Top Ten Wins


Episode Summary:

I'm so excited for today's episode because I hope YOU take the 10 Win Challenge! At the end of each year, I list my top ten wins of the year just as a way to reflect and celebrate because I think we make reflections way too complex. I think simplicity is so queen here. When it comes to reflecting at the end of the year, a lot of things can come up, but I find that when I have my mastermind ladies list their ten wins, something just shifts in the air. Let's talk about it.

Topics Discussed:

  • Anna's tried and true method for reflecting at the end of the year or a big project

  • Where you can look to find your wins easily

  • Business hack: strike when the inspiration hits instead of waiting

  • Taking care of your future self by planning ahead

  • Anna's top ten wins from the year

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hi friends. I'm so excited for today's episode because I hope you take the 10 win challenge. What it is is at the end of every year, I list my top 10 wins of the year just as a way to reflect and celebrate because I think we make reflections way too complex. For example, launch reflection after every single launch, my team and I fill out five simple questions. I can put it in the show notes too if you want, but it's just such a fun way after a launch when you're kind of tired to capture what worked and what didn't work and have that data for the next time, right? It takes about 10 minutes. Most people don't do this because they make their launch reflection this like huge 17 page document, right? Same thing with business planning and mapping. When my mastermind girls do their quarterly plan, they're planning out their three months of visibility, marketing everything in about 30 minutes, right?

    Anna Rapp (00:53):

    And I think simplicity is so queen here and when it comes to reflecting at the end of the year, I mean a lot of things can come up, right? Like, oh, I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to or whatever. But I find that when I have my mastermind ladies list, their 10 wins. It is just something shifts in the air. So not only do they do this, um, for my mastermind ladies by the mastermind I am in personally, I encourage my biz sisters to do this too. And it just takes about 10 minutes. I like to do it just by scrolling through the photos on my phone. That is one of the easiest ways to be like, oh yeah, what did I do? What did I accomplish? Because you usually have screen grabs in there. Anyone else? Um, you have pictures when you're out and about.

    Anna Rapp (01:35):

    And then I also like to look at my Google calendar to just kind of see, I also like to look at my daily check-ins. If you do the daily check-in exercise that I provide, I can put a link to that too in the show notes, absolutely free. Basically a daily mindset check-in. At the top of that, I like to list my wins for the month. I don't do this every month, but every month that I can, I try to at the end of the month, like really highlight, okay, what were my top wins of the month that I'm really proud of, right? In business and as ambitious women, it can be so easy to see the class half full and see like what we've yet to accomplish and we're sucking and like, yeah, I made 10 K but it took me too long. Or like literally every win is like, yeah, that was awesome, but also I should have done it faster, right?

    Anna Rapp (02:22):

    Instead it's reversing that mindset and coming at our challenges from like, I'm proud of myself, I'm crushing it, I'm taking the risk, I'm doing the thing, right? So it's just as simple as that. Create a list of 10 wins and I want you to share it with me in the heart-centered Entrepreneur Facebook group and hashtag at 10 wins. I wanna see it and I wanna personally comment on it and I wanna be like, yes you did. And maybe these are like business wins. Maybe they're life wins, maybe they're tangible, maybe they're database. I liked it last year. I like tallied up all the dance classes I did and all the yoga classes I did, right?

    Anna Rapp (02:58):

    However you wanna do it, but don't squirrel out from doing it. Spend 10 minutes in doing it. I also like to, this is like an aside, but I'm recording this right now, November 7th. You're not gonna get this episode till December, but you're like, Anna, how did you do your top wins of the year when you still have two months of the year left? I'm someone I realized one of the hacks in business that has really served me is I strike when the inspiration hits. What I mean about this is I really felt inspired. Someone sent me a planner in the mail and I was like, Ooh, I should do my reflections. So I was inspired and I wrote my 10 wins for the year, right? And now I have this done and I am someone that's an NFP Enneagram seven. And sometimes I do have to put my ideas on pause, but I think there's something beautiful about like when the inspiration strikes, do it, even if it's in advance.

    Anna Rapp (03:49):

    And I think, like for me, I'm hosting my family, like I said, for Thanksgiving this weekend. Um, but two months ago I really did the prep for it. I pulled up a little Excel sheet and I was like, okay, what dishes am I, you know, I, when I moved across country, I left all of my dishware behind. So I basically, this is a great excuse to rebuy champagne glasses and all those fancy things, right? But I did that two months ago 'cause I was feeling inspired and excited about it and I'm so beautiful, I'm so glad because it's kind of a busy week, but I already have my dishes set. I already have the Turkey ordered, all of that stuff done, right? Same thing with Christmas gifts in October. There was a Saturday that I was like feeling the holiday spirit. I went on Amazon and I did all the gifts, ordered them for the kids' teachers, for my neighbors, for my best friends.

    Anna Rapp (04:33):

    I sent them this little initial necklace early and I was like, happy holidays, right? Like some of the presents I have in my garage. But I just think it's remembering when we strike, when the inspiration hits, it's like the opposite of procrastination, right? Procrastination, we can get things done because there's a deadline. But when we do things early on, our excitement, um, it's like this double win. We're we're able to do it when we feel excited and it's fresh and there's no rush, right? We have time if there's a mistake or like if something inevitably happens, but also it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because then like when the thing gets there, you're like, oh my god, it's so nice I have that done right? And it just becomes like more and more addictive and gratifying to take care of your future self. I always say planning ahead, whether it's your content or your Thanksgiving meal, that is the gift you're gonna give to your future self, right?

    Anna Rapp (05:23):

    Okay, here's my 10 wins. I'll share them with you, but you have to promise to share yours with me, okay? I really wanna see them and I think it's so important that you own them and don't compare your list to anyone else's. Your wins are your wins. You are on a race with yourself and nobody else. Put your blinders on. Okay? My wins are number one, I crossed the million dollar market in revenue and I am so excited and so grateful. Not just that I have made that much money in my business, but for how much of I have been able to keep that I have been able to fuel my retirement account, my Freedom fund account that I've been able to buy this huge house, right? It's not huge, but since San Diego, so <laugh>, you need to say more. Um, I'm so thankful for, again, c creating the million, but also keeping so much of the million.

    Anna Rapp (06:14):

    And also for doing, creating the million with integrity and just feeling really good about how I created that money, really treating my clients and team with integrity. Um, another thing I'm proud of this year is releasing my book, the 20 K Freedom Fund. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I did that. And it hit eight in the bestseller list on Amazon. And I'm just so thankful to you. My community, you guys were my biggest cheerleaders. You motivated me, you read it for me when it was just a Google Doc. There's no way I would've created that book without you and your accountability. So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for cheering me on with that. Third thing I'm proud of is I grew my program Getting Coach, um, that helps coaches make their first three k sign. Their first five clients really launch their coaching revenue stream.

    Anna Rapp (07:04):

    I grew that program and I made it evergreen so that people can enroll year round. And as a part of that, I made an evergreen webinar and I've made my first sales on Evergreen. And that is something for me. I'm like, I like things live. I like things high touch. I, I like things heart-centered and personal, but I really innovated how I made the webinar and I feel like I even, I had some people tell me like, don't do it this way. Don't only make your webinar 20 minutes. No one's gonna buy your course from a 20 minute webinar. But they are. And I just feel like, just like all the other selling I do in my business, I have really innovated it with heart as I've grown and scaled and I'm proud of that. Like I'm proud of growing and scaling my way because I feel like number one, it makes me feel good about making money in sales and serving clients, but also I feel like it paves a way for you to know it's possible for you to make a 20 minute evergreen webinar and sell your course on quote autopilot in that way.

    Anna Rapp (08:01):

    Um, four is this year was my highest year for clients. I feel like because my two main programs sell with Heart for Women, that with either done for You or coaching businesses that are already existing, that are already making at least two to 12 K in their business and looking to scale to six figures and beyond, that program feels so dialed. And then getting coached for women that are really signing their first clients feels so dialed. And because I felt so confident in my offers, I've sold the most spots and I just feel like my clients are getting better and better crazy results because I just feel like I've continued to like click into my offers. I feel like when you're containers and programs are set, just gives you capacity for more and I'm just grateful for that, that I've been able to help more heart-centered women, but in a way that really gets them results.

    Anna Rapp (08:54):

    Okay, next thing I wanna put that I'm grateful for is that I got to keep dancing Bachata. And two specific memories that I really had that I feel like are lifetime memories are I danced Bachata, someone took me on a date that also danced bachata and we danced on the cliffs in La Jolla at Sunset and it was potentially one of the most romantic magical moments of my life. And if you've ever been to San Diego or La Jolla, you know, it's like once in a lifetime world views just with like the ocean crashing on the cliffs. Like it really is stunning. And so to dance, my favorite form of dance was just, I'm just made me like grateful to be alive and have that moment and have that memory. Um, I think too, like when you've been, you know, if you've been through hard things, just the simple things in life make you so happy and grateful, right?

    Anna Rapp (09:46):

    The other but shot the memory. I'm putting this both on number five by the way. <laugh> is um, some of my salsa and bachata girlfriends. We went to the beach together, a different beach on another day and we danced bachata at the beach. Some of us let, some of us followed and it was just an amazing time. I'm so thankful for the women that I've met in the salsa and bachata community. Just the kindest women and just like playing music on the boombox and or maybe it's not the boombox <laugh>, I'm showing my age, the, what is it, the Bluetooth speaker and again, hearing the water crash like oh my good. Just pure magic and one of those moments of like just really simple but just like so grateful to be alive. Um, next one I am thankful for is having the strongest body of my life I really have maintained and been faithful to doing.

    Anna Rapp (10:37):

    You know, I have a beautiful gym that I go to in San Diego and they do a variety of bar yoga, like intense yoga, gentle yoga, um, like a big variety of classes. And for ENFP like me that's really fun because I can be consistent in my workout but have variety and I've really been sticking to it. And I mostly honestly for my mental health to have that escape where I can like not think about work or kids for like a whole hour and just like get lost in the music and it's just good vibes. They have champagne sometimes it's just like a really positive accepting environment. And so I just go a lot 'cause I like it, right? It's just such a good reminder. Like if you like the process, you're gonna get the result. I really like going to work out so I have a really strong body because of it and I'm so thankful for that. Um, also I got Yoga sculpt certified by that gym and I'm so thankful that I have a business where I have margin to take a six week certification. I know some of you guys probably have like passions or interests or hobbies that you would like to dive into more and it's just so fun to have that margin and it's been so fun to have that challenge of learning to teach Yoga Sculpt. Um, next is I'm really

    Speaker 3 (11:52):

    Thankful for and proud of what I've created for my kids. Honestly, I don't know about you if you guys, for those of you that are mamas, but I'm really hard on myself, <laugh> and I always feel like yes, I try my best and I do my best, but I always see where I'm falling short. And so I really try to be gracious with myself. And what I'm proud of is the kids changed schools this year and I was really intentional about some of those changes. We were able to go to Legoland two times 'cause that's their absolute favorite place in the world. My kids did soccer and I really spent a lot of mindful moments with them. Just a lot of sweet mindful moments in the things that my kids like to do, whether it's baking or Legos or time in the backyard or snuggles on the couch.

    Speaker 3 (12:39):

    I wanted to put that one because I really am proud of the way that I showed up as a mom, even though it's been not perfect. Um, next I wanna write this house. I bought this house this year. I was able to save 200 K and get this house next to my parents. That's been the biggest blessing, the biggest gift. And I've also my be my friend Devon, if you follow me on Instagram, you know, she's helped me decorate it and it's really become my dream house, right? Really a place. I told you guys a story that like with my therapist, she was having me visualize a safe space. It's supposed to be imaginary, but I visualized my living room because it really, this house really is such a peaceful escape for me. And I wish all women that their house was their peaceful escape because it's really incredible to have a place where I feel completely calm, relaxed, and in control, which is so interesting.

    Speaker 3 (13:33):

    I was so afraid to live by myself because I was like, am I gonna feel safe? But the thing is, I feel infinitely more safe now than I ever have been. And I realize like safety comes from that grounded, peaceful energy within, right? Um, okay, so the house alongside with that decorating, oh my gosh, my bedroom feels like a hotel with the flowy white curtains and the beautiful fluffy queen bed and you know, renovating my kids' room like a jungle. Like just what a blessing. Also with the house, I put two things on this other one too. We have the best neighbors and it's been so fun to be invited over to like understand and get to know their lives and their cultures and their traditions and their birthday parties. And then also this house, I was able to host a workshop. I'm hosting another one in January. You're invited by the way. And it's just so fun to have women here cutting magazines and vision boarding and this house has been everything I dreamed that it would be and more. There's something about a physical space that's just such a blessing. Okay, finally, I put just gratitude for, you know, my friends, my sisters, my support, right? My good friend Sarah, my biz bestie. I love boxing with her. My, you know, two

    Anna Rapp (14:50):

    Good friends from Reding, Devon and Monique being able to vox with them. My two great friends audience, Steph that live here in San Diego, being able to do dinners here and yoga with them. And we got to travel to Catalina and Mexico City and girls are everything. Like I am just so thankful for the women in my life and their patience and their love and their grace and their listening ear and their understanding when I need space and their ability to love my littles. Like I am so grateful for them and also proud of myself for being the type of friend that they love too. Okay, that was my list. Thank you for letting me share it with you. And again, it's your turn. Stop this podcast episode. Don't do anything else unless you're driving right now and create your 10 win list. Create it.

    Anna Rapp (15:36):

    Either share it in the heart center and entrepreneur Facebook group or email it to me if it feels private. But I wanna personally tell you, good job, well done. You know, maybe this wasn't the perfect year, but you did accomplish something. And even if you can't get to 10, can you get to three? Like start off? And then once you do, I think, uh, you know, we're really conditioned not to see our wins. We really just see our failures. But once we do one or two or three, we're gonna be like, oh yeah, I did do that thing when I was creating my win list. I kid you not, when I was starting to create it before I looked at my photos, I forgot like almost all of these, I forgot. I bought a house this year. I forgot I wrote a book this year.

    Anna Rapp (16:17):

    I literally had to see it in my camera roll. <laugh>, right? And so our memories are short term sometimes, right? So permission to take the time, pause, do some research, do your top tens, and let's go into December celebrating, right? So that you hit January. Feeling strong. I am a big fan of, and that's why I'm inviting you to the Mastermind, the January Mastermind now because don't wait till January to make a plan. Like now is the time to get clear on what you need next year. I'm a big, again, planning in advance, right? Take some time to reflect, take some time to plan. If you want my support for the next year, I would love to invite you to the Cell with Heart Mastermind. And your next step, if you want to do that, is just filling out an application. It's 10 minutes long.

    Anna Rapp (17:06):

    It's basically a little CEO assessment that helps you reflect on your business, where you're at, where you wanna go. And even if you don't join the Mastermind, it's just a great journaling exercise, reflection exercise, and will help you identify what support you need, whether that's with me or someone else. But I would love to read your application and I'm here to answer you honestly whether that's a fit or not. Again, this is for women that are already making at least two K, two to 12 K in their business that are ready to scale and grow to six figures and beyond for even more wins. Yes, business wins, but Rich life wins too. You deserve that. Okay? Can't wait to read your win list.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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