How Devanne Signed Her First 6 Design Coaching Clients Using the Get & Coach Method

Where Devanne Started

It all started when you said, “Devanne, I need some help with my house. I love the way that you've designed your home. Can you design my entryway?”

I remember thinking, I'd love to help with that and so I dove into something that I'd never done before, even though it was a hobby and something that I absolutely loved doing – I had never shared my creative design with the world.

I've watched you grow your business from the ground up and teach other women how to grow their businesses from the ground up, and I have been so inspired by that. I’ve always had this thought of entrepreneurship in my mind, but what could I do? Like, is there really anything that I have to offer the world? Could I really be a badass entrepreneur? And when you put that little bug into my ear, honestly a part of me lit up and I just went for it.

Deciding to Hire a Coach

What made me decide to take this serious turn this into a business and hire you as my coach is I got to the place where I just wanted to try even if I failed. It was you giving me permission to try and fail- because even if I did I could be proud of myself for trying. Having someone in my corner giving me the permission to try and fail was probably the best thing that I had going for me. So thank you Anna.

The First Launch

My first launch was an epic failureI had everything mapped out and I was really excited about focusing on vacation rentals as my niche. The first day no one signed up. Second day, no one signed up. Third day, no one signed up. And I'm trying to just, you know, soothe, self-soothe and like keep, keep putting myself out there and keep believing in myself when nothing is happening. But at the end of the two weeks, I was very discouraged and embarrassed that not a single person signed up for my free giveaway.

I tried to hold my head up high and I ended up pursuing an opportunity to redesign a room in my friend's house. I reached out and offered to do it for free – I basically ASSIGNED a winner. I just looked around for what opportunities came to me.

Overcoming Blocks

The whole reason I picked rental for my first niche is because I was worried if I worked with other clients they wouldn’t like my style, it felt so personal going into someone else’s home.

But after you hired me to design your living room and encouraged me to think about residential design, I reconsidered it. It was fun. It was easy, and I couldn't believe you paid me for it.

But when I thought about launching again after my first flop I felt tense and I felt this huge wave of like, absolutely not, I don't wanna do that again. That was embarrassing. That was painful.

But because you were encouraging me to just try and reminded me there is no such thing as failure, there's just the lesson that you learn from it. I was like, okay, yeah, I think I can do this. If it goes south again, well, I'm still here. I'm gonna be okay. I was okay last time. I'm gonna be okay if it fails again.

The Second Launch

The second launch was great, I was over the moon and thrilled to have people apply for the eDesign. I got to hop on Zoom calls with each of the applicants and they were amazing! I had so much fun getting to know the women and seeing their spaces and just hearing about their projects and the goals that they have for their home – I felt capable.

Then, the forward momentum that I had from having the successful launch, I all of a sudden had two other people apply to work with me for paid. Even outside of the other promotion I was doing. So here I’ve gone from having zero to five clients at the same time, and then another and I'm off to the races.

Devanne’s Time in Get & Coach

I loved working with you through Get & Coach Your First Client material. I loved the templates, resources and how it really took you through the whole launch process step by step of getting my offer clear, getting visible on social media and getting everything off the ground and ready to welcome my first paying clients!

I felt supported by you which made me feel like I could give everything that I had to these projects and knowing that I'm putting my heart and soul into my clients makes me feel really good about accepting their money.

I don't think that I could recommend you more, Anna. I just love the way that you are in my corner, but it's more than that . Like we talked about earlier, you have faith in me when I didn't have faith in myself, but you also have an incredible course. Like the documents that you gave me and the programs and the exercises that you walked me through were beyond helpful. I know all of us have probably spent hours scrolling through Pinterest and seeing all of these offers, like sign up for this free course or, check out this free email – and, I read a lot of those, Anna and not a single one of them comes anywhere close to what you have to offer — thank you!

Tune into the full episode!


  • How Devanne went from ZERO to five clients in a matter of weeks

  • How to launch again after your first launch “fails”

  • How Devanne turned her passion/hobby into a paying business

  • Why Devanne invested in a coach before she was making money

Episode Resources:

About Devanne:

Devanne white is the owner of Personalized eDesign where she offers a unique and hassle-free interior design experience, specializing in room-by-room interior design with a step-by-step install guide that enables you to pull your space together stress-free. Transforming your space doesn’t have to be overwhelming and she is here to provide guidance and support as you make important decisions about your home.

Connect with Devanne:


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