Get Paid to Read My Book!


Episode Summary:

I am beyond excited to share that I wrote a book and I would love for you to read it and journey with me on this topic and give me your feedback as an early reader. The book will be officially released next year, but I would love for you to come with me behind the scenes, especially if you have writing a book on your own heart or you've dreamed of being an author, this is a great way for you to experience the process firsthand. So, listen to the full episode to hear what the book is about and how it will help you bring more financial peace and security into your business and how that can change your daily life. Then, sign up to become an early access reader so you can start making (and saving) more money today!

Discussed in this episode:

  • Understanding that the peace and consistency in your business doesn’t always come from your monthly income but rather your cash reserves 

  • The reminder that words have power and the difference between an emergency fund and a Freedom Fund™

  • How Anna built her own Freedom Fund™ from zero to $20k to $200k

  • Anna’s journey of writing her book and how it was birthed from a completely different story 

  • The Sunk Cost Principle and truly believing that nothing is wasted and you are where you need to be

Episode Resources:

  • ** This is a raw, unedited transcript.

    Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hello, my sweet podcast community. I am beyond excited to share some news with you today, and that is that I wrote a book, I wrote a book, and I would love for you to read it and journey with me on this topic and give me your feedback as an early reader getting early access. I'm gonna be launching it next year but I would love for you to come with me behind the scenes, especially if some of you guys have a book on your heart, you've dreamed of being an author. This is a great way for you to experience the process firsthand. I'm gonna tell you also what the book is about today so you can learn about this kind of a newer topic that I'm gonna be sharing with you about more and more. And I also wanna share with you today on this episode why nothing is wasted, How I wrote 80% of one book and then completely really scraped it and started from scratch that whole journey.

    Anna Rapp (00:57):

    I also want to yeah, just, just, I have a lot to share, but if you know you wanna be an early reader, would you please head to the link in the show notes of this podcast and there's more details there on how to join in. So pause this podcast head over there, and I would love for you to be an early reader with me and give me your feedback. It would, it is gonna take about between one and three hours to read based on your reading speed. But it, it's gonna be worth your time. It's a, it's a book I'm so proud of. Okay, so I wanna tell you a little bit about what it is. So it's called Freedom Fund 20 K Freedom Fund, How to Build Your 20 K Freedom Fund in 90 Days. And some of you may not know my story, so I'm just gonna tell it from scratch.

    Anna Rapp (01:43):

    And that is really that it, I had a business, I was making some money, you know, I was, I feel like I was making good money and grateful for what my business was creating, but I wasn't feeling peaceful or stable or calm in my money. I wasn't feeling grounded. And I looked to a lot of things to try to create stability in my money. I tried doing really intense budgeting softwares and there's nothing wrong with budgeting softwares, but I was really like haphazardly downloading all of the budgeting softwares I could find. I, you know, fired my bookkeeper because I really felt like I needed to figure out how to do my own business bookkeeping. I just, I was trying so many things and nothing was creating a failing of stability. I see this for my clients too, even when they're monetizing in their business, you know, maybe their cash months are up and down and honestly in business that's super normal, right? Ideally in the big picture, your business is growing year after year and quarter after quarter. But from month to month, it's super normal for your business to go up and down. Like let's say, you know, you're wine to make consistent 5K months, you don't work for an employer, right? You have money coming in from clients. Maybe sometimes people pay in full, maybe sometimes you have a lunch. So

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    A business that's making 5K months, it's gonna look like three K, seven k, 5k, 4k, nine k, two K, 12 k, 5k, you know what I'm saying? Like that's normal. And for someone like me, that creates stability. How we create that is not trying to make the same exact amount of money every month because that is just maddening and it's not gonna happen. But what we can do is create consistency on how much money we take home in our business. And we do that by creating a cash reserve. So this is really what a freedom fund is. It is 20 k, $20,000 in the bank. I outline it in detail in my book, like all the things of what to do and not to do and how to create that quickly. But the goal is so that you have that reserve. So that for me, having that money in the bank really meant that I was able to have the freedom to not take on clients that weren't a fit for me, right?

    Speaker 2 (03:53):

    That I was able to kind of put my business on the back burner a little bit while I was going through my divorce, right? Like the goal is that it creates freedom for you to live your life how you wanna live it. And that's what I, when people say I wanna create consistent income, that's really what they're wanting is freedom and flexibility and peace and groundedness. And that doesn't come from the perfect amount of bit money coming into your business every month. It comes from your cash reserve. Even large corporations have a cash reserve. So I think it's so important to create that in your business but also in your life, right? Many people call this in emergency fund, but what I noticed as I've been talking to women about this more and more and helping them create their own freedom funds, the word emergency has a really bad connotation, right?

    Speaker 2 (04:39):

    We're almost manifesting an emergency, right? We're almost like wanting the car to break down. We're wanting like, you know, I think words have power. And so I for really wanna advocate for like, can we stop calling them an emergency fund? Who wants to have an emergency? But we do wanna have freedom, right? I think the other thing calling it a freedom fund does is it gives us permission to spend it because I'm all for saving money, but also what good is saving money? I talk about this in the book too, if you're not willing to spend it when you need to, right? I think so. A savings makes it feel like I'm putting this money in prison and I can never access it. No, it's still your money, right? So we're hesitant to save because we're like, Ooh, but, but I'm not gonna be able to access it, right?

    Speaker 2 (05:22):

    You can access it, it's your money. It's just be really picky on what you choose to access it for. Access it for your freedom. Is it something that's gonna give you freedom, right? Anyway, you know, I could talk about this forever, that's why I wrote an entire dang book on it. But I'm really excited to help you create a freedom fund 20 k for your business or for your personal life. For me, I created 20 K in the bank in about 90 days. Think it was a little bit less. And then from there I was able to, in two years create 200 K cash, right? But I feel like, like the 20 K was the hardest part and the part that really shifted everything for me and really exploded me into more cash creation. So that's why I focus the book on creating 20 k from zero in the bank.

    Speaker 2 (06:11):

    So if that topic interests you at all, please join the early access book club. I would love to have you on this journey. I would love to help you create your freedom fund. I would also love your feedback on the book. How I'm doing it is I don't just want you to be out there listening to the podcast, reading the book by yourself. I wanna get to know you. And so I'm doing a QA session and a masterclass, a one hour zoom call where we're gonna talk about the freedom fund that you are creating after we read the book. So here's how it goes. Costs $19 for the Class Freedom Fund master class, and you get early access to the book. And if you read the book before we meet on the zoom call, if you can't join live, you can watch the replay, then I refund you back your money for the book, for the class.

    Speaker 2 (06:59):

    You get all the things. And also I'm gonna be splitting the money that I make on this back to all of you. And so if you read the book, not only will you get your money back, but you'll be making more from the women that sign up and don't read the book <laugh>. So I hope that's a little carrot for you that you can start generating cash for your freedom fund in this way. And I hope it's a carrot that you don't just sign up, that you prioritize that hour to read it. Because I don't know about you, but I put off my financial future and my financial self-care way too long in my business. I was really telling myself the story around like, you know, I don't know, we really think self-care is selfish and I feel like I was worrying about and caring for everyone else.

    Speaker 2 (07:40):

    Well, I was not feeling financially stable. And so I really feel like prioritizing my own financial stability, my own financial self care is the one of the biggest gifts I gave myself, but also the people that I love, right? You deserve to be completely financially stable and then you can focus on other people and being generous, Like I get that you guys are heart centered and have big hearts, but focus on getting your own booty and gear first. And it might mean for a short season you're not able to be as generous. It might mean for a short season, you know, you are doubling down on your sales actions. But like then afterwards you can focus. It's like when people like are obsessed with scaling their business before they assigned a client. You know, like let's talk about things that irritate me <laugh>, right? Like give yourself permission to be fully booked with clients and then focus on how are you going, you know, I'm just teasing.

    Speaker 2 (08:30):

    It doesn't really irritate me. I'm just giving you a hard time, right? But like, then you can focus on building your team and launching groups and courses, et cetera, right? But it's like, let's focus on building your own financial stability and then from that place you can be generous from a really grounded place and then you're making sure you're being generous, not from like co-dependency or care taking, but from true abundant overflow and generosity. Okay? let's see, what else do I wanna say? Okay, that's what the book is about. A little backstory about this book, because I know some of you guys have books on your heart. <Laugh>, I was writing a book for about two years behind the scenes on sales. I do believe this book will birth out into the world eventually. It's just not quite ready yet. But I was working on it and it was just feeling a little bit stuck.

    Speaker 2 (09:20):

    Okay? Raise your hand if you've ever worked on something in your life or business. And it was just feeling stuck. And you guys know I'm a big fan of like pushing through the resistance, blah, blah, blah, being uncomfortable, but there becomes a point where it's like, mmm, no, this is like abnormally hard, right? So I'm a big fan of like taking a pause and asking yourself like, what do I need to do to shift this, right? So I realized that I really had another book on my heart and I kind of started writing it behind the scenes and it was just flowing out of me. And so eventually I made the hard call to pause the sales book and go all in on this money book. And I'm so glad that I did. I did have a moment of like all the time I spent writing that book all the time.

    Speaker 2 (10:04):

    Like, it's okay in your life too, if you are working on something and you know it's time to release something in your life or in your business. I feel like some people need this message right now, right? It's okay to grieve, it's okay to have a moment. It's okay to be upset, but then do the right thing and move towards the alignment, right? Google sunk cost principle if you haven't googled that principle yet. But I really feel like some of you listening to this, there's something in your life that you are wondering is that, you know, sunk cost is essentially, you know, you buy a concert ticket, you guys know I've been going to more live events lately, right? You buy a concert ticket, it's 50 bucks, but then you find out it's your girlfriend's birthday this weekend and you're like, I can't get a refund on the ticket, but I think I'm willing to lose the 50 bucks cause I really don't wanna miss my girlfriend's birthday, right?

    Speaker 2 (10:52):

    It's a sun cost. The 50 bucks is already spent, so be upset about it, but still make the right decision instead of like, I'm gonna attend the concert but be upset at the concert the whole time. Cause I'm missing my girlfriend's party, right? Let yourself grieve the sunk cost. It's behind you, it's a lesson learned and now go do the aligned right thing, right? It's, you know, again, it's important to know when to overcome resistance, but it's also important to know when our intuition is guiding us into a new direction. Even if it costs you something, even if it costs you something and really owning the truth that there are no wasted experiences, there are no wasted dollars, there are no wasted hours. Everything is bringing you to this place. I really believe that me getting 80% on that book was what I needed to get a hundred percent on this new book in two, in two months, right?

    Speaker 2 (11:43):

    Knowing that everything is bringing you to where you are right now, nothing is wasted, nothing is wasted my love, nothing is wasted shift. If you need to shift, if you need to stop resisting, stop resisting, move forward in this time right here and right now and knowing that like even in this moment of time you're listening to this podcast is divine timing. Maybe this was the message you needed to hear. And knowing that whether it's a relationship, whether it's a book, whether it's a business idea, whatever it is, it's safe for you to release something if it's feeling like massive resistance, if it's feeling like mass, it's safe to let go. It's safe to drop the auras and to float downstream towards the direction of the path that's right for you. Can you trust? Can you surrender? Can you let it go today? I know that that's super hard.

    Speaker 2 (12:31):

    Okay, my loves, there's more that I wanna say, but I think that's enough for this episode because I want you to go get your booty towards the link in the show notes. And I want you to read this book with me. I want all of you who are listening to this podcast, I love that we get to be connect every week on the podcast, but it's gonna be so much sweeter if I get to know you in real life. So can we please read this book together? I'm asking you <laugh>, I would love to do. It's basically no cost to you. A way for us to connect, get to know each other, and I really feel like one of my passions is helping women create financial stability. And I, I want that for you. I feel like honestly creating 20 k in the bank is the thing that changed my life and my business and my peace and my happiness and my ability to be a patient mama and my ability to skyrocket my business income on so many levels because it took me out of survival mode and into a peaceful state.

    Speaker 2 (13:21):

    Okay? I know it feels like your financial self care is not the emergency, but let me tell you what it is. Because without that financial peace and stability in your heart, everything is gonna be harder. And there was a season in my life in business where I was like, my financial piece is not working and I don't know what to do about it. At that time, I didn't know that creating a savings was the answer, but I just remember praying like, I need something. I don't know what it is, so I'm just gonna keep drawing until I find something out. And that's where I was, you know, downloading all the budgeting software, Don't do what I did, right? But if that's you in your craving, financial peace, stability, happiness, abundance, no matter, maybe you're making a ton of money right now. Maybe you have a lot of money in your personal life, but you're just not manifesting it in your business or you're creating a ton of money but you're not able to keep it right or you really are financially strapped.

    Speaker 2 (14:15):

    Like this is the money mindset book that's going to change, I feel like forever change your life in business if you read it. That's why I am not making it free until you read it. Cause I want you to spend that hour on your financial self care. You gotta do it my love. And I'm gonna give you a deadline. You gotta do it. You gotta do it. And I'm gonna cheer you on and I'm gonna answer your questions and we're gonna just gonna have money, real talk. And I cannot wait for this conversation. So pretty, please join me. I would love, you know it, you know, I don't ask for much of you, but I want this for you. I want this for you so badly you are busy business owners. You have a lot on your plate. But do this for you, do this for you.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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