The Name Game: Create Captivating Offer Titles in 15 Minutes
Hi, friends! I'm so excited to talk to you today about naming your beautiful offer.
I think it can be such a useful tool—whether it's something in your business that's free or something that's paid—to get really good at the skill of naming things. Today I want to talk about it in the context of your offer or whatever it is that you sell, but I think this also applies to your free stuff, like your free challenges, calls, Facebook lives, etc.
As heart centered entrepreneurs, we need to be the best marketers because we KNOW our product or service is going to change lives. But we also don't need to spend a half hour trying to decide what our email subject line should be.
Tune in to this episode to learn how to name your offers in the best way you can!
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Discussed in this episode:
Being honest in your marketing
Making a wins list for yourself to help with marketing yourself and your products online
The importance of affirming that it's okay for your marketing to be sexy
Anna's biggest piece of advice with naming your offer
Focusing on clarity over creativity
** This is a raw, unedited transcript
Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hi friends. I'm so excited today to talk to you about naming your beautiful offer. I think it can be such a useful tool, whether it's something free in your business or paid in your business to get really good at the skill of naming things. Like I obviously like today, I wanna talk about it in context of your offer or the thing that you sell. But I think this all also applies to, um, your free stuff, like your freebies, right? Your free calls, but it also applies to like all of your free marketing, like you think about a Facebook live that you do, right. Or you think about, um, how you like, uh, caption your TikTok video or Instagram real. Right. I think like we need to spend way more time on how we, um, title things, even like a, an email subject line, right? Because that's what gets people to click that's what gets people to open, right?
Speaker 1 (00:51):
That's what gets people to watch. And again, like, you know, you've heard me say this a thousand times, but I think as heart-centered entrepreneurs, we need to be the best marketers, right? Because our hygiene, me, Joe, is so good to see you on here. Our is quality, right? We know that after someone pays their money to us, we're gonna show up and serve. It's so funny too, because I, several times in a row, right. As I started new rounds of my mastermind sell with heart, I've had people say like, Anna, this is even better. Like I listened to your podcast. I followed you for free, online for forever. But like you behind the scenes are even better than I at. You would be like your level of support and being seen in actions and swipes like, oh my gosh, my mind is blown. And like, well, you'd think this is a good thing.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
It's also a bad thing. Right? Cause like, we want to our marketing to be just as compelling as, as we are. And so I just want you to give yourself that permission. If you're listening today to say to yourself, like it's safe for me to have really compelling, really sexy, really attractive magnetic marketing, because I know on the back end, I'm gonna show up for my people. I think this was hard for me at the start of my business. Cause I wasn't sure, like I had a hunch. I was gonna be a good coach. Right. But I wasn't sure. So I think sometimes we have nerves about marketing ourself. Cause we don't wanna like over promise an underdeliver, but I just wanna like tell you, like it's safe for you to trust yourself. And I think I told you guys one of my favorite quotes from my beautiful client leasing sites is this affirmation.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
Like I don't always get it. Right. But I always make it right. Like it's okay if you're imperfect, like it's okay if you make mistakes with your clients. Right. But like, are you someone that's always committed to make it right. And if so, it's safe for you to have compelling marketing marketing. It's safe for you to have sexy marketing. Right. It's safe for your marketing to work really, really well. Do you believe that? Can you affirm that? Because I think on one end, like we're saying like, oh, we want clients, we wanna be fully booked. We want to make money. But on the other hand we're like not really willing to have sexy marketing. Right. And I don't wanna say like sexy marketing. I don't mean like, uh, like bro marketing, right. Or over, or like weird marketing or like using sales tactics that are dishonest or not
Speaker 2 (02:59):
An integrity. What I mean by this. Right. A lot of times I'll tell my clients like, okay, how many spaces you have opened? Right. And they're like, I've got two spaces. I'm like, well, can you tell your audience that? And they're like, well, I don't wanna be like, uh, out of in I'm like you're, you're not being out of integrity. You're being honest. Like you really have two spaces open. Like we're so afraid to use like the scares or the things that are out of integrity that we go the opposite direction. And we're not even honest. Right. I'm all about honest marketing. Right. But I think honest marketing often means just being more direct about like, Hey, I've got spaces open. Hey, I'm an awesome coach. Hey, I'm a virtual assistant. That's gonna like blow your mind with how on I am for you. Right.
Speaker 2 (03:38):
Like I think we think like honesty for me say this before is like, oh, I wanna be like, uh, honest about like that I'm having a bad day and that I'm a hot mess and sure. That's fine sometimes. But are you honest about how amazing you are? Which is why I have so many of my clients make a wins list. Like have you even owned within yourself? What you've accomplished in your business? What you've for your clients, what you've accomplished in your lifetime, are you owning that? And can you share that with your audience? Right. I just shared on a group coaching call this week, too. It is important to tell your audience, like these are the practical wins that I've had and this is what's possible for you. But I think the other part of that is even owning your personality, even owning your personal quality.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
Right? I was telling my, um, core students this week that like one of the exercises that my, I am working with the, uh, Spanish tutor, cause I'm working on my Spanish and one of the exercises she had me do, she always makes me cry. I call her my Spanish therapist. Cause just like the exercises she has me do are so good. If anyone needs a Spanish tutor, by the way, I will give you her call on information. She is the sweetest soul. She is so amazing. And my Spanish is just growing leaps and bounds. <laugh> shout out for her. Um, but she had me in Spanish write down words that describe the way I was and the way that I am today. Like some of the shifts that had happened in me as I've grown over the last five years, have you guys know my journey?
Speaker 2 (04:59):
Like grown a lot in the last five years, number one started a business. Number two, unfortunately like went through divorce. Right? Really started my journey as a single mama, like all the shifts. Right? And so there was a lot to own. But as I wrote some of these words, you mean to read them to you, you can read them to you too. I think I realized like, Ooh, I'm actually really good at articulating to my audience. Some of these qualities. Right? And I think like we forget that people strangers online, right? That haven't yet met us. They don't know these things. So here's the things. Some things that I wrote, I wrote some of my roles. I'm a coach. I'm a mom. I'm a girlfriend. I'm a, co-parent I'm gentle. I'm sassy. I'm loving. I'm brave. I'm trusting. I'm surrendered. I'm structured. I'm, I'm intuitive.
Speaker 2 (05:42):
I'm creative. I'm loving. And I'm smart. Right? <laugh> no, it can feel stretchy to make a list like this, but here's why it's useful. Right? Because I actually, if you follow me on social media, you hear me say like, I'm a coach, that's gonna show up for you. Right. I'm a coach. That's gonna be honest with you. Right. I'm a coach. That's gonna be your biggest cheerleader. Right. And you might feel uncomfortable saying these things to your audience. But as you hear me say them, it's useful for you because then you know, if I'm the type of coach that you need, right. It's not me bragging. It's me being honest about who I am. And some of you guys listening to this need to be a little bit more honest about who you are, right. This is who I am so that people can select out if they don't need that.
Speaker 2 (06:28):
Right. For me, I am. I err, on the side of probably being gentle and nurturing. I definitely am like honest and booty kicking, but I think of the spectrum. I definitely err on the side of being, um, loving and nurturing, that's just my personality. Right. So think about how that's useful to my audience to know that so that if they are looking for someone that's a little more hard and direct, they probably wouldn't wanna hire me. But if someone is a little more sensitive, intuitive, creative, heart centered, then they're gonna be like, Anna's the code for me? Right. So I don't want you to think about it as bragging. I want you to think about it as like being integr, integrous and honest with your marketing so that you can attract the right clients. Right. And that's so helpful for my clients to know like, Ooh, this is who, same thing with the structured.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Right? So in my coaching, in my containers, I'm fairly structured. I feel like a lot of my clients, like how I show up with worksheets with swipe files, with like try the strategy, right? Um, with like, Hey, this is how the sessions go. Hey, this is what is okay. And not okay. Right. This is what we do. Okay. What's your action item, right? I'll be like, when are you gonna do that by? Right. If you're a client of mine, you know that I'm like, okay, when's your deadline. Okay. When am I gonna see that? Okay, yay. Right. I am a little bit more, um, you know, when we talk about feminine, uh, mass feminine and masculine energy, I am a little more masculine. And in my, I provide my clients a lot of structure, but I find that my clients really like that because they often tend to be a little more feminine or intuitive.
Speaker 2 (07:54):
So they need that structure. They need that container. They need that accountability. Right? The accountability, I think we make ourselves so wrong for like, I should be able to figure this on my own. I should need like, yes. And also like, I will always have accountability. Right. Would I work on Spanish? If I did not have my Spanish tutor waiting for me every Friday at 10? Absolutely not. Right. I will always have a business coach of some level. Right. I will O because for me, I just know it's easier for me to maintain motivat when I have that external accountability, like normalized, external accountability. It's safe to like, have that it's okay. Right. The reason I go to the gym is because like, I don't have the motivation to work outta my own living room. Like, I'm just gonna be honest with you. Right. I need someone waiting for me at the gym and I need to meet my friends there, do it.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
Right. Like there's nothing were wrong with that. And um, anyway, all this to say, right. I think as you own who you are, and you're really honest about that, that's when you start to really magnetize dream clients the fastest. Um, and so again, just being willing to quote brag about those softer pieces, those personality pieces, um, think, note that to yourself as a task, if you need to write down like who you are. And then again, the other side of that is the more tangible and concrete wins. Like you've heard me say, like, I've been able to save 200 K in saving, right. As a skill in my business. Like I have worked with probably about 350 clients to this point in a high touch capacity. Not just like churning people through random courses. Like I have gotten to know, and personally supported over 300 women in the past six years.
Speaker 2 (09:30):
Right. Like knowing and saying those stats, like, you wouldn't know that unless I said that I out loud. Right. And so again, it's less about bragging and more about informing. Like someone may not know that that's the type of business that I run, that I don't do this just massive course model that I actually love. I'm obsessed with coaching and I love seeing women get lasting breakthrough and change. Right. Okay. So all of that, aside coming back to this point about naming your offer, <laugh>, you're like when you get back, um, it's so important that we, I think something shifted for me when I realized like, as a heart centered entrepreneur, it's my job to get good at marketing. It's my job to be okay with my messaging being compelling. It's okay for me to be good at sales. Because, because, because I wanna compete with those people that aren't heart centered, that aren't gonna show up for their clients.
Speaker 2 (10:20):
I know me, I know my business. I know my team, we show up for my clients a hundred percent and I know you're that way too. So really affirming for yourself. It's safe to have compelling messaging. It's safe to have sexy marketing. It's safe to have, um, sales and marketing that works. And it's safe for me to work on that because you know, on the backend you're gonna deliver, you're gonna show up. Right. Okay. So back to naming your offer, now that you've gotten that pep talk, now that you've affirmed that, right. Um, okay. Let me pull up my notes. Skis, let me pull, pull up my notes. Um, okay. So my biggest advice, I, when it comes to naming, um, your offer, whatever it is, again, whether it's a pay thing or a free thing is to come up with 20 name ideas. And I know this isn't very, um, <laugh>, you're like 20, like I can't even think of one.
Speaker 2 (11:12):
Right? I think naming your offer again, like naming your email, subject line, naming your Facebook lot. Like I think it's worth it to spend the time to make it sexy and compelling. Right. Um, and so what I would do is give yourself permission to brain dump 20 ideas. You can come up with some of the ideas, your friends can come up with some of the ideas, right? But giving yourself time, your asset deserves good marketing, your asset Des deserves a good title. And it's not that it has to be perfect. It's not that you can't change it later. But I do think like we overthink something's in business and we under think something's in business. Mostly we overthink. But one thing I think we do under think is the name of our stuff. Right. And so give yourself permission to come up with 20 name ideas for your offer.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
Okay. If you do this exercise today, I would love to see it right. Post it in the group, email it to me, like share those 20 ideas with me. I would love to celebrate and see those and see you around that. I, my other biggest advice around this is you're like, dang it, Anna 20 ideas. That's a lot. Yes. And you'll be stuck on like the first two, but then the ideas will start flowing. Right. Um, I also suggest that you write the subtitle first, right? So you write re write the results oriented subtitle. First, the subtitle can be like a four week journey or a three month journey to like often you can put like the amount of time that the program is. Um, and then you wanna write something outcome based. Right? So what it is that they're wanting, that's the marketing piece, like what's that end outcome, the freedom, the money, the happiness, the relationship piece, right?
Speaker 2 (12:53):
Like what is it that they're wanting? And so writing that results oriented subtitle that's a little bit longer, can be useful because then your title is just can be shorter, can be concise. And I'm a big fan about clarity over creativity when it comes to your title. Like, I really am like, you can be creative in all the parts of your business, but something that we wanna be kind of born is it comes to the title of our business. Right? Like, think about my program names, visible impact. It is like visibility, right. Sell with heart sales and heart. Right. It's a little bit boring. Right. <laugh> like my program get, and coach your first client. This is like, okay, Anna, like I'm being pretty direct. Right. But why I find that so useful is that when people are searching for things, when people are looking for things, we don't wanna leave them guessing.
Speaker 2 (13:38):
We want them to know exactly what it's about. Right. Um, we don't want them to be like, wait, what is this for? Who is it for? Um, and so I hope that that's helpful, like writing that subtitle first, right? That's a little bit longer that's outcome focused that talks about out the length of time, potentially like a 12 week journey to whatever. Right. Then you can come up with 20 ideas for your beautiful offer. Right. And again, I think this is a great process for if you have an email that you really want people to read, brainstorming 20 different ideas for the email subject line, right. Brainstorming 20 different ideas for your freebie PDF. Right. Um, and then coming up with the one that feels like, Ooh, this is gonna be the one that people will, will interest them in my offer. Okay. Um, that's it, that's all, hopefully this is helpful for you, as you're thinking through naming your beautiful offer.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
And I really feel like, again, like your offer is your, um, your asset, your offer is this cash flowing machine. Like your offer is something that, um, we really wanna prioritize something. I had my cell with heart mastermind. Ladies do this week was when it comes to their offer, thinking about the seven core elements of their offer, right. When it comes to the name, the subtitle, the price, the deliverables, the outcomes, right. The testimonials, right? Like picking one section to give a little facelift to. Right. I think, you know, right now you're probably naming your offer for the first time. Right. But I think as you go on, we always wanna be looking at like, how do we Polish? How do we give a facelift to like, just like we were in like a regular store, right. If we owned a storefront, we would be cleaning the windows.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
We would be dusting the shelves. Right. We would be taking care of our store, same thing with our offer. We want to approach this with such care because it's a money making machine. And when you feel confident, when you feel proud, when you feel excited, that's when you're gonna be selling, inviting people to it. Right. Just like with, um, a storefront, right. When your store it's kinda like at my house. Right. Like my house, actually right now yesterday, it wasn't, but it's actually kind of clean right now. And so I'm like, oh yeah, I can have my sister over. Right. It's just easier to invite people into your home when it's clean. Right. Not that like you can't, but it's just easier. Same thing with your offer. You can still invite people to your offer and make money, even if you're not super confident or proud in it.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
But is it way easier to sell your offer when you're so confident and proud with it? A hundred percent of its right. And so it's really asking your, so what do I need to do with my offer so that I'm more proud of it so that I'm more confident so that it's easier to sell it. And I do think that name can be really fun. So again, maybe you're naming your offer for the first time. Maybe you're giving one of your offer your programs, a facelift, right? Maybe you have like sold out your offer and you're getting ready to like create a new offer in your business. This is a beautiful way to, um, put time and intention into it. Okay. Your homework is to let me know, um, what it is that you're naming and also 20 ideas. I put 10 to 20, but I want you to do 20.
Speaker 2 (16:46):
Like, I want you to go four and come up with 20 ideas for your next offer. And you know, I'm a big believer in like, you know, selling out your current offer and stabilizing your current offer before moving to the next one. But maybe you want to like start brainstorming your, your ti, like, if you already have a title for your current offer, maybe you're gonna be brainstorming that next offer. Right. Um, and really wrapping your mind around like what that next thing is so that you can get yourself for it. Right. As I've created, I, in the last few years, I've created a lot more courses. And once I had a name locked in for the course, it felt me more exciting to work on it. Number one, because then you can like build the wait list. Right. But I think also it excites you to know like, Hmm, like this is, it makes it feel official.
Speaker 2 (17:30):
This is the name. This is the, the thing that I'm gonna talk about and, um, really create buzz and excitement around because you you've heard me say this before. Right. When people are like, Anna, how do I create like buzz and excitement online about my offer? Like, I'm like spoiler alert. You're the buzz, you're the excitement, right? You're the one that creates that excitement. And so giving yourself permission to spend time so that you do feel excited about it. It's never gonna be perfect. Right? There's like no perfect title, but I do think you can put intention and energy into it. And I can't wait to hear the winner. Feel free to ask for my vote. After you come with 20, I'm happy to vote and be like, this one's my favorite. Right. Or if you come up with, after the 20, your favorite, I would love to see so that you can celebrate that with me. Okay. Thank you. As always for tuning in and hope you have a beautiful rest of your day.
PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.
So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.