What does your partner think about you investing in your business?


Episode Summary:

What does your partner think about you investing in your business? This can be a HOT BUTTON topic, but I love how this week’s podcast guest, Gabriel Omat, shares with such grace how she navigated this challenging area. We also chat about knowing how much to trust ourselves while also taking input from those we trust like our partner, friends, family, coach, therapist. Tune into this convo that I LOVED and let me know your biggest takeaway below!

Topics Discussed:

  • What to do when you know you can deliver, but you have to get the clients through the door and ending the search for the magic bullet 

  • Realizing that you may not need additional business support, bur rather focus on your energy and mindset 

  • Learning to listen to your intuition for more beauty and success in your life and business 

  • How to get your friends and family on board when you’re making a big decision that others may not agree with 

  • Uncoupling yourself from people’s thoughts and perceptions of you 

  • Things you can start doing today to be more visible online in the way that you want to

About Gabriel:

Gabriel Omat (G) is a highly accomplished life coach, entrepreneur, and mother of three adult children. Together with her partner Marc, she co-founded Energetic Alignment Academy, a consulting and coaching business that helps individuals monetize their passions for helping others.

Despite facing challenges growing up in Juneau, AK, including struggling with school, substance abuse, and becoming a pregnant high school dropout at 17, G has consistently defied the odds and achieved success.

She spent 30 years in a male-dominated corporate environment before starting her own successful coaching business, full of "Hell Yes" clients. Gabriel's passion for personal development began about 10 years ago when she transformed her body and lifestyle, and she has since become certified as a Life Coach through the Life Coach School & Goal Imagery Institute.

In November 2021, she left her six-figure corporate career to focus solely on growing Energetic Alignment Academy and positively impacting more people. G is a powerful example of what is possible for anyone who believes in themselves and their dreams, and she wants to inspire others, especially women, to know that their past does not have to define their future.

When she’s not working on her dream business, you can find her traveling, exploring new places, enjoying date night every Friday with her husband of 20 years and spending time with her 3 kids and 2 grandchildren.

Connect with Gabriel:

  • Anna Rapp (00:03):

    Hello Friends and Heart Center community. I'm so excited to welcome Gabriel here today to the show. And I'll let her start off first and introduce herself and her business to us, and then I'll dive in with some questions.

    Gabriel Omat (00:15):

    Thank you. Thank you so much for having me today. I am really excited to be here. My name's Gabriel Oma. Most of my clients call me g so you can refer to me either way. But yes, I am a full-time entrepreneur now. As of two years ago, November of 2021, I retired from corporate America and I cut those golden handcuffs and now I actually get to do what I love for a living. And we cofo, I co-founded the Business Energetic Alignment Academy with my business partner in March of 2021. And so what we do is we just help other heart center coaches, healers, spiritual practitioners, build their businesses online.

    Anna Rapp (00:56):

    I I love the name of it, like as you're saying it, like tell me what inspired, if anything, the name Energetic Alignment Academy.

    Gabriel Omat (01:04):

    Great question. Right. So I'll try to keep this short and to the point. You don't have

    Anna Rapp (01:09):

    To. We got 30 minutes. <Laugh>. Keep this code as long as you want, please.

    Gabriel Omat (01:13):

    Alright, awesome. Okay. So basically I, I was on my own, my own little island over here trying to make this business work while working, you know, full-time in corporate America. And I was really grinding and working as much as possible, like trying to get up, go right to work, get that done, to get home early, to just go to work again. And not seeing a lot of my husband or my family. And I was doing all the things. I invested a lot of money into learning how to build the business. I had a website. I was running Facebook ads. I had the whole funnel thing figured out. I had my messaging like on point like, and I knew I could deliver if I could just get the clients in the door, but I was spending more than I was making and I was constantly looking for the magic bullet out there.

    Gabriel Omat (01:59):

    And that is where I kind of went wrong. I don't regret a lot of the learning because it certainly is helpful to have a business strategy. But the reason that we developed this company is because in my search for looking for the magic bullet, I saying that for yet another free program out there. Or I think it was like a, what do they call it? Kind of like an event where people come on and speak, but it was all virtual. And I met somebody through that event that was one of the coaches on that panel. And we all got coaching calls and stuff. And so I was talking to him and I said, you know, I don't need what this guy's offering. I actually already have all of this. I just feel so stuck, like it's gotta be me and I'm not gonna invest in myself and in my business unless it's just for me specifically.

    Gabriel Omat (02:42):

    'Cause I feel like I'm blocking myself for my own success. And so we chatted and he looked at all my stuff and he is like, yeah, you're right. Like you should be making money so there's something going on here probably energetically. And so I hired him as my coach and he did not teach me any new business strategies. He simply worked on myself, my own energetic alignment, <laugh>. And what I found was that before I went into really going in on building this business, I used to have a morning routine where I would get up at 4:00 AM every morning. I don't know if you've ever heard of how lro, he wrote Miracle Morning. So I did that and I did it for every single day for two years. And I never missed a day. It didn't matter if it was weekends or if it was if I was sharing a hotel room with someone.

    Gabriel Omat (03:28):

    And I would meditate with Dr. Joe for about 40 minutes. And you know, I, I designed it to work for me, 10 minutes of affirmations, all these things. And then when I started to really build this business, I quit doing that because my brain told me I didn't have time. And that every extra amount of time I had needed to be spent on do, do, do all the masculine energies of things. So what Mark, my business partner now, who was then my coach, helped me to see was that letting go of more and not forcing the two and making time for that feminine piece of energy that is just as important is really what I needed. And it was so fascinating because the second month after working with him, my income doubled. The third month I turned off my Facebook ads 'cause I was thinking about already pivoting in my mind and my income tripled.

    Gabriel Omat (04:13):

    And so after engagement together, I just asked him, Hey, what do you think about working with me? Because I have this certain skillset that I bring to the table, the digital marketing and all that online jazz. And he's got this other skillset of like, he was coaching high level entrepreneurs and just really on the inner, you know energy piece, bring that together and give people what they really need to be successful instead of just throwing a strategy out there. And so we created Energetic Element Academy and the rest is history <laugh>, we're, we're still very new. We had zero following. And, but you know, seven months in we broke our first six figure mark and then the next year we grew by 400%. And the most beautiful thing about it is we've just created this community of spiritual entrepreneurs that are just amazing. Like, I think that's what makes it so special is that community of people who are really invested all in and so supportive of one another. So this has really been a fun ride.

    Anna Rapp (05:10):

    That's so beautiful. I love that. I love hearing like founding business stories and like how things like grow and spark.

    Gabriel Omat (05:17):

    Yeah, I think it's a lesson to like listen to those little pings, those little, you know, tugs that tell you to maybe try something or you should go this route because you just never know where it's gonna lead. It may look completely different than you originally anticipated, but it will typically lead you somewhere that you were meant to go.

    Anna Rapp (05:35):

    Hmm. Okay. I love that. Okay. Talk to me about those little pings, especially if someone's tuning in and maybe they have a business, maybe they don't, but they're learning to listen to their intuition more. Tell us another story or such a great storyteller. Tell us another story, maybe one from your life, this time of a time where you listened to your intuition and it really turned out for the good.

    Gabriel Omat (06:01):

    Oh gosh. I will say it can be any,

    Anna Rapp (06:06):

    It can be as a child, it can be as a teenager

    Gabriel Omat (06:08):

    Or anything. Yeah. I'm trying to think of like what at these little intuition drops. So I will tell you just, this is not super deep or anything but these, it's interesting because every time I look back after, especially after I've reached out, asked for advice from people, I look back and I realize that my intuition was telling me all along. And so I think it's really hidden in there and we really do know it's just learn trust and lean into that. And a lot of time we feel like we need to get this outside confirmation of it. Yeah. But like for example, I was, we were shopping for a house, me and my husband, this was years ago, about 20 years ago. And we put our money down on this one house and something in me, I just told him, I don't, we had earnest money in there, we were gonna lose it if we backed out.

    Gabriel Omat (06:49):

    And I'm just like, it just doesn't feel right. Like I don't, I don't know, I can't go through with it. And I listened to the intuition and I'm so glad I did because where we ended up living, we're still today. Like our kids all grew up together. Our very best friends live in the same cul-de-sac. Like it just turned out beautifully. And I know that's kind of a silly example, but I don't know why that one popped into my head. Yeah. But I really also relied on it when I quit my job. Yeah. Like my husband was not on board with this at all. Mm-Hmm. And I can't blame him 'cause we built this life together. Yeah. I've got a 4 0 1 k a pension. Yeah. You know, all the, all those little perks. And at first he thought that was very selfish of me. And I'm like, I'm sorry <laugh> and I'm gonna do it anyway <laugh>. 'cause I was like, you know what? You didn't marry me for a pension. I didn't have one when we got married 20 years ago. And what's life about if it's not about like pursuing your dreams and enjoying what you do? So so I just knew like the time was now I knew I couldn't keep going anymore, but I mean it was risky. But I'm so glad I did and I listened to that intuition.

    Anna Rapp (07:53):

    I, I think those are beautiful stories. Okay. Let's talk about each of those. I think the house buying story is so true. That's so significant, right? I recently bought a house in San Diego next door to my parents, which as a single mom, it's just such a dream to live next to my parents 'cause they are just the best humans. Oh,

    Gabriel Omat (08:09):

    That's awesome. Love it.

    Anna Rapp (08:11):

    Yeah. Yeah. So thankful. So I do think like that is huge. That is a pivotal decision. You know, like where to where to live, where to like root our families, right? Yeah. The communities and all of that. So I love that. And then I also love the example about, I love that you said that. 'cause So many of my clients, like sometimes we'll make a decision and of course we want to like honor our partner and we want to like listen to their feedback. But at the same time, at the same, my belief is that anyone, whether it's like a partner or a parent or a best friend or a coach, like at the end of the day we're in charge, right? Yeah. Like our coach isn't living our life, our partner. Like even if these people love us and we love them, like at the end of the day, the best way to keep loving them is to follow that inner compass. Right. And to be like, and I find that like people follow suit faster. Like for things that like I've disagreed on with my parents or with my best friend. Like when I've really been convicted and been like, yeah, but I really know this is the right thing for me. They hop on board so much faster.

    Gabriel Omat (09:11):


    Anna Rapp (09:11):

    Instead of like really needing their validation or really like, and I find too with my clients, with their partners too, when they make a decision and they're like, no, I do need to quit my job. Like when they're grounded in it, it's so much easier. What are your thoughts around all that?

    Gabriel Omat (09:27):

    I think I just resonate with that so deeply because a lot of us, you know, we have, it wasn't easy. Like no, we have that fear of leaning and trusting ourselves and then the fear of how people are gonna react to it. Yeah. Especially with somebody we care about. And especially with somebody we share a life with. 'cause It may affect their life as well. And

    Anna Rapp (09:44):

    We love them. Right. You're

    Gabriel Omat (09:45):

    Right. We love them. Absolutely. That's why I wasn't, you know, mad at him for seeing that. Yeah. I totally got it. Because

    Anna Rapp (09:52):

    You like, let him have his emotion. He's not a robot. Exactly.

    Gabriel Omat (09:56):


    Anna Rapp (09:56):

    You're allowed to make the right choice for you. But he's also allowed to have his own reaction. But that doesn't have to change how you behave either.

    Gabriel Omat (10:02):

    Exactly. 1000%. And because I do know that and I believe that that's really what gave me the power to do that and not fight with him about it. Let him have his reaction be completely understanding. Because I also knew in my mind, and I would tell him this too, be like, honey, one day you are gonna thank me so hard for this. You're so welcome. I'm doing this for us <laugh>. Yes. Yes.

    Gabriel Omat (10:26):

    Because I, I also believe that when we make the best decision for ourselves, it's also the best decision for everyone else involved because what's the alternative that I'm resentful to him because he made me stay in a job I hate. That's not gonna be a marriage either one of us are gonna enjoy. So I, I just think it's really, I think it's permission if anybody's looking for that permission to, to lean into their own intuition and trust themselves doesn't make you selfish. It doesn't make you a bad person. And the way you said that, when you are so convicted, other people get on board so much quicker. Every time I've done this to this poor guy he needs this time, I've like, I've figured out our, the way it works now I give him his time to process and then he eventually gets on board and supports me. So we're great now, you know? Yes. Yeah. It's great.

    Anna Rapp (11:14):

    There's a family member that I really had to learn to do this with and I found that I was the one like messing it up because I was like not letting them have their, their space. Right. Uhhuh <affirmative>. Like I was like almost like controlling or micromanaging their reaction or I needed them to approve or be happy or like instead of what you said, like they're a human. Like it's okay. And knowing that things will come back around and really having that belief in the firmness of the relationship that like you can withstand that like independent interaction. Right?

    Gabriel Omat (11:45):

    Yeah, absolutely. And you know, it is scary but yeah, I think we're, we're totally seeing eye to eye on this. I feel like we've had kind of similar experience, maybe not with a partner but with somebody else in your life that you care about. But Yeah. And it's and it's not easy. I think us as humans, we just typically want to change people's minds and we want them to understand us. We hate feeling misunderstood.

    Anna Rapp (12:06):

    We don't wanna be misunderstood even if it's like posting online. Right? Yes. One of my biggest things my clients say to me is I don't wanna be misunderstood, right? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> like I want, like I have a good heart and I don't want anyone to ever think that I don't. Right. Like Yep.

    Gabriel Omat (12:22):


    Anna Rapp (12:23):

    It's just like how can we live our lives that way though? Like people will, one of the affirmations like in my clients is like it's safe for people to misunderstand me. Right?

    Gabriel Omat (12:32):

    Yes. That's such a good one. I love that it's safer for people to misunderstand me because even to this day, that is one of my triggers and I see it now, but I can feel that energy coming up, that reaction. Like if somebody accuses me of something that I don't think I did. Yeah. Just that whole trigger. But yeah, to recognize that I think one of the most freeing things that we can do is let other people be who they are. Let them have their reactions and not feel like we are in charge of managing their feelings. I think it's hard enough to manage our own, let alone other people's.

    Anna Rapp (13:04):

    Okay. I mean we, I have other things to ask you but like let's dwell on this for a few more minutes. Mm-Hmm. Just because I feel like for me I think about like the eight year ago version of myself. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> and a lot of where my clients are at really is this lesson around whether it's with clients, right? When we're coaches to our clients, like at the end of the day it doesn't help our clients when we get in the pool with them. Right. We really need to be like, yeah my job is to like not make you happy as a client. My job is to like be the best coach and give you, you know, obviously like unconditional positive regard. But like honesty and feedback. I think about how I mother my kids. I think about like give us some like advice or feedback. If there's someone listening to this and they're like, oh my god, okay, I resonate with these girls are saying but this seems like a different world to be able to be myself. Let someone else be them. Like how does someone get started in this sort of healthy detachment?

    Gabriel Omat (13:58):

    Hmm. Gosh I, that's a great question because I feel like I've just worked on it for a really long time. <Laugh>, I'm like, where did I even start this? But I think what really helped me notice was noticing that we all have our own thought models, which is just an expression I learned at the life coach school and it's, yeah. I don't know if you're familiar with that because when you said in the pool they talk about that a lot. <Laugh>. Yeah. I

    Anna Rapp (14:21):

    Love Brooke Castillo. I don't really listen to her podcasts anymore, but when I first started my business seven years ago, I listened to like every episode on repeat. So that's probably where it came from.

    Gabriel Omat (14:31):

    Yep, yep. Me too. And of course and then I got certified through the school. But I think that that really awareness of how our thoughts create our feelings and all of that and that our thoughts like legitimately they just pop into our head. We can't really control what pops into our head. I think what pops into our head is based off of conditioning experiences that we've had, our perception, our view of the world. But then once they're in there, you know, that's when we can kind of decide whether they're serving us or not or wanna keep them. So recognizing that everybody that has a feeling has their own little thought process going on. Mm. Based on their life experience and their perception and that it doesn't mean a thing about me. Yeah. It's just their experience and I think that really helps like kind of be able to let go. 'cause I think what hurts so bad is that triggers that emotion is that we take it personally as if it's against us or something wrong with us when in fact they just have their own thought model going on based on what they think.

    Anna Rapp (15:28):

    Oh my goodness, I love that so much. I also love the affirmation, like this isn't personal, right? Like yeah. When I can feel like I think about, you know, my kids are six and eight, like everything feels so personable when I can remind myself like this isn't personal. Like everything becomes easier. Right. And then I can almost be like a teammate with them and figure out like what do they need? Like in the case of your hubby in the house thing, I'm just making stuff up. But like maybe what he needed is space or maybe what he need needed is to know that you love him no matter what. Or like I think we can come at it from empathy when we just take that like personal charge out of it.

    Gabriel Omat (16:04):

    I agree. I agree. I think it's the personal trigger that really just, that's what causes these really difficult conversations and but just being able to stay neutral in that and not make it about you, it's, it will just help in so many areas of life. And building a business. I mean talk about the biggest personal development rabbit hole you can go down

    Anna Rapp (16:25):

    That we didn't know we were signing up for. Like we did not know we were signing up for personal development university. We just wanted to start a business and make some money. Okay.

    Gabriel Omat (16:33):

    Exactly. So many challenges that come up, you come up against yourself all the time. So yeah, it's definitely a skill to be an entrepreneur. Learning how to let people be who they are, not make it about you, not take it personal. They should make that like part of entrepreneurial school one-on-one. I feel like

    Anna Rapp (16:51):

    A hundred percent. Which you kind of do in your energetic alignment academy probably, right?

    Gabriel Omat (16:55):

    Yeah. Yeah. We kind of do. It's like owning. We encourage raise your freak flag like be who you are people because yeah there's gonna be some people that don't like you but there's always gonna be that. But when you can really put yourself out there and be who you are, those people that do get you are going to get you so much harder than they would if you were just out there kind of being vanilla, trying to please all the masses. That was something I struggled with a lot when I first started trying to build my business. I was trying to be Brooke Castillo and then I realized I am not Brooke Castillo and I'm not very good at trying to pretend I am. You know? Mm-Hmm So I had to really just lean into just being me was good enough. I think that's something a lot of people struggle with.

    Anna Rapp (17:35):

    Okay. So let's go on that, on that vein of like you helping your people be them being not afraid to stand out, not a friend for people, not afraid to have people misunderstand them. Can we do something experiential? Is that okay?

    Gabriel Omat (17:50):

    Yeah, sure.

    Anna Rapp (17:51):

    Okay. A lot of my listeners are mamas or busy women. So I always try to say like whether it's in a mastermind call or a podcast episode, like let's get done here so you don't have more homework to do after session. Right? So like maybe we can just like take a breath and if someone's listening to this right now and they're like, yes, I am resonating with that and I do want to be a little less vanilla online, I do want to stand out. What are either some things they can think through, like almost like journal prompts or actions or what's something they can do or think through now out loud to start on that path?

    Gabriel Omat (18:30):

    Gosh, I feel like just telling themself that they are safe, that words can be spoken, their expression can be put out to the world and they're not gonna die. They're still gonna, I think it's just kind of like, like when you're that little girl at the top of the hill and you're like just gonna go down and you're scared to death, there's a video out there like it and I just love it and she's like, okay, okay, I'm just gonna do this. And then you just do it and then you realize, I think honestly that's it. It's just kind of like hyping yourself up to I'm just gonna do this. I'm gonna see, it's like a free fall, it's a surrender. I feel like it's this process of surrendering. 'cause It can be petrifying, especially if you have people close to you that are gonna judge you or whatever that is that you're so frightened of.

    Gabriel Omat (19:17):

    But being willing to surrender and just see what it feels like to drop and to just let it fall and then hit that button, submit and then get the hell away. Walk away, go do something else. <Laugh>. It's like, but the more I think you do that you realize, oh wow, this isn't so bad after all. And a lot of people, you're gonna find that you have so much more support than you ever imagined. You're waiting for all this backlash. And what you end up getting is usually a lot of support. 'cause People admire that vulnerability.

    Anna Rapp (19:47):

    I love that so much. I love your kind words. I also love that visual, right, of like it being okay if it feels like you're at the top of a mountain about to tumble, like that's normal. Like we've all been there, right? So I love that normalization. And I also love that the visual of like, it is gonna feel a little bit out of your control, but like also it can feel good, right? It can feel like a release, it can feel like a surrender. This week on my personal Facebook wall, I'm sharing some posts that I wrote three years ago post my divorce and just some of my healing from that. And a lot of people have been asking me like, oh my god, Anna, how? And obviously there's like mixed feedback. Some people are supportive, you know, some of my long lost cousins are like, what the are you doing?

    Anna Rapp (20:29):

    You know? But it really doesn't phase me. And I think a lot of people are like, Anna, how are you able to do that? But it's because of what you said, it's easy now. 'cause I've been doing this for seven years, right? Exactly. When I first did this, I would not even make an, I did therapy before I did coaching. So I didn't even wanna like post anything like on Instagram. Like I had to open a Facebook group so that I could like filter members on who like, I was so controlling and this was like very vanilla content. Like I don't like self-care, like self-care take a bath, right? Like, but I was like, I don't want anyone to say this, you know? So I think it's what you said, which is just, it just gets easier over time, you know? Yeah. And it does feel like that free fall over time, but like infinitely easier. So I just love that analogy so much and,

    Gabriel Omat (21:19):

    And thank you for sharing that. It gets easier. 'cause I think that gives people hope too. It's like, it's not always gonna be this hard we promise. It's that initial like put yourself out there and realize that you don't die and then it becomes more and more easy. And then it's funny, you look back and you're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe I was so scared to share that. 'cause Maybe part of it, like I'm 52 now, I don't remember. But maybe part of it I think is also with age for myself I can say anyway, I just don't care nearly as much what other people think as I used to. And that's also very freeing.

    Anna Rapp (21:50):

    <Laugh>. I love that. It's so true. I feel like, yeah, the more we do it, the easier it gets. And I always tell my clients that are stuck on visibility. Like, hurry up and fry this fish already. 'cause You got other fish to fry too. Like once you figure out visibility, you gotta figure out sales. Once you figure out sales, you gotta figure out team. Once you figure out team, you gotta figure out money mindset. Like, so like stop getting stuck on this problem because you've got other problems to solve in a good way. Right?

    Gabriel Omat (22:14):

    So true. We always tell our people like, you are now problem solvers. That is your job now as an entrepreneur <laugh> because they're shifting from providing a service, you know, doing something that they love to really becoming a business owner and building a business, a profitable business. It's a whole different skillset. So yes, it's all we do now. You're right. There's like you, you finish this milestone, then you got this problem to solve and it's just always something. But if you can fall in love with that process, which I have is solving problems every time that we fail at something, I look at that as an opportunity to dig a little bit deeper, get a little bit better, figure something else out. And when you can do that, I think that's, those are the people that succeed in business because it can fall in love with the process instead of like thinking of it as I gotta get through the muck and then I'll be over here and it's all perfect and rosy. 'cause As we know, it's never going to be <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (23:04):

    It's so true. I also love that analogy you did about the like letting go for every problem we solve, right? There's like a level of intention and strategy and work and then there's like a level of like, I'm gonna get messy and figure this out and try and learn my lessons the hard way and then try again.

    Gabriel Omat (23:21):

    A hundred percent. Like we talk about being balancing that feminine masculine energy. And so we do work with so many spiritual entrepreneurs that we have to be careful. We always wanna honor our own intuition and ourselves and our own authority. On the other hand, are we spending a little bit too much time here in the feminine energy just because we're scared to take action or we're waiting for that special download to drop in and tell us exactly what to do when in fact it's the action that you're gonna figure it out through. Yeah. So oftentimes like with niche, you know, people trying to figure all that out and it's like at some point just pick something and go, I don't care what it is because you just taking the action is gonna help you figure that out. But sitting here cerebrally, trying to think it out or wait for a download just doesn't work. It's great if it happens soon, but I mean at some point we just gotta take some action <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (24:10):

    It's so true. And a lot of times it's like the chicken or the egg, A lot of times the clarity can come through action, right? Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative> like, oh, I tried that ideal client and I figured out it wasn't them. Right. Exactly.

    Gabriel Omat (24:19):

    Yes. So

    Anna Rapp (24:19):

    It's, and I love that like our brains are this way where we can kind of try it both ways. Sometimes we can work on the clarity to get to the action. Sometimes the action helps us get clarity. So just like working it from both sides, right? Yep.

    Gabriel Omat (24:32):

    A hundred percent.

    Anna Rapp (24:33):

    Yay. Okay. Tell us a little bit more about your academy or if people are listening to this and resonating with you and your story and your heart and all the good vibes, how can they continue to follow you?

    Gabriel Omat (24:46):

    Yes. So we'd love for them to follow us on Instagram, which is at Energetic Alignment Academy and then or website www energetic alignment academy.com. Either Placer is gonna be a link to a three-day client attraction workshop that we put on every month. It's free to attend. It's different than anything else we've seen out there and people tell us that they've experienced out there. So it's really, if you're little spiritual and you're also serious about building your business, it's where you wanna be. It's free to check out. We'd love to have them join us at our next one.

    Anna Rapp (25:18):

    I love that. That is so beautiful. Okay. any other words of encouragement as we wrap up?

    Gabriel Omat (25:26):

    I, I just wanna say to everyone out there trying to build this business, it's not easy. And if it was, we would all be sitting around on a beach drinking, you know, martinis right now. But it's so worth it and just fall in love with the process. Y'all don't wait for it to get easy. 'cause It never will.

    Anna Rapp (25:43):

    I, that's, I mean, no truer words could be spoken

    Gabriel Omat (25:46):

    <Laugh>. Right.

    Anna Rapp (25:47):

    Thank you so much for being on the show today.

    Gabriel Omat (25:49):

    Thank you so much. It was a pleasure.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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