Monthly Marketing Events


Episode Summary:

Have you heard? I did a thing: I created a private podcast feed! It's absolutely free and on-demand and you can access it right now. It's basically an audio diary and you can easily access it from wherever you are listening from. This podcast walks you through the six pillars I used to get six figure (and beyond!) success. As I crossed the million-dollar lifetime revenue mark this year, I wanted to do this as a gift for you and share the actual steps I took to get to this point. You can access it in the resources linked below.

Today's episode is all about what I call monthly marketing events. This is something I teach to my mastermind ladies is to pick one week every single month to do a little extra to market your business. At first, people are a little taken aback by that, but in my opinion it gives you more freedom the other 3-4 weeks of the month to relax and not do as much of a marketing push.

Topics Discussed:

  • NEW private podcast feed about the six things Anna did to get to six figures (and beyond!)

  • Being more intentional with your time so you spend less of it on social media

  • Examples of marketing events you can do in your business

  • New ways that Anna has been using to market her business

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hi friends. Oh my lands. Have you heard I did a thing <laugh>. I created a private podcast feed. It's absolutely free. It is on demand. You can get it right now. And it's basically an audio diary that's super easy to access wherever you, um, are listening from. And it really walks you through six main pillars that I use to get to six figure success and beyond. As I crossed the million dollar lifetime revenue market in my business this year, I wanted to do this as a gift to you fresh off of doing it. My first million, really the things that I actually did to get there. And I really call this financially stable and free because the goal for most of my clients is really stability and peace and what we call our happy, boring dream life, right? And I always think like right after someone does something, it's the, it's the best time to teach it to you because I don't know about you, but like for example, my kids are like seven and nine now, so I would not be the best person now to teach you how to take care of a newborn.

    Anna Rapp (01:06):

    'cause I'm like, oh my gosh, that was so long ago, right? So I really encapsulated the best of my knowledge, my heart, my stories, and I got really practical. And so I give you six, basically it's eight episodes, but six core short, powerful episodes that'll give you technical actions to take to get you to six figures and beyond faster. And I'm so proud of this baby little podcast project and I hope it's so useful to you. So go to the show notes, go grab it, pop in your earbuds, grab your hot cocoa and I hope this audio diary is just kind of like, almost like an audiobook love note to from me to you to help you streamline and scale. And I call it like getting outta the messy middle of your business faster, right? There becomes a time, and this is really for who my, what my mastermind is for, for women that are already making at least 2K in your business, some anywhere from two to 12 K, but you're not yet to consistent six figures, multi-six figures and beyond.

    Anna Rapp (02:05):

    I call it messy middle because you've achieved some success, but really not enough to be feeling fully financially stable and fully free, right? In some ways, we create another day job for ourself. And so really it takes a lot of, uh, clarifying action and brave moves to be able to scale our business to the next level. Launch group programs, launch courses, hire team, have the mindset that we are so deserving of abundant income. So go grab that. Um, but what I wanted today's episode to be about was monthly marketing events because I have been playing with different types of marketing. For example, this podcast feed, right? I'm a big fan and what I teach my ladies in the mastermind is every month do something to market your business, right? Every month pick one week to do a little extra visibility,

    Anna Rapp (02:59):

    A little extra marketing. And at first when people hear that, they're like, oh my gosh, one week every single month. But actually it's less work because it gives you permission the other three or four weeks in the month to not market as much, to not be as visible. And I've had this rhythm in my business for over seven years doing marketing for one week every month. And it's been the biggest gift, the biggest joy. And I actually think I'm on social media less than most people online. Um, but I'm more intentional about how I do it. So what this looks like when I'm doing quarterly planning with my mastermind ladies, I ask them to look at their next 90 days and pick one week out of every month when they wanna be a little extra visible even before they pick what they will be doing, just pick the timeframe.

    Anna Rapp (03:44):

    I'm a big fan of this, right? It's almost like when you're like, I really wanna get better at selling in my business before you even pick your sales actions, do you have time blocked off on your calendar to actually sell? Are you getting outta the house on Friday mornings and going out to the coffee shop, right? That's why in the mastermind I give my ladies bonus one-on-one sessions with me. <laugh> valued it a lot when they go actually do their sales actions because I know that when you put things on your calendar and do it, you get results, right? Okay, so step one for having a monthly marketing event is putting the time aside on your calendar, okay? Then when you do that, then you can decide what you're gonna do during that time. I'm gonna give you some ideas In this podcast episode, I'm gonna talk to you about marketing things that I've done in my business.

    Anna Rapp (04:31):

    I hope it's useful to you. But first, do not pass. Go. Do not collect a hundred dollars anyone like a monopoly reverence, um, and block the time on your calendar. I actually do this now annually, right? So this means looking at your annual calendar. I first like to like decide when I'm gonna take vacations, decide I try to one week outta the month, do less coaching, right? I don't do very many calls. I decide like I pick my CEO time, right? Like you should be picking your marketing weeks around your life, right? Don't pick them on the week of your kids' birthday. Don't pick them during Christmas, right? You get to dictate that. And I think like we have ultimate freedom in our business that we get to really work more when we want and work less than we want, but I think we don't even utilize it because we fail the plan ahead.

    Anna Rapp (05:20):

    So I just want you to look at your next quarter, pull out your calendar. If you're a Google girl like me, pull out your Google calendar and really pick your three weeks in the next three months that are the most aligned to do marketing. Did you do it? Did you do it? Okay, awesome. Okay. So second step after you've picked the time is to pick the thing that you'll be doing for your marketing. I'm gonna give you some options. One option that I absolutely love is a live challenge. So what this means, I love my Facebook group for this. I've also seen women do this on Instagram, but basically you for a week go live. Give a little worksheet, give a little video sometimes, and you help women for free break through one area with action steps. I love this one because you really get to see who in your audience is an action take taker.

    Anna Rapp (06:14):

    Um, another free event you can do is a live webinar or workshop. I love these two basically on you. Keep it simple. You give people a zoom link and you say, meet me here Wednesday at noon or whatever time, and I'm gonna help you with this one thing. You can have slides. You don't have to have slides. I love a webinar. Similar to that is an Instagram or Facebook Live, even a single one or a series of that. Um, another great marketing event, especially at the start of your business is a giveaway. I love giveaways because it gives you a shameless excuse to talk about your product or your service and you get to give away one for free. That person will probably return to work with you 'cause they're so thrilled. And then the people that don't win, you can always give it at a discount, right?

    Anna Rapp (07:04):

    Another option for marketing event is to spend a week promoting something you already have in your business. Surprise, you know, that freebie that you created, you can talk about it again for a whole week. <laugh>. Um, you can do this with a freebie. PDFA freebie vid b video. I also love using a marketing week for paid promotion. You can pay, you pay, uh, market something that's paid in your business, whether it's a low cost thing or a high ticket thing, but generally in your business, I would spend at least one week outta the month promoting something that's free or something that's low cost because ideally the free stuff is linked to the paid stuff in your business, right? Another unique thing you can do that some of my clients do that have six figure businesses that do not have very much social media is just spend that week on extra sales and marketing or promotion or networking of some kind, right?

    Anna Rapp (08:01):

    Maybe you are doing a ton of extra cold pitches on Instagram or via email or doing a ton of extra networking via an in-person conference. You attend, think outside of the box. When I say market your business for one week out of the month, you get to do it your way. But what you don't get to do is weasel out of it because sure, you can keep expanding your business slowly as you are going, but if you wanna expand rapidly and sign a 10 more clients and really grow your revenue, you have to devote one week out of every month to marketing. Just like I've talked about the importance of setting aside time for a CEO day outside of your current client work. It's so important that you're spending time on marketing and forward movement, new clients fresh action every single month in your business.

    Anna Rapp (08:49):

    Okay? Now I wanna talk a little bit about what I've been doing lately, which has been playing with some newer forms of marketing. And that is, well, the private podcast feed. Super excited about that. Um, that's a great way to give value, especially if you have a podcast. Your people already love audio, right? Um, another thing that I've been playing with is an evergreen webinar. And so basically this is like a live workshop, but instead I recorded it and people can watch it on demand. I've also done this with a challenge where I've taken a challenge that I've created live and let people go it through it evergreen. Now, I recommend not evergreening things until you've run the free thing and the paid thing several times. So one of the ch I ran, um, a challenge live about seven times and then I turned it into an evergreen challenge where people could opt into the email sequence and it got great results.

    Anna Rapp (09:44):

    This webinar that I created, I actually never ran it live, but I have promoted and sold this program getting coach several rounds and really had the messaging and the marketing down before I recorded the webinar. And honestly, the Evergreen webinar is converting into clients beautifully and not just clients. I just told my coach, like the most aligned clients, I had this fear of like, if people watch an evergreen webinar and I'm not there to support them live, like what if they have questions or what? And of course like people can always dmm me with questions, right? But like I really had a fear around like is it gonna be aligned clients? But I think the cool thing about when you grow and scale with heart and integrity is you are able to sign a line clients even when you're not there live, which is so fun to see you're selling and marketing working a little bit more on autopilot and repeat, right?

    Anna Rapp (10:36):

    Okay, that those are some of your options that I listed. Now the point is to not pick 17 of these, but to just pick one or two, right? Again, I really love a live challenge, so I do a lot of those, not just because they're the only way, but it's the system that my team gets really good at. And so then it's easy for us to do the challenge thing. If you're someone that likes Live Zoom workshops, keep doing live Zoom workshops, just change up the topic because then your team and you will really get used to that rhythm of getting the zoom link ready, the system, right? It's very hard to systematize your marketing if you're doing nine things all the time. So what I would love to hear from you, if you're open to sharing it with me, is for the next 90 days, give me the dates of your marketing weeks and what are you going to do for your event.

    Anna Rapp (11:26):

    You don't even have to pick the topic yet, right? You're picking the dates, number one. Number two, you're picking the mechanism. Is it a challenge? Is it a webinar? Is it a giveaway? And then you're picking the topic, then you're picking the topic. And I want you to pick a topic that is gonna be the most captivating for your audience when you think about what you're promoting that month, right? Your freebie or your free marketing thing should align with what it is that you are selling. It should be, some people like to do a first step, something that will prep them for that product. Some other people like to do. Kind of like a little overall recap of it, but don't overthink it too much, right? When you think about the topic that you want to teach, I like to encourage my clients to write down five or 10 ideas.

    Anna Rapp (12:18):

    That way they have the buffet to pick the best one. And I think it can be fun to involve your audience and ask them like, what would you most want a challenge on? What would you most want a training on? And then the idea is you repeat them. Like as I've said, most of the marketing in my business, the webinars, the challenges, I repeat them a lot, right? And people come back and love them. And so knowing your heart when it's time to create a new marketing thing or when you can repeat something, I think that can be beautiful to input a twist on it. Okay? One more thing that's important to note when you're putting this in your calendar is two weeks before the actual week of your marketing thing, make sure to put a note that says Prep <laugh>. Because two weeks before a webinar, you gotta start promoting it, right?

    Anna Rapp (13:06):

    Two weeks before a giveaway, you gotta start teasing it out, right? So make sure that you mark not just when you're going to do your marketing thing, but you also mark two weeks before so you can start promoting it, start prepping for it, all of that. I am so excited to see what sort of, and this is really gonna help you get more visible, make more sales, but in a way that actually feels like less work and more relaxing for you and your team because you're just being really methodical, right? Um, I hope this was helpful for you, just some really practical support as you are getting ready to plan the next quarter. Feel free to email me and at heart center entrepreneur com and share with me your three dates, your three mechanisms, your three main ideas. And I would love to cheer you on.

    Anna Rapp (13:57):

    Again, don't forget to grab the private podcast feed for more really practical tips just like this that will help you, that maybe you're like, oh my gosh, it sounds so simple, but I didn't think about that before, right? And I think people criticize themselves like, oh, I should have known that. No, you shouldn't have. There's no School of entrepreneurship. Well, there is, it's called So With Heart Mastermind. But besides that, right? Like, it's okay if this doesn't come intuitive to you. I was joking with one of my clients that like, when we're in a day job we're like, Ugh, I just don't want a boss anymore, right? But then when we're in entrepreneurship, we're like, actually, it would be kind of nice if someone told me what to do and gave me tips and gave me strategies and cheered me on and held my hand and, you know, gave me tips or ideas or deadlines. And so that's what this private podcast feed is designed to do, is to give you some super practical tips and tricks that worked for me on the way to six figures and beyond. And I cannot wait to hear how you like it. It is my gift to you. So listen in and enjoy.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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