Introducing the Coaching Skills Certificate!


Episode Summary:

Building a coaching business changed my life in the biggest way. This is something that I talk about all of the time on the podcast. With that in mind, I’m so excited today to share a brand new bonus that’s going to be available in my program, Get & Coach Your First Client: The Coaching Skills Certificate! In week 9 of the program, we cover 30+ coaching skills that will help you be the most aligned version of a coach you can be. This certificate is something that will help my clients get even more out of the program. On the episode today, I’m sharing two of those skills as a little sneak peek. So, whether you’re going to be a part of Get & Coach or not, there’s so much value here!

Topics Discussed:

  • The reminder that failing is okay and can help you create massive clarity 

  • Why Anna believes that coaching, no matter your niche, is one of the best (and most honorable) ways to make money online 

  • More about Get & Coach Your First Client, the 12-week program for new coaches 

  • How you can receive a Heart Centered Entrepreneur Coaching Skills Certificate throughout your time in the program

  • A teaser of some of the coaching skills that Anna teaches throughout the program, the same skills that help clients scale past 6 figures

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:02):

    <Silence> Hello friends. Thank you for tuning in from Six Central. Just kidding, <laugh>, my littles have been sick this week. My daughter was sick for the first half of the week and then my son was sick for the second half of the week. But we are making it through and I'm so grateful that you may know that I work about three days a week in my coaching business, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, right? But you may not know that I actually take one light week, a month. I work about three weeks outta the month, and then that final week I make a little bit lighter. Either that's when we vacation or I fit in some personal projects or ironically, almost always, that's when my kids get sick, which some people would be like, oh, how annoying. But like, no, actually that's a blessing. Like I know part of life is that we get sick.

    Anna Rapp (00:44):

    And so it's kind of nice to like build in the margin for it. I feel like that's what's so nice about having our businesses is we have that flow. We had that flexibility. And so for me it's like then I can enjoy it and we're be grateful that I don't have to like reschedule coaching calls and just have that extra time to like scratch my kids' back and snuggle them and love them. So please send a prayer that I don't get sick to <laugh>, but I just, every day I'm so thankful that I took the leap and started my coaching business, quit my job, and took that risk it felt like the biggest risk at, at the time. But I think what it set me up for is just being available to more and more positive risks in my business and trusting myself that like I'm someone with like good judgment.

    Anna Rapp (01:28):

    And I think some of you might need to hear that message if you're on the cusp of like a big decision or maybe you're looking to launch a new offer in your business or like move houses or move across the country, right? Like you're someone, if you're like me, you research, you pray, you talk to friends, like you can trust yourself. You're not making the right decision, wrong decision, right? And if you do quote, make the wrong decision, then you'll know and then you'll know to go back and do the other thing, right? I was talking to a friend about this week, my dear friend Devin, you know, is helping me actually design a new room in my house, my bedroom, and as she is helping me, I have just been trying things out, right? I've been like moving my bed one way and sleeping on it.

    Anna Rapp (02:09):

    Do I like it? Yes or no? Moving it the other way, sleeping on it. Do I like it? Yes or no? And I think we get so risk averse that we forget that like trying it out and it not working and it quote failing is actually what so helps us know what is going to work, right? Just getting messy in that way. Okay. Anyway, I digress. So excited to tell you about something brand new I'm doing for my signature program this round. Getting coach, your first client. It's 12 weeks to build a financially stable coaching business for heart center entrepreneurs. Building a coaching business consulting business changed my life in the biggest way and I just think it's one of the best business models you can pick when it comes to making money online no matter what your coaching niche is, right? My clients have all different types of coaching niches, live coaching, fertility coaching, right?

    Anna Rapp (02:59):

    Health coaching, business coaching. But whatever niche you pick, the core of it is the same. And that's sitting with women helping them change. And there's no bigger privilege. There's no bigger honor and I love coaching. I'm so glad I found it as my career path. But I'm doing something really fun this round. So in getting coach, your first client, so much of the program is marketing and sales and visibility and getting you to get more visible and actually get clients. 'cause A lot of my clients come from other certifications or maybe they were a counselor before, like some sort of, they have some coaching skills, right? But in the program I do cover coaching skills too. I have a workbook of over 36 coaching skills that I teach you because I find for my clients that feel really good about their coaching skills, they sign clients with more ease, right?

    Anna Rapp (03:49):

    So something I'm doing is, I've never done this before, but if you take the 36 skills and you pick three of them to really double down and master and you do my little process on them, then I mail you a certificate, a heart-centered entrepreneur coaching skills certificate because I just think we need more of this, right? You're working hard, you're working your booty off and there's knowing, seeing you and recognizing you, and I wanna do that. I wanna say well done if you pick three of these skills and really dive in. I'm actually gonna go through two of them today on the podcast just as a fun little teaser because I feel like coaching skills and helping our clients change whether you're Aden for you person or a coach, is just such an invaluable practice for a lot of my clients that scale their business past six figures.

    Anna Rapp (04:35):

    I actually kind of teach them some of these skills too as a way to mentor and lead their team. Because guess what, when you're a multi-six figure business owner and you have a team, you're gonna be having to practice dynamics to help your team change and grow and be better and get better results, right? So coaching skills are so helpful everywhere with, it's just really human behavior and human psychology, right? So, so excited to dive in. Okay. What inspired this also was I actually got two certificates recently and it just made me feel so good. <Laugh>. I you guys know, one, one of my hobbies is I dance bachata. And so I took a course, I think it was like three months in person and at the end of it you have to study and you have to pass an exam, right? So I took the exam, I passed it, not to brag, but maybe I got the highest results of anyone like I study.

    Anna Rapp (05:30):

    Seriously, you guys, I got my Google drive, I recorded all the videos of the dance moves. I made a chart, like I take this serious, right? Same thing. I also took a yoga sculpt certification because I have been going to this beautiful gym for about two years. And so I took their program to, to teach yoga sculpt that I'm obsessed with. And same thing, I made flashcards, right? Kelsey was helping me put stickers on my flashcards. Like I'm just a learner, right? The cool thing about if you're someone like me that you're a learner, when you get into business, it pays off for you, right? Like when you're a learner and you work for corporate nine to five, like yes, it helps you grow, but it's not gonna really put you anywhere, right? But like when you work for yourself, all of your brilliance and genius goes into yourself and you get to make money off of that, right?

    Anna Rapp (06:18):

    Such a huge one. So anyway, you get to take over 30 coaching skills that I list for you. You get to pick three of them and you get to really master them. 'cause I don't feel like coaching is all about like being perfect at everything, but I do feel like it's useful to have a few tools in our tool belt to use. One of my clients recently actually is going through a lot of personal changes. And so she actually re dove into this workbook that I have as a way to have tools in her toolkit so that when you're feeling fried or frazzled or fully full in your head, you still have ways to help your clients get results. Okay? if you have any more questions on the certificate, what that looks like, what the requirements are, and or my program in general, 12 weeks live coaching calls with me personally.

    Anna Rapp (07:07):

    If you've ever done a coach a course before, it's probably nothing like mine. Mine is much more like group coaching. You're gonna get your answers, questions answered personally by me. There's a weekly worksheet. If you complete it by Thursdays, you get it reviewed. Just a really hands-on experience. We have a Slack channel where you can ask questions once a week and get those answered. And really, I wanna do anything I can in my power to help you launch or relaunch your coaching business, get clients and feel really confident in this revenue stream, whether it's your first revenue stream or whether you have a different business like a done for you business and you're looking to add on coaching consulting into it. This really is the program that's gonna help you build financial stability, even if you're like me and wanna be a patient and present mama at home and really have part-time hours or part-time energy to give it.

    Anna Rapp (07:56):

    Okay? So first coaching skill I wanna talk about. I'm gonna talk about one non-sexy one and one sexy one, okay? Because I really think the number one thing you can master as a coach, and again, like as a c e o of your business, as a mama, as a leader to your team is listening and full presence. I just did a podcast episode right now and she reflected back to me. Anna, I feel like whenever I talk to you, you're this ray of sunshine in, you're so present with me, right? Whenever I dance bachata, I get this reflection back from men a lot that say, I love dancing with you, not because you're the best dancer, but because you are here with me. You're present and you know what I'm talking about, right? When you're with a friend and they're on their phone, right? I've been that friend before <laugh> or you're with a friend and they're with you energetically, right? I was reading an excerpt from Melody Be's book Journey to the Heart this morning, and she talks about this too.

    Speaker 2 (08:55):

    Are you just doing the motions or what's your energy in it? Right? And this I think is the biggest skill that we can learn as coaches and women and mamas and CEOs, is the ability to listen and be fully present. So I'm just gonna read you the excerpt from my workbook that I wrote and then we'll dive in. Are you ready? If you can see, unless you're driving, see if you can close your eyes and just really take this in. Okay, listen, I wrote this word in Sharpie and I stuck it on the upper right hand side of my computer. During the first year of my coaching, could it be true that my presence was enough? I'm a doer by nature. I'm a helper by nature. I'm a fixer by nature. Listening feels uncomfortable. It felt like I was out of control. But in my journey over the past five years, releasing codependency and my personal relationships, it's bled over to my coaching in the most beautiful way as I trust and surrender the process with my clients.

    Speaker 2 (10:05):

    This means using coaching. The, this means using the coaching tool of listening more than the coaching skill of talking. If that was a coaching skill, <laugh>, I'm just teasing. But really it means using listening more than any fancy intervention all the time. The biggest gift we can give our clients is a safe space and a listening ear. When you're starting out or you have a moment of insecurity as a coach or you're feeling not enough, it can be easy to underestimate the power of listening. But when we go back to remembering that it's not about our ego, it's not about our performance, it's about our client and their experience. That's when it clicks. In practice. This means that when we have an epic thought, but the client is in the, in the middle of an important moment of processing, we either jot that down on a notebook or we release it so we can be present for the client. In practice, this means taking a minute to er yourself before you start the session. In practice, this means allowing yourself to enjoy being in the moment, co-creating with the client. Listening takes practice. Listening is surrendering, listening is letting go. Listening is trusting.

    Speaker 2 (11:34):

    Skill defined. How do you define listening? For me, I define it as full presence. Truly having my brain and heart be in the present moment with that person, not thinking about the past client, not thinking about the thing I have to do with my kids after a session. How do you know when you're fully present? For me, it's a feeling of surrender, trusting the moment, trusting the magic, the unquantifiable element of coaching. At the start of my journey, it felt a little helpless, but now it feels surrendered and magical. What do you do when you find yourself at a full presence? It's like meditation. The point is isn't to never get distracted, it's to bring yourself back. When you notice you're not present with lots of love and no self-judgment. It's the same thing in coaching. I catch myself still to this day, not listening all the time, distracted or not present, but I get better at, better at bringing myself back without Gil guilting myself.

    Speaker 2 (12:37):

    Here's some scripts or questions to remember to help you with listening. Tell me more. I hear you. Thank you for sharing that. Hmm, that makes so much sense. Yes, can be nodding. It can be a warm smile, it can be eye contact. Here's some questions to reflect. Number one, who do you know that listens to you? Well, what is it they are doing or not doing that makes you feel like they're listening? Number two, what does it look like and feel like when you are listening? Number three, what does it look like and feel like when you are not listening? How do you gently redirect yourself? Number four, what's one word, key phrase or thing you can focus on to be a better listener in your personal life and with your clients? Woo. Okay. Not to drop a true bomb, but again, like this is something that's so big, right? I would love to hear from you either via email or tag me on Instagram. That the answer to that last question, what's one word or phrase that you can focus on? For me, again, especially at the start of my business, it literally was writing on a post-it note and sticking it on my computer. A note that said, listen, it's just the reminder, right? Okay, the next skill.

    Anna Rapp (00:03):

    Here's coaching skill number two. And it, I call this reinforcing identity. I notice my coach, Lacey does this to me even though I'm a pretty self, but I'm a pretty self-aware coach, right? <Laugh>, but I still like it when she does it. Most clients won't notice you're using this tool, but it's essentially brainwashing our clients for the better. It's similar to when a client does their own affirmations to lock in a new belief, but it's us assisting in helping them lock in a new and positive identity or belief working against a mindset block that they're stuck on. There are two pieces to this skill. The first is helping our clients not just change what they do day-to-day, but helping them feel an identity change in who they are, because that's when things stick in our behavior. They don't just exercise, they're an athlete. They don't just write, they're a writer, they don't just own a business, they're an entrepreneur.

    Anna Rapp (01:05):

    The second is helping them see themselves as someone who easily does the behaviors that get them the results they want. That's because when we feel like we're good at something or something comes easily to us, we're more likely to do it. If we feel good at exercise or writing or sales, we'll enjoy the behaviors that get us the results and we'll be more likely to do them right? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is one of the biggest things we can do to build the client's self-trust and inner momentum. So again, just to recap, how are we reinforcing for our client not just the change, but their new identity? And then how do we help them feel good at the behaviors that get them the result that they want? Skill defined. Usually it's something the client doesn't believe to be true about themselves or in the world, but we say it as truth and we give the client an opportunity to adapt to and believe that truth. Here's some scripts or questions to remember. Of course you got that result because you're someone that's so good at blink when you put your bind to it, blank behavior comes so easily to you. I'm not surprised that blank happened because you're so good at blink.

    Anna Rapp (02:27):

    If you say this ca this next one you would say casually when you get blank, then what are you? So I, this one's hard to explain, but it's like almost assuming like if someone's really struggling to get fully booked in their business, I'll just say casually like, oh yeah, so when you get fully booked, then you'll like almost saying that thing. They're really struggling that to believe that they would actually do. Saying it as if like, oh yeah, no big deal. Of course you're gonna do that, right? Next one is you are such a good blank and someone who always blanks easily. Remember that one time you blanked and had so much fun. Yes. Since you're someone that always blank, yes, it's going to be so easy to blank. Yes, it sounds like it already blank. For a lot of my clients, I noticed they had no difficulty with blank.

    Anna Rapp (03:16):

    Once they own that, they were a blank. Okay, so I know that was a lot of blanks, but again, like the commonality is really making it feel easy for them to adapt to that new role and the behavior that will help them get to that role. Here's an example. If you're a health coach, the behaviors might be for your clients eating healthy and exercising. Your job as the coach is to help the client believe that they're good at these behaviors and that they come easily to them. We look for evidence that they're good at them and then they will repeat the behavior more. We help them create an identity as someone who eats healthy and someone who enjoys being active. And the result there may be weight loss for my clients. Some of the behaviors I work on them with are visibility, writing content, showing their face on social media sales behaviors like pitching themselves, right?

    Anna Rapp (04:10):

    So I help them see and believe that they are good at this and when the circumstances are right that they enjoy these behaviors and they're more likely to do it consistently. For my clients that are growing and scaling their business, most of them are working on team dynamics and team building. So really helping them feel like a good c e o and amazing manager and really affirming them when they're doing those behaviors. Okay, reflection number one, what are the quote hard behaviors that you want your clients to work on believing they are good at, so they're more likely to do them and get results? Number two, what are the identities that your clients need to embrace? Number three, what are the behaviors and identities you are working on embracing in your life? Okay, I know this is a more conceptual one, but it really is powerful to think through and I would love to hear if you had any ahas.

    Anna Rapp (05:06):

    Okay, so those were just two coaching skills. <Laugh>. I know that it's a lot to unpack, but I really feel like these are such fun things to nerd out on and learn, right? Like, I think there's so many things. We feel like we have the pressure as coaches to learn online, and I do feel like that improving your skills is one of the most rewarding ones and a biggest payoff for your money because it really translates into results for your clients, which means more clients will come back to you and pay you, right? And also means you're enjoying your work more, right? Because you're really refining your craft there. If you would like to work on your coaching skills with me and also work on your marketing for your business to bring on more clients so that you can coach them, feel free to message

    Speaker 2 (05:57):

    Me if you have any questions. And I would love to invite you personally from me to you to get and coach your first client here for any questions. And also, I have built out a lot of case studies for this program of women that have done this program, the Get and Coach method and gotten amazing results from it. Some of my clients starting from scratch and getting their very first playing clients ever. Some of my clients that are going from one revenue stream to another, some of my clients that are growing group coaching programs. So feel free to message me if you have any questions and just so grateful for you. Okay? Have a beautiful rest of your day.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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