PART ONE: Feeling “Not Enough” in Your Visibility

Hi, friends! I am so excited to bring a two-part podcast series that is designed to reach you exactly where you're at when it comes to getting stuck in your current visibility, in your marketing, and glowing on social media and attracting ideal clients.

I created two episodes based on exactly where YOU'RE at (this episode is not knowing what to say and next week's is having too much to say) and I hope you'll listen to the one that your heart and soul most needs.

I know that this episode will help you begin to breakthrough your visibility setbacks!

Listen in on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher

Discussed in this episode:

  • When you walk into a room do you feel too much or not enough?

  • A poem for when you're feeling not enough

  • What to do when you know what you want to say, but start criticizing it immediately

  • Why you should stop listening back to your content

  • Your content is perfect for YOUR audience right NOW

  • Remembering that creating content is vulnerable

  • A reminder that you can create a visibility plan that works for YOU


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript.**

    Speaker 1 (00:00):

    Hi friends. I am so excited to bring you a two part podcast series <laugh> that really is designed to reach you exactly where you're at, when it comes to getting stuck in your current visibility, in your marketing. When it comes to glowing, online on social media and attracting more ideal clients for your paid offers and services. Um, and I created two, I created two different ones based on exactly where you're at, and I hope that you listen to the one that your heart and soul most needs. So I'm gonna start this with a story with an illustration. That'll help you identify which of these two you are most stuck in. Um, either way you can listen to both episodes. I think it'll be useful. Okay. So let's say you get invited to a party. <laugh> if you're an introvert, you're already like, oh, dang it.

    Speaker 1 (00:53):

    RSCP no right, but let's say you're gonna go to a party with some, um, friends of yours. Um, it's a bigger party and you get dressed. You get ready, you walk into the room. What's the first fear or thought that comes to your mind. Is it I'm too much for example, I'm too loud. I'm too colorful. I'm too opinionated. I'm too bold. I'm too tall. I'm too funny. Or is it? I am not enough. I am not smart enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not far enough in my business. Right? Which of those two, I'll give you a minute. I'll just give you a second to pause and ask yourself in this season, which is most weighing on your heart, that you are too much or that you are not enough.

    Speaker 1 (01:47):

    Hmm. And not what your head says, but really try to like tap into your intuition by like breathing out and going with what your gut or your heart says. Kinda like that first thing that comes to mind, there's no wrong answer. Right? Um, you can also do this exercise by imagining that you are in a new group coaching program. Right? I just did this exercise with cell, with heart ladies that are starting out. And I always ask them to identify when you are in a new zoom room with new, beautiful, brilliant women. What is that limiting belief that you need to lay aside? Is it that you are too something or not enough something, right? Our brain does this, right? It tells us you don't fit in because you are too old. You are too young. You are too far ahead of everyone else you are behind.

    Speaker 1 (02:37):

    Right. And I think it's so useful to hear those stories. And just to say, like, that's BS, I belong here. Right? Okay. So if you are feeling like I am not enough, this episode is going to be, especially for you. If you are feeling like you are too much tuned into next week's episode, right? Because what I found for women in their visibility is they either really struggle with, I am not enough. In other words, a lot of times it's like, I don't know what to say when it comes to my visibility online, or the reason my visibility hasn't taken off is because I am not enough. Right. Or my visibility hasn't taken off because I am too much. Right. I have too many content ideas. And so today we're gonna dive into what to do when you're feeling that enoughness and your visibility. And when you don't know what to say online, you get a little tongue twisted.

    Speaker 1 (03:29):

    I'm gonna give you some really practical tips. And the next week, I'm gonna talk about what to say when you have so many content ideas, but you're kind of stuck on executing on them. Right? Okay. First I wrote you a poem. Yes I did. And I want you to take these words to heart. If you are feeling that not enoughness okay. You are enough just as you are. You are perfectly lovely and worth loving. You are easy to love. You light up a room with your presence. People want to be your friend. Now repeat this one. After me every day, I'm loving myself a little more.

    Speaker 1 (04:16):

    My gifts, my body, my brain, my heart, my soul. I love and accept myself for who I am. And I can't wait to see who I continue to become. Rewind that, go skip, skip backwards. If you need to re-listen to that as many times as you need to, especially if you feel like you've had experiences as a child or in adulthood where you've been given the message, that you're not easy to love, that you're not enough that you, um, are difficult, like really work on rewiring your thinking around that. And it might just be as simple as listening to this, another approach to take, we know that in mindset work, one approach is to like speak opposite to the lies and to say like, you know, I, you know, I am enough, right? I love myself. I accept myself another way to go around it too.

    Speaker 1 (05:10):

    If you're really having a hard time believing it is to say, even though I'm not enough, I still love and accept myself. What I mean by that is you can say, even though I'm not as smart as some people, even though I'm not as pretty as some people, even though I'm not as far in my business as I want to be, I still love myself. I still accept myself. That's okay. Right. So get clear on like, which approach works best for you. Okay. So I'm gonna dive in with some really practical tips on what to do, especially in your visibility, when you are feeling, um, stuck and obvi on, uh, often, excuse me, when you are feeling not enough, you often don't know what to say, or you get stuck writing your content, creating your content, recording the real, all

    Speaker 2 (05:56):

    The right. And so it's so interesting. I remember invisible impact one of the live rounds I did, you know, one of my clients said to me, several actually have said like, Anna, I literally don't know what to write right now. I really feel like I'm stuck. And she already had a content topic, but she was just didn't even know how to like get her fingers to start typing. And what I asked her was, do you not know what to say? Or are the words coming to you? But the time between, when they come to you and when they try to come out on your keyboard, is your brain telling you the message that it's not enough? And she said, yes, Anna, that is it. I do know like the ideas are coming to me, the thoughts, the sentences are coming to me. But even before they get on the compute, you know, get down to writing my brain is already picking them apart and telling me that like, no, one's gonna like this, this isn't fascinating enough, or someone's gonna criticize that.

    Speaker 2 (06:50):

    Right. And so really be watching the story you telling, do you not know what to say? Or do you know, you are just having doubts on it being epic enough or people picking on it or whatever. Right? You do know what to say. You just have some fears and visibility blocks around it. Right. I also find that my clients do this when they ride a social media post or record a video, but then they delete it. Right. <laugh> here's the tip of the century. If you don't like how you sound or look on video, don't watch it back. Yep. You heard me? I almost never listen to my podcast back cuz I irritate myself. Right. <laugh> why are you watching your reels back? Why are you listening to your videos? Like it doesn't matter. Yes. We can always like improve like how we sound and how we look, blah, blah, blah.

    Speaker 2 (07:36):

    But at the end of the day, can it just be good enough? And can you just stop overthinking it? Right. And when you write that first draft of a poster and email, don't edit it. Don't edit it. Just write it out. Then you can go back and do some quick edits. Right. But I think so often we sabotage ourself by like trying to edit as we go, instead of like, just get the rough draft out there. Then you can go back and do some minor edits, but really trusting that you are enough for what your audience needs. Your story, your version right now is exactly what your audience needs to hear. Even if it's not perfect. An affirmation that helps me with this too, is trusting that my story, my teaching, my tips, my points are exactly what my audience needs to hear. Right. I think we say like, you know, oh, but it's not like the ultimate best ever blah, blah, blah.

    Speaker 2 (08:26):

    Like you're not producing for everyone. You're not producing for someone else's audience. You are just producing for the people that are following you. Right. And they're following you for a reason. Right? And so just trusting that your story, your tips, everything you have to share is perfect. Not for everyone, but for the people listening and watching and reading your work right. That's who you're creating for and your tips, you know, maybe it's not like, you know, the ultimate framework that's gonna change everyone's life, but can you believe that it can change the lives of a thousand people following you? Right. Okay. Another great reminder is you can't get it wrong. Right. In business, the blessing and the curse is there's no formula. Right. And so just really trusting yourself there. Okay. Another tip is the more you get visible, the easier it gets. So maybe you've been visible before, but you've kind of like shrink back, right.

    Speaker 2 (09:19):

    Or maybe you're visible online, but you're kind of just like, you know, clocking it in. And you're not really like showing up with your full opinion or with your truth or showing your face a lot or showing your personality. Right. Know that the more you do it, the easier it gets. And it, it is hard at first and it is awkward. Anytime we do something new, it's gonna feel uncomfortable. Right. The first time I went live, I thought I was gonna pass out. Right. And I'm someone that like in my past job has had to be visible for things. Right. And so just not making yourself wrong as you're trying out new things as you're being a newbie. Right. I think it's also remembered that creating content is a vulnerable, artistic act. Right. As you are creating video, as you are creating social posts, you are creating, right.

    Speaker 2 (10:04):

    Just like an artist paints a picture on a, on a, um, not an easel. Yeah. An easel right on a canvas. Right. Canvas. That's the word I was looking for. Right. It's not going to be perfect, but it's gonna be beautiful. And guess what? Every piece of art that you make, it's gonna get better and better and more epic, but you can't get to those epic artworks until you create some crappy ones at first. So just allow yourself to do it. Okay. Also invisible impact. The self study course I have on visibility. I have a content workbook. I think content prompts are one of the biggest gifts ever. I use my own content prompts all the time just to get me started. Right. Because I don't know, always know what to say. You guys know, I teach visibility in four steps, right? Engaging content, authority, content, authenticity, content, and sales content.

    Speaker 2 (10:51):

    And so I often ask myself, you know, I organize my content workbook this way so that you can say, what am I missing in my visibility? Am I missing some authenticity? Like when's the last time I actually like told a personal story. Right? Or maybe it's more like authority, right? Like when's the last time I like really showed up as the expert and taught something right. Based on where you are lacking in your visibility, that can give you an idea of what you need to say or what you need to do to get started. Right. Another tip here is, especially if you're feeling like, I don't know what to say, asking yourself, what am I most afraid of? What's my biggest visibility block here. You know how I was saying like that client that got stuck between when she had the idea and when she wrote it right.

    Speaker 2 (11:37):

    Really asking like, what is holding me back? Is it fear of what I think of my own writing or recording? Is it a fear of what other people think about me? Right. Is it like, I wanna say the perfect thing. So I don't waste time. Like what is the thing invisible impact. There's a worksheet on this that I call visibility blocks. Right. And I think it's so useful to clear on what's holding us back in our visibility because then the actual content is actually somewhat easy. Right. Actually writing a post, like you've written essays in school. Right. You know how to write, you know, how to record, right. It's all the blocks, all the things that happen in our head that keeps us stuck in that. Okay. Um, another tip two, especially if you haven't been visible in a while, you guys know I teach visibility content strategy, six weeks at a time and creating a six week content plan and strategy so that you can be consistent in your visibility.

    Speaker 2 (12:28):

    But if you are really feeling stuck or paralyzed or invisible screw the six week content plan, just post once online and rip off the bandaid. Right. And I think often again, we think like the key is to doing, I think especially newer entrepreneurs, right? We get so stuck in learning and strategizing and planning and we feel really busy, but we're spinning our wheels because we're not actually doing the brave, scary work. Right. So stop creating another content plan and just pop a selfie on social media and say, Hey right, rip that bandaid off, start getting visible and then create the bigger plan. Okay. I hope this was useful for you. And I hope this was the pep talk that you needed to remind yourself. You are enough just as you are to stop playing it small and to start expanding online so that you can reach more clients because at the end of the day, no matter how good you are at what you do, no matter how kick of a virtual assistant, you are, no matter how powerful of a coach you are.

    Speaker 2 (13:26):

    If the world doesn't know about it, if you're not marketing yourself, you're not gonna be able to get clients with that. Right. And so just trust yourself, put your hand on your heart and affirm that it's safe for me to get really visible, right? It's safe for me to get consistently visible so that I can attract ideal clients consistently. And if you want support around this, I have a self study program, visible impact that you can binge watch in three hours, or you can watch over the course of six weeks and it will help walk you through step by step the mindset, the practical strategy, the six steps it'll take to get visible consistently on social media, whether you write consistent emails, whether you podcast, whether you do Instagram, whatever is that you do, this is a really comp comprehensive strategy that will keep you visible online.

    Speaker 2 (14:12):

    And it's really why for the past 6.5 years, I've been able to be visible every single week in a non overwhelming way, because I've done this really six step six weeks at a time formula. You know, people ask like, Anna, how do you get visible and kiss consistently sign clients for six years when you've been through so much personally it's because I just did it six weeks at a time. Okay. <laugh> and then after those six weeks, guess what? I did it again. It's just like rinse and repeat. Right. And the cool thing is once you feel really confident in this process, you never have to learn it again, right. It really is something that you can rinse and repeat and just do six weeks at a time. And I really think we shouldn't necessarily plan. I think I told you guys this, when I went on maternity leave, I actually created six months of content in advance because I was like nesting hardcore in my business.

    Speaker 2 (15:00):

    But I really feel like I wish I would've done like two, six week batches, like 12 weeks batched. Right. Because I really think planning six weeks at a time gives you so much agility in your business. Right. I think it's long enough where you can map and forecast and make sure it's intentional. So it's not just like haphazard, right? You're actually, maybe you're selling something. Maybe you're building your list. Like your visibility is actually supporting whatever your monetary business goals are. Right. But it's short enough to where you're agile, right. To where you're able to every six weeks readjust and reanalyze, what is it that you're doing? How often are you posting? Where are you posting it? What's your magnetic message. Does that need to be shifted? Right. And so I really feel like it's like the magic number for content planning. Anyway, all that to say, feel free to dim me.

    Speaker 2 (15:46):

    If you have any questions or you can just grab it. Self-study instant access to the six core modules over 15 specific bonuses based on where you're struggling, whether it's you want tips for podcast pitching, you want tips for a Facebook group, right? You want tips for Instagram reels, right? Whatever it is, I have specific trainings there. And then also you get six weeks of emails from me, so that you're consistent. Right? I don't want this just to be a course that you buy. I want you to actually get visible for all six weeks. So like every Thursday I pop into your inbox and I remind you to create your content, right. And then early in the week I remind you of the modules. And so it really is this comprehensive system I designed whenever your heart is nudging you to get visible for the next six weeks.

    Speaker 2 (16:31):

    It's time to start today. Right. Thanks. So often we beat ourself up for like, you know, what happened in the past or that we're not far enough along or that, um, you know, we're not making as much money as we wanted to, or we're not, we should have started our business yesterday. Sure, sure. But what if now is the right moment? What if all of that was preparing you for what is right now? You can start fresh right now and get visible for the next six weeks. Okay. My loves hope this was helpful tune in next week where I'm gonna talk to you about what to do when you feel like you're too much. When you have too many content ideas, how to narrow it down, how to keep it simple, how to simplify your visibility. Okay. Join me next week. And as always, thanks for joining me.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


PART TWO: Feeling “Too Much” in Your Visibility


Affirmations for Grace