nobody buys it? And I, I remember in that time I spiraled and then came a moment where I was like, I'm either on board or I'm not mm-hmm <affirmative>. And from, from that decision to be on board or not, I just committed to doing all the social media posts that I needed to do and all the work that needed to be done behind it and all of that kind of stuff. And that launch was basically what taught me that like, when you can get on board, everything goes smoothly because you're taking all the action and you're thinking about, you know, how, how great you're gonna do and everything like moves in alignment. Whereas if you are not on board and you're totally scared and you're totally in your head, then it's almost like putting up wall of resistance on, on that. So it, it just makes everything 10 times harder.

    Anna Rapp (13:00):

    It's so true. I love that. You said that, right? Like when we are fully on board with our dream, when, with our vision, when we're fully bought in one of my favorite affirmations at the start of my business was my success is inevitable. Right? Like, duh, like I remember even like telling Lacey very early on, like, as I was like, figuring out my business niche, like, I don't even know what business I'm gonna have. I don't even know what's gonna look like, but I know I'm gonna be successful. I don't wanna make a F ton of money. Right. Yeah. And like, for some people that might sound egotistical, but for me, it was just me being locked in on, like, I know it's not gonna be cute. I know it's gonna be messy, but at the end, I know I'm gonna get what I want. And I think that's what helped me get there. So fast is I was like you said, like locked in on, like I was on board with myself. Right? Yeah.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (13:41):

    And you hired a coach before you even knew.

    Anna Rapp (13:45):

    Yeah, absolutely.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (13:46):


    Anna Rapp (13:47):

    I mean, I had like done some dabbling, but I definitely was not making like a ton of money. You know what I mean? Okay.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (13:52):

    I see. So you kind of like had an idea, but you weren't really sure what yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Anna Rapp (13:55):

    Is there like four different things

    Suzi Agelopoulos (13:57):

    That, that, that like hiring of the co coach is like, what basically you you're telling yourself, oh, what we're doing this, like, this is happening.

    Anna Rapp (14:07):

    Yes. Yeah. You're right. There is so much in that decision, whether it's like investing. Right. Even think about what the Airbnb Z stuff like buying a property or, you know, the method you like, we, it's almost like we have to have the faith. We have to have that belief and start acting on it. Whether it's with our money, our time, our energy, our resources that has to come before. Yeah. The evidence, which is a little bit sucky and that like, sometimes we wanna know that we won't fail. Right. But a lot of times I think it's like beautiful that like God designed the world that way, because I think it really makes us be bolder and like expose ourself. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (14:43):

    Yeah. And I would go as far as to say, I think belief is like part of the equation of getting what you want. Like if you don't have that belief, like, I I've never met anyone that didn't believe what they, something that they got <laugh>. Yes. You know, so it's like, you have to have it, you have to get on board with yourself. You have to make decisions that are in alignment with the thing that you want. And when you do that, even when you're scared, even when you're not even sure if it's gonna work, but when you do that, you would be shocked at the results.

    Anna Rapp (15:14):

    It's so true. What are some of the things that you're wanting next in your life or your business that you're using your manifestation powers towards

    Suzi Agelopoulos (15:24):

    <Laugh> yeah. Like, okay. So right in this moment, I am launching a, a retreat in Greece. So I've never launched well, okay. That's a lie. I launched a retreat, but I launched it with another person. So this is like my first solo retreat. And just because I have a successful business and, you know, have done a bunch of offerings that have worked doesn't mean that now I'm just like, everything works. It's all good. Like, I I'm just so, so, so confident. I, I don't know, like I maybe it'll go away sometime <laugh>, but it still shows up like I'm about to launch this retreat. Is anyone even gonna really buy it? Is anyone gonna wanna come? Like all that kind of stuff? Even when all the evidence is there. So if you don't have evidence yet, and you feel like that, just know when you have evidence, you're still gonna feel like that.

    Anna Rapp (16:16):

    <Laugh> ah, I am so glad you said that Susie, because I know for me, like every time I launch something, especially if it's something brand new, I absolutely feel that way. I'm like, who's gonna wanna buy this thing. Like, am I crazy for launching? You know what, I love that you said that because I think for us, the reason why it doesn't bother us so much is we know that's normal. Right? We're like, oh yeah. Here's that thing again. I'm feeling unqualified. But I think at the start, when you're not around mastermind mastermind, sisters, right. You're like, I, that must mean it's not gonna work. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (16:48):

    Actually, I think that's what joining our mastermind. I think that's what helped me the most. I was seeing women that were much more successful than me having the same issues. And I was like, who

    Anna Rapp (16:59):

    <Laugh> you were like, OK, it doesn't go away. Just cause you're making millions of dollars. You you're still having mindset issues. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (17:04):

    Literally millions and still having mindset issues.

    Anna Rapp (17:07):

    Yes. And it's so permission giving because you're like, oh, that makes sense. I don't make, now I just deal with the mindset stuff instead of making myself wrong for having the fears. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (17:16):

    100%, like, you know, it's all in our head. In fact, I was just talking to my girlfriend about my grease retreat. And I was like, I don't know what if it doesn't fill out. And she was like, okay, let me just stop you there. Everything you do fills out. And I was like, does it? <Laugh>

    Anna Rapp (17:31):

    Like I had, I had to

    Suzi Agelopoulos (17:32):

    Think about that. Like, I don't know. Does it like, and so that just saying that, like I'm saying that because you have to realize that all of our minds play tricks on us. Yes. All of us like, do I think I can do it? Absolutely. Yeah. It probably will fill out, do I have that mindset block 100% <laugh> but I'm gonna do it anyway.

    Anna Rapp (17:53):

    Yes. Yeah. And just so interesting because I think there's this like side of our, you know, we have like these sides of us, right. The side of us that like, no, like is deeply rooted in the fact that something will sell out. But then also there's this other side of us that never really goes away. That's like, are you sure? Or what if this happens or what, what do you think is your relationship to that fear side or that side that like wants to keep us safe or smaller?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (18:19):

    Yeah. That's a great question. I, I don't like villainize it anymore. Yeah. I just realize that it's a part of me that will literally never go away. <Laugh> yeah. That is trying to protect me from probably disappointment or, you know, some emotion close to disappointment and is saying like, or it's, it's like protecting me for the, from the unknown. If I do fill it out and I make all this money and who am I gonna be then? And that's different and that's uncomfortable. And so it's kind of like just, it's just a protection mechanism. And when you can really embrace that, it's not, so you, you don't have to be so resistant to it. You can just like befriend it and get to know it and listen to its messages. And then it's, you know, it's not so amplified in your life.

    Anna Rapp (19:10):

    Ugh. So good. Do you think that that voice ever has any validity or do you think I'm just genuinely asking or do you think it is complete lies?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (19:19):

    No, I think it, I think it has validity. I think it, you know, we live in a well, two things, like sometimes the voice is obnoxious, so it's like, don't make a million dollars because that doesn't feel safe. <Laugh> and you're like, excuse me. <Laugh> like, what the are you talking about? <Laugh> okay. But maybe it's from a pattern from the past where, you know, we had a certain, we lived in a certain range of money and maybe having more money meant actually, like it would be bad. Like maybe somebody would be jealous of you or, you know, I don't know some sort of dynamic in, in your family or around you, it, it actually might mean like somebody's gonna like, you know, be mad at you or something. And so that pattern still lives with us and comes out in different ways. And so half of it, I think is. Half of it is patterns from the past that our brain is trying to keep us, you know, in, in the range of, and half of it is just like obnoxious fears.

    Anna Rapp (20:23):

    So in, so do you think that none of it, I mean, I've never really liked that about this way before, but do you think like it's like, do you think that any of it's helpful or do you think none of it's helpful?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (20:35):

    I, I almost think it doesn't even matter what we think about it <laugh> because it

    Anna Rapp (20:40):

    Stay in. Yeah.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (20:41):

    So if we don't start at least hearing what it has to say, and maybe some of it is helpful, we just, you know, maybe, usually not, but maybe some parts of it are helpful. Like not, not jumping off a cliff into water that could get killed

    Anna Rapp (20:57):

    <Laugh> yes. But,

    Suzi Agelopoulos (20:58):

    But also most of it is not, but again, like the, the, the key is not to just like, you know, I don't have fear. I'm not gonna have fear, no fear, like, no, we have fear. And it's all about just hearing what it has to say. And then it just, it, it loosens, it, it weakens it, it softens or whatever, whatever. And so listen to it, regardless of what you think about it, you gotta listen to

    Anna Rapp (21:23):

    It. Yeah. <Laugh> yeah, I totally agree. I like, in my like, daily check-in I like write out my fears and stuff like that. And I think a lot of people react to that. Like, well, why would you give energy or attention to your fears? Like, will that make them bigger? But I think for me, it actually makes it smaller when it's like, I have space for it. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not like dwelling at it all day long, but I think, like you said, like when we give it space, it doesn't throw as much of a tantrum because it knows it has like a voice with us

    Suzi Agelopoulos (21:52):

    100%. That's it

    Anna Rapp (21:54):

    So interesting. Yep. Okay. Let's see. What else do you wanna share with us?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (22:05):

    I Don know, what do you,

    Anna Rapp (22:06):

    What are you learning right now? What do you, what do you feel like you're learning right now in life and business? Like what are those biggest lessons?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (22:12):

    I think the, I think the main thing is kind of what we're talking about. It's like really becoming fully, fully aware. It's, it's so crazy because when I started this whole entrepreneurial journey, I never UN really truly realized or understood that what I would be doing is just like, you know, refining a process of like getting more and more and more aware of what I do, why I do it, what's going on in my brain <laugh>. And so I'm, I I'm really listening and trying to be super duper present when, you know, some of my, my bad habits kick in or the thoughts come up or, you know, any of that kind of stuff. So it's like ne next level awareness and presence around my own patterns and the, the different ways that I like still to this day limit myself or sabotage myself, or when I'm trying to make more money, like so many things come up, patterns come up and really identifying them as like super empowering and, you know, changes them kind of in real time. So I am working on my making more money, but not just for the sake of making more money, kind of like trying to understand why it's so scary for me. And in that process, like I learned so much about me and my boundaries and, and my, you know, the ways in which I want to take care of myself better, that I don't even know exist.

    Anna Rapp (23:51):

    <Laugh> where yes, it is so true. Like as we make more money, it is really, this means of refinement if we allow it to be, yeah. When, when you work with your clients around money mindset stuff, like, what do you feel like are some of their biggest blocks or hurdles to making more money?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (24:07):

    It's typically this stuff where, you know, there's there's patterns or there's like family things that come in mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you know, to play dynamics. I have one client that and this is probably like very, very common, but I have one client that is like super scared to like outearn her father. And what, what does that mean? And will he still love her? And you know, all of that kind of stuff. So when that comes up, it's usually really apparent because the client or me will get to a certain point and then it's like, just so hard to get above it, or they stop being consistent or, you know, they're, they sabotage in some form. So it's really about like, watching what's happening without judgment or shame. And just, just thinking, like, just seeing the pattern. Okay. I'm getting to 10 K months. And then it's really hard for, for me to go above that.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (25:08):

    You're not dumb. You're not a loser. You're, you're not bad at business. It's probably a pattern from the past or something like that to, to take a look at the, you know, to take a look at. And so when we can do that, when we can stop doing that crap to ourselves, like we are stupid, we are dumb. Like we just can't make more. Like, those are the actual limitations that we're like, just, you know, making things mean something instead, I just try to get really, really like, neutral about it and just observe, and again, with the awareness, like, just watch what is happening, how am I do, how am I limiting? What am I doing? And of course the same with all of my clients.

    Anna Rapp (25:48):

    I love that so much. Just that like gentle awareness. Right. I do think you're right. Like, cuz at the end of the day, it often does come back to like either a fear of losing safety, a fear of losing love. Right. Cause I think as like humans, we need that to survive. Like we need to be safe. We need to be loved and connected to the world. Yeah. So I think it, in our minds subconsciously when we think that earning Moore is gonna remove one of those things from us, of course you would play it small. Right?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (26:16):

    Absolutely. And I, I think people don't really understand that like that past, you know, our past is absolutely fully present in our body until we acknowledge the things that are happening or process something so that it can be on its way. And so I think those are just kind of like the body being like, Hey, like you still have something around safety or you still have something around money and can you please look at this here I am. And so those that can look at it usually win

    Anna Rapp (26:50):

    <Laugh> oh my gosh. It's so true. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and I think like, whether I, like, I think about just the different things I've like tried to go after, in my life, whether it's love. Right. Whether it's like body stuff, whether it's money. Yeah. Like the good and the bad is that leg is all the same. Right? Yeah. Like it's all like the same. Like for me, I have like a lot of like safety stuff that comes up. Right. Because of some unfortunate things that happen to me and like my partnership. Right. But I think I see like, you know, it is God's way for me of like really forcing me to heal and look at some stuff, no matter what I'm trying to get at in my life or my business. Right. I'm turned back to healing some of this stuff. And as I heal it, it helps me in all the areas. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (27:34):

    Like that is 100%. It <laugh>

    Anna Rapp (27:37):

    So annoying, so annoying, so good. But the good news is it means that no matter what we're going after in our life, we have the opportunity to like heal the pattern. Right.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (27:49):

    100%. Yep. I think that's the point of life heal

    Anna Rapp (27:53):

    The pat. Interesting.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (27:54):

    Heal the patterns and move on and have a good, happy life. Like that's that's the whole point.

    Anna Rapp (28:02):

    Oh, tell me more.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (28:03):

    <Laugh> well, I think a lot of things for me personally, like just coming from my background of like my parents, like not really happy, you know, they, they just live in their emotional state of less than happy, some less, more, more miserable than others <laugh> and, and growing up with that, it kind of makes you feel like you have to stay there. So when it's all said and done, it's like, I'm actually healing myself to just become happier. And when you're happier, you just attract all the things and all the money and it's actually a frequency in a vibration. So it's like, actually that is what it is. So the goal is not to be the richest person. The goal is to be the happiest person. And then the richest come with that.

    Anna Rapp (28:54):

    Oh my. I mean, it's so true. Right. And for those of you listening that like, like, I feel like if I were to listen to this five years ago, this would like irritate the F outta me. You know what I mean? Like, but I, cause I think when you're in a place of survival, maybe you're listening this podcast right now and you're in a situation where you don't have enough money. Maybe you're in a relationship where you're not feeling loved and safe. Right. Yeah. And I think like when I've been in both of those situations before, honestly, where I was in survival mode and I just needed, I didn't know how to get out. Right. And so I just wanna say to you, if you're in that boat, Susan and I love you so much. Right? Yeah. And we are trusting that like the money is important, right? Yeah. Like you deserve to have money, you deserve to be safe. But what we wanna say to you is there's something beyond that you deserve to.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (29:41):


    Anna Rapp (29:42):

    And what are your thoughts on that, Susie?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (29:45):

    Yeah. No, I, I, 100% agree. Like he, I totally understand it. If I heard that five years ago, I'd be like F you F you right now. <Laugh>

    Suzi Agelopoulos (29:54):

    But I guess what I didn't understand back then is I thought that was the goal mm-hmm <affirmative>, but it, it really, it, it, it, and I'm not saying a lot of money, isn't the goal. But I'm saying now that I know what I know about really just becoming the best version of myself, it really does come down to happiness when I feel, and even an ounce happier than the day before more money comes. Yes. And it it's like money. Money is an energy that is attracted to these really high emotional states. So if you're in a, in a relationship or even a friendship that makes you feel like crap every day. Yep. Please know that that is affecting your money. That is

    Anna Rapp (30:43):

    Wow. Wow. It's okay. Say it again. Say it. Someone needs to hear that. Say it again. Excuse

    Suzi Agelopoulos (30:48):

    Me. <Laugh> when you're in a partnership or a relationship that is less than desirable, it, 100% is affecting your mind and your mind is the thing that is pulling in or like re or deflecting. What's that word?

    Anna Rapp (31:04):

    Yeah. Reflecting deflecting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Detracting walking and walking. Yeah. Whatever. I think that's so good because I think like on a practical level, right? Like I think it is useful to see like, oh, these, you know, this relationship or this friendship or this coach or this it's okay. And it's safe for me to end the things in my life that are blocking me from happiness that are blocking me from energetic. Positivity. How would you say it?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (31:33):

    Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's exactly what it is. It's like the, it, it's your energy. That's actually getting you all of the rewards in life. So if like you have a toxic best friend or something that always does pull some, and then you feel like crap for three days, well guess what? Like that, that brings your energetic level down. And you know, like you, you, you basically attract your energy level to you on all fronts, like men or women, friends, money, opportunities, synchronicities, like it, there, it is attracted to you and who you're being and your energetic level. And so when we can clear those things out, like you will be shocked at how the riches roll right on in, and the riches could look like opportunities, like immediate opportunities or immediate clients in your inbox when you pick you. Right. <laugh>

    Anna Rapp (32:40):

    My job. It's so true. And I think sometimes kinda like we were talking about with the job quitting thing, sometimes I think we have to release and clear. Yeah. We want the new best friend to come in before we let go of the old best friend. Yeah. But what I've seen time and time again, is usually the universe requires us to infa, let go and release the things that are not serving us. And then we have to sit in the void and the discomfort. Yeah. And trust that the new thing is gonna come in. Right. And I think a lot of what keeps us from setting the boundary from letting go, I know for me, was believing that I was wor like, like I, my, my therapy job is great. Like, am I being spoiled to quit it and want something more? Yeah. Right. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (33:15):

    Like, and so let's, can we do something experiential? Is that okay? Yeah. Uhhuh. Okay. So let's a Susie and I, if you're listening to this, I just feel called to like, let's share some affirmations over you. Cause I think a lot of this is like worthiness stuff, feeling bad about wanting or deserving. And so we're just gonna speak some affirmations over you. As you're listening to this wherever you're at in your car, doing the dishes of what you are worthy and deserving of in your life. Especially if you are in a community or friend circle where your friends aren't super ambitious. Or for me, my parents weren't entrepreneurs, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So the first thing I wanna say to you is you deserve you deserve happiness. Like you deserve, you know, even if you grew up in a house where you feel like, you know, it was survival, like you deserve another level of happiness, what else would you say are the listeners deserve?

    Suzi Agelopoulos (34:05):

    I would say you deserve to have a passion filled or purposeful life.

    Anna Rapp (34:14):

    Yeah. I love that. I would also say you deserve to be in girl friendships that like light you up and inspire you.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (34:23):

    Yeah, definitely. That you deserve to have romantic relationships that light you up and make you feel good every day.

    Anna Rapp (34:34):

    Okay. That's good. I would say you deserve a team. If you have a business where you feel so supported, whether it's your coach or your VA, like the pinch me, like, I can't believe these humans that are making my life easier.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (34:49):

    Oh, I love that. <Laugh> you, you deserve to hit your first 10, 20 K month wherever you are and feel very safe in doing that and continue to grow from there.

    Anna Rapp (35:07):

    Oh, I love that. I would say too, you deserve to live in a house in a city that you feel confident, comfortable, excited about.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (35:20):

    Ooh, I like that. That's for me, <laugh>

    Anna Rapp (35:22):


    Suzi Agelopoulos (35:23):

    Anything else? Probably everything. I think, I think I'm just going to just mirror what you said at first and just say like, really like, really, if you're listening to this, you really, really deserve to be happy. Yes. Like just being happy, literally changes the game.

    Anna Rapp (35:46):

    Yes. And if you're listening to this and you're like, how do I know if I'm happy or not? You're probably not happy. And so it's like not making it wrong. Right. But believing and knowing like it's safe for me to go after whatever I need to sh whatever shifts I need to happen in my life. One thing I will not compromise on is my peace, my happiness, my groundedness, that inner, like, what would you say? Like what color or sensation do you feel like you have when you're peaceful? Grounded, happy, Susie,

    Suzi Agelopoulos (36:15):

    What color? Probably. I don't know why, but purple just came into my mind. <Laugh>

    Anna Rapp (36:24):

    I love that. Yeah. For me, I think like when I'm happy, I feel like almost like a blue, like, cuz for me, like I think like ocean ah, is so grounding. And so I think, I just feel like time stops a little bit like postex bliss. Like I just, but like in regular life, you know, it just feels like that grounded happiness spot. And I think for a lot of years, I didn't know. I could access that.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (36:49):

    Yeah. Oh, I definitely didn't know. I could access that <laugh> yeah, but it is true. I've been miserable. So if I can do it, anybody can do it.

    Anna Rapp (36:58):

    I love that. Okay. Susie, thank you for being on the show. If you guys are listening and if any of those affirmations stood out for you, like please tag us on Instagram. We're both on Insta and share with us what stood out for you, Susie. If people are listening to this and they're like, I wanna do the Airbnb thing. I wanna learn more from Susie. I wanna do her money, mindset stuff. I wanna go to Greece with her, tell our listeners how they can find you. My love.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (37:21):

    Yes. The easiest way to buy me is on Instagram. It's at Susie travel and all of my stuff is in my bio. Or you could send me a DM and I'll direct you in whatever, whatever direction you wanna go.

    Anna Rapp (37:35):

    Thank you so much, Susie.

    Suzi Agelopoulos (37:37):

    Thank you.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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