“Positive Vulnerability” to Boost Sales and Unlock Confidence


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Episode Summary:

In this episode, I’m diving into the power of positive vulnerability. We’ll discuss how you can own your wins, share your story confidently as a heart centered entrepreneur, and how you can use positive vulnerability to connect with aligned clients and boost your conversions without having to sell more online. Plus I’ll share a challenge you can try for 2 weeks that show you how you can try positive vulnerability with your audience! This is a visibility challenge I’ve given to my Mastermind clients, and you’ll be able to do it, too! 


  • The importance of owning your wins and celebrating them out loud

  • How to build authentic connection with your audience through positive vulnerability

  • The power of sharing behind-the-scenes wins (without feeling awkward or braggy)

  • Real examples of turning wins into relatable content

  • How you can start sharing your positive moments without “overselling”

  • An amazing BTS client win from the Sell with Heart mastermind

Episode Resources:

  • Anna (00:06):

    Welcome to the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur podcast. I want you to be rich. Yes, I want abundant financial success for your business, but I don't just care about your business making money. I care about you too. I want you to be rich and happiness in the impact you make in your relationships and in how you give back. I'm Anna. I built my six figure business as a side hustle while I was pregnant with my daughter in 2016. Now I've helped dozens of women do the same. I'm here to help you build a profitable heart-centered fully book business with the latest tips on sales and visibility with proven mindset hacks and sneak peeks behind the scenes with what's working right now in the online space and in my business, ready to make more money with heart. Let's go.

    Anna (00:50):

    Oh my goodness, you guys, I came back from a salsa festival this weekend, had some client calls and immediately cried <laugh> just because it's such a blessing to have such amazing, brave, badass clients. Truly, I am so grateful for if you're listening to this, my clients and your heart and courage and the fact that I get to see you behind the scenes in your life, in your integrity, in your hard work, and the problems you have are because you care so much about your clients, you care so much about the impact you're making. You wanna do things right, you wanna do things with integrity, and it's just such a joy to support you. And I wish you could see you the way that I see you, and I'm just in awe of who you are. In private, my beautiful aunt always had this quote about integrity of like, you know, what you do in private is who you are.

    Anna (01:41):

    Essentially, I'm butchering it, but like I really see that in my clients. Like why I love being a coach that helps you with your marketing and helps make your sales and everything sexier is because I feel that heart-centered women are the most underrated women online. They're the best kept secret online, which is not a good thing, right? People are out there. Your competitors that aren't really caring about their clients, they're, you know, they're just out there and wanting to make money, which is fine, but they're not also passionate about their working, caring about their clients, but their marketing is good and sexy and they're good at sales. And that's why I'm so passionate about equipping heart-centered women to be the best at sales, to be the best at marketing, to have the most sexiest message because you deserve amazing marketing because on the backend, your business is quality and you just care so much.

    Anna (02:31):

    And so <laugh>, whether you're a client of mine or not, know that I just, my goal is to help you make as much money as possible as a heart center entrepreneur because I know that you are going to make a difference in whatever niche you're in, whether you are working in the child birth field, whether you're working in the health field, whether you're working in the business field, something else, right? Like I really feel like heart-centered women. You deserve it the most to experience that impact and the cash, like you can have both. It's safe for you to make a big difference for you to care about your clients, to show up for them a hundred percent and make a ton of money and have a ton of abundance and have a ton of freedom and work that three day work week and make multi six figures.

    Anna (03:13):

    It's safe for you to do that. Maybe even put your hand on your heart right now. Remind yourself it's safe for me to make multi-six figures on a three day work week and still give my clients a big impact this week. I've had so many clients have big wins. One client bought a house with the money she made in her business. Um, another client is on her way to her first million dollar year and another client had a baby while running her business. Another client had her first 20 K month. Like just amazing, amazing things. And so excited to invite you to the Mastermind. If you're listening to this in real time, enrollment is open for the next round of the mastermind and I've already filled one of the pods. So spaces are filling. If you're interested, make sure you fill out a free CEO assessment.

    Anna (03:55):

    I'm doing the applications new this year in that once you're a client of mine, often I'll have you fill out a CEO assessment. It's this little three step process and I'm actually offering that for free for mastermind applicants so that you're getting some value even in the application process you're doing. I'm basically coaching you for free and you're able to get some vision, some breakthrough, whether we work together or not. So fill out that free CEO application. I only offer this during open enrollment and I will review it personally and give you feedback on your plan on what I feel I can expedite your cash flow to Make sure you fill out that CEO assessment and apply for the Mastermind because it really is the program that's going to get you the best results. The program that I have my most energy and attention in more than anything in my business.

    Anna (04:45):

    And I invite you to apply, apply, go look at the sales page. I also have a private podcast that's six episodes long that outlines in more in depth of what I cover in the mastermind and also, you know, just gives you more strategies around growing your business. The mastermind really is for anyone that's not making 10 K months yet. So you're really not making consistent income, making you maybe, maybe you're making some here and there, but anything from zero to 10 K months, you are welcome to join the Mastermind and really work towards your three day work week on making six figures a year. That's the goal of that program. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Okay, today, I have a fun challenge for you. Are you ready? Are you ready? I'm so excited to give you a challenge that I've been giving a lot of my mastermind clients and they hate it, but it's so good for them and it's gonna be so good for you, okay?

    Anna (05:40):

    The goal is for you to use positive vulnerability only in your business for the next two weeks. Okay? What does this mean, right? I feel like a lot of times heart-centered entrepreneurs, they come to me and some other visibility blocks are, you know, I wanna post online, but also I'm a rather private person. I wanna post online, but you know, maybe I'm posting, it's not picking up traction like I'd like. More often than not, they are, well either not posting <laugh> because they're busy and overwhelmed or they're posting, but they're not posting content that makes their potential clients want to buy from them. And the remember, the reason you're posting online is to make money, okay? And yes, you want to be, people are like, yeah, but I also wanna help. Like you can be of service and you can want to make money online, but the whole point of investing, your valuable precious time in your business in marketing is to make money.

    Anna (06:31):

    And so this is gonna make sure you get a return for it, okay? Back in the day, I do think that the online space responded a little bit better to like teaching content to stuff like that. And of course, like we still wanna teach and give value, but I think the online space is responding even better right now. Number one to just things that get engagement, right? And so reels that just resonate, Facebook posts that just get people to raise their hand, like, would you rather have coffee or tea? Like just conversation starters. Just so many people are working trying to figure out how to get their content to convert and not asking themselves the question like, how do I just get my content to be seen for the first time, right? How do I get more followers? How do I get in front of more eyeballs in the beginning, right?

    Anna (07:13):

    But then after you do that and you have people paying attention, positive vulnerability is the number one way that you can make sales online without directly selling. You know, I'm a big fan of also directly mentioning your programs, but I'm a big fan of positive vulnerability. What it means, let's talk about what, uh, negative vulnerability is <laugh>. And it is, oh my God, I'm a hot mess, so I'm relatable to you. Um, so hire me. And it's not bad to sometimes do that. Like sure, sometimes I'll post a picture of like my messy kitchen to like be normalizing and validating to our audience. But the truth is that our audience already knows that we we're not posting like sterile pictures in a jet with a fancy handbag. And don't get me wrong, that's your vibe. There's, I have no judgment towards a fancy handbag. I think more women, men by themselves, fancy glove calls all the time.

    Anna (08:02):

    If you wanna buy your self a Birkin bag, be my guest, I will cheer you on right away. Okay? So this is not about that, but what this is about is, you know, we're not, most heart center entrepreneurs are not posting unattainable photos. They're posting too much quote relatable content that I think it's not fully showing authentically who they are. They're only showing the low lights, and they're not showing the highlight reel. They're not showing how good they are. They're not showing how amazing they are. They aren't bragging about how amazing they are, and mostly because they don't even see it in themselves. When I assign my clients this exercise often they're like, yeah, but I'm not even doing anything Amazing. Yeah, but I haven't even accomplished what I wanna accomplish. Like it's hard for us to own our own wins in front of ourselves, let alone share them online.

    Anna (08:47):

    And that's why I love this process so much is it really forces you to own your wins as a part of the mastermind application. One of the questions is write down 10 wins. Write down 10 things you're proud of and get all the way to 10. I don't care how bad of a day or a quarter you're having, what are 10 things that you've done that you're proud of that you're owning? Because if you don't start to train your brain to look for that, you are gonna think that you suck. And especially as ambitious women, we always have somewhere to go. We always, immediately after we finish something, we have another bigger braver goal, which is fine, but we can start to go from the energy of beating ourselves up on the way to a goal instead of what is so much more effective is being proud of ourselves on the way to a goal.

    Anna (09:28):

    So what I want you to do is take out a pen and paper and write down 10 things that you are so proud of yourself for in your business right now. 10 wins. Um, it's a really important exercise, right? And ideally, you're able to pick one or two of those to share with your audience in a way of humble bragging to inspire them, right? Maybe I may say something like, um, I was able to, you know, close 10 K in sales right after coming back from a salsa conference or something like that. I don't know. It's true. Um, <laugh>, but like, think about things that, and maybe you wanna share like what you learned from it, and this is how I did it, right? Like maybe you wanna, maybe for me it's like sharing like, Hey, I really make multi six figures on about a three day work week.

    Anna (10:16):

    Here's the three things I do to make that possible. So you're tying the brag in, right? One of my amazing clients just booked an international trip. And so I told her to write a piece of content about like, Hey, I just booked this international trip ticket to go to fly solo and here's how I got the courage to do that, right? And do you start to see how like these humble brags really are? And then to me, that's so much better marketing for your business because instead of like always telling yourself and your audience that you suck, like why would they wanna hire you? Right? <laugh>. And I think we just need to be, start being more authentic in how amazing we are. You know, like, like that is authenticity too. It's just the harder authenticity. It's easier to be like, I suck. I'm not very good.

    Anna (11:02):

    I haven't done very many cool things, right? It's harder to be like, I'm not perfect, but I'm pretty badass. I'm not perfect, but look what I did. I'm not perfect. But for me, I did a post the other day about like buying my house in San Diego with 25% cash down and then I tied a lesson to it, right? I'm not doing that to brag. I'm doing that to be an expander. And if that triggers some people along the way, I hope it triggers them in a good way. Maybe it's something that they want too. And they haven't given themselves permission to do that. And I think at the end of the day, most of us that have personal brands, and even if you don't, right? Like you need to be aspirational, but not in a way that you, you are feeling like you have to be like unattainable or share details of your life that you don't want to.

    Anna (11:45):

    Like, there's lots of things in my life that I don't share and there's lots of my clients that share online that don't share as much as I do, and that's fine, right? But really thinking through how do I brag on myself, number one, so my audience knows how great I am? I actually think that, you know how we blame marketers that only share the sunny side? I actually also blame heart-centered entrepreneurs that only share the shady side, right? I'm like, you're not marketing accurately because you're not marketing actually how amazing you are because you're afraid to over market and under deliver. You're actually under marketing and overdelivering, which is a problem. That is a problem. We do not want you to be the best kept secret online, right? We want your people to know in your marketing how amazing you are. And that comes from sharing it.

    Anna (12:33):

    No one else is going to advocate for you like you advocate for you. You have to be your own hero in your sales and marketing. You have to say, Hey, if you're looking for a website, look no further. I would be the most amazing person to hire for your website. 'cause guess what? I care so much I'm experienced and look at my client work. I mean, it's good. You have to be able to sell yourself <laugh>. You have to, you have to be your biggest advocate, not just with your words, but with your energy. And I, the reason I love this work so much is especially if you're someone that maybe has struggled with self-esteem or confidence, right? This really is the universe forcing you. It's an opportunity for personal growth for you to stand out there bravely on your own social media and say, I'm proud of myself.

    Anna (13:23):

    Look. And it's been a humbling experience for me, right? Because I think for me, when I shared like, you know, buy my cap, my house with cash, or you know, saving 20 K in 90 days and then saving $200,000 in a few years, like that stuff feels, I definitely have had visibility blocks around that. But at the end of the day, what gets me over it is, number one, I know it's good for my business, but number two, I feel like if it can inspire even one person, it's worth it. Whatever inner talk is coming for me, whether it's like, is too vulnerable to share that or will people judge me or will that make me a target or will blah, blah, blah, blah. Ego, ego, ego. What about the one woman that sees that, the one single mom out there that's like, if Anna is <laugh> figuring all this out and can buy her own house, maybe I can too.

    Anna (14:16):

    And if that helps one mom, it's worth it to me that brag is worth it. Again, I'm not bragging. I am letting people know what is possible for them and maybe they even accomplish something even better than me. My favorite thing is when people say that they're inspired by my story and then they go and do something beyond what I did. Like that is just everything, right? And so remembering you, sharing your story matters. You sharing what you've done, what you've accomplished, the breakthroughs that you've worked so hard for in your life, in your business, even if they feel insignificant to you, even if it feels like, Ugh, yeah, I did this, but I wish I did it sooner. Yeah, I did this, but other people have done it too. Yeah, I did this, but I should have been further by now. No, no, you're exactly where you need to be right now.

    Anna (15:06):

    And owning where you're at with gratitude and with respect for yourself and with compassion and with empathy, is what's gonna get you to the next level. So number one, I think this is gonna ize your marketing if you, for the next two weeks only do positive visibility. But I also think it's gonna revolutionize yourself and your self-esteem to own. Um, I'm kind of badass. I don't need to be hiding, right? So, okay, let's wrap this up because I have to pick up my babies from school. Your job for the next two weeks is to only share positive visibility. And the easiest way to do this is to first just write a list of 10 wins. And then from the 10 you can pick like six of those things to share and make a reel or a social post. And again, the prompt could be IX, Y, Z, and this is what I learned.

    Anna (15:52):

    I ran a marathon and here's the number one thing I had to believe to do it right. I signed four clients in two weeks and here's the three steps I took to make it happen, right? I think of another example for a health coach. I, you know, I don't know if you wanna market to losing weight, but let's say you did wanna do that, right? Like I dropped two gene sizes and I didn't have to count calories or restrict myself to do it, right? So really sharing your wins that your audience would be interested and inspired by, but also adding some value there. Adding a teaching moment, number one, helps your audience, but it helps you not feel so braggy about it too. Will you take the challenge? Will you in the next two weeks post six times your wins? Well, you can even do two is email me your 10 wins and then you can pick six of them to share with your audience.

    Anna (16:44):

    'cause maybe some feel too vulnerable or not applicable, but sh write down at least 10 things that you're proud of. And truly this will revolutionize your marketing how you feel, your confidence. And it'll train your brain to start seeing the good. Because when you start writing down that list of 10, you might be like, ah, I don't even can't even think of two things. I did good. Everything sucks, right? But then when you get to three and four, you'll be like, oh my God, I did do that thing right? It's just that it's so hard for us to see our own wins. We are so close to them. Okay, let me know if you're gonna take the challenge and do positive vulnerability. And if you want more action challenges like this and want me to be your personal private coach on the way to six figures for your three day work week, please apply to the mastermind.

    Anna (17:25):

    I would love to have you in it sending you so, so, so, so, so, so much love. Okay, and one more thing. I forgot that one of my sweet, sweet mastermind clients sent me this voice note. She was in it in a previous round and had a great win. So I just wanted to share this voice note with you and just the reminder that an investment in a mastermind, like it doesn't just pay off when you're in it, but it even pays off after, because the coaching I do is quality and deep and it plants seeds for immediate cash flow and also future cash flow. It really is that investment that pays off. So if you've been thinking about doing the mastermind in a future round, I encourage you to do it sooner than later because truly it is kind of like investing in the stock market where you wanna plant those seeds early. You wanna start changing your money mindset beliefs early. You wanna be revolutionizing your MI marketing early because sometimes it just takes time for those changes to tune into effect. Okay, have a beautiful Tuesday

    Speaker 2 (18:25):

    This year in business. I just wanted to tell you, you told me we had our intensive and uh, we had our intensive, I think it was in November of last year. And you said to me that, um, like the first half of the year before you go on maternity leave, like you can definitely do 70 5K in, um, in revenue. And I was like, no way. In my mind I was like, what? It just seems so astronomical to me at the time. But I have to tell you, I hit that, which is wild. I think I got to 72, so I got close. But this year I am gonna hit six figures for the first time. And I just have so much of that to credit to you. And I just wanted to say you inspire me so much and even when I didn't have confidence or believe in myself, you always believed in me. And I just wanted to say thank you so much.

    Anna (19:20):

    For hanging out today. Please hit that subscribe button so you can make sure to stay updated anytime a new episode drops. And I would love for you to join me in my free Facebook community. It's called The Heart-Centered Entrepreneur. We discuss the podcast episodes. I regularly go live and do free trainings, and you may even meet your newest biz bestie, so you can join at www.heartcenteredcommunity.com. It's absolutely free, and I cannot wait to see you in there.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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Client Story: Marissa’s 17-Client Win and BTS Inside the Sell with Heart Mastermind