What I Would Do if I Was Scaling from Scratch


Episode Summary:

This is a two part series where I am sharing the different things that I would do if I was starting and scaling my business from scratch because I want you to learn from my mistakes! If you haven’t, tune into the last episode because I talked about how I would create my first $5K online and the core strategy to creating six figures. In this episode I want to talk about if I was scaling past six figures and doing it from scratch, what would I do? We’ll be talking about three main things – embracing sales, hiring your first team member, and working through what may be happening in your personal life. I'm really excited to share this with you because I think it's just such a good reminder of the things that really work. In our industry, there's so much noise and I believe you stumbled on this podcast episode for a reason. I don't believe things happen by accident. So I hope you hear a nugget in this episode that unlocks something big for you and gives you insight and you're able to end this podcast episode and take some action that will help you manifest more money, peace, abundance, and grounded energy into your life.

Topics Discussed:

  • The power of embracing sales and inviting people to your paid work all the time to earn six figures, get fully booked, and create a waitlist 

  • Why Anna wishes she would have hired her first team member faster and the positive outcomes it can have for you and your business

  • Why Anna encourages her clients to work just as hard on their dreams for their personal life as their dreams for their business and how the two are interconnected.

  • The order of programs that Anna would do if she was starting from scratch from group programs to 1:1 offerings to evergreen options

  • Believing that your success is inevitable and it’s possible to manifest what you want for your business and for your life

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hi friends. This is a two part series where I am saying if I was doing things from scratch, what would I do? Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. Last episode, I talked about how I would create my first 5K online if I was doing it again, and really that same strategy to six figures. And this is really episode where I wanna talk about if I was scaling past six figures and doing it from scratch, what would I do? And I'm really excited to share this with you because I think it's just such a good reminder of the things that really work. And in our industry, there's so much noise that I believe you stumbled on this podcast episode for a reason. I don't believe things happen on accident. And I hope you get something in here that unlocks something big for you, like I hope it really shifts or gives you an insight and you're able to hang up this call, this podcast episode and take some action and manifest more money and peace and abundance and grounded energy into your life.

    Anna Rapp (00:59):

    You deserve that. I know you're going to do good with that and pay it forward. Okay? I mainly wanna talk about three things, though I do dive into this more in the private podcast series that I did called Six, six Pillars for Six Figure Success. That's a tongue twister. I will link that below. But I wanna dive into three things specifically. I'm gonna say them and then I'll dive in more. And then I really also wanna talk about the order of which I would scale my business when it comes to program wise in case it's useful for you. So I wrote three things, getting good at selling, hiring team members sooner and facing my life faster, <laugh>. I really feel like these were three pillar things that beyond Six figures really expedited my growth, right? You guys know I'm a huge of selling.

    Anna Rapp (01:52):

    I even have a mastermind that teaches women to sell with gentle heart-centered energy. And it really is for the women that are wanting to get two and beyond six figures, is embracing sales, embracing, inviting people to their paid work all the time. Because here's the thing, number one, that's what requires you to get fully booked. But even when you're fully booked, you can build a wait list. Even when your wait list is maxed out, you can launch a different higher level offer that you can be selling, right? You can sell something that's passive that, that you are not a part of, right? But marketing and selling and connecting with your audience and sharing and inviting them to work with you and your business is just one of the most essential tools as a business owner. And so maybe you just start with doing some mindset work around it and reminding yourself that it, it's safe to get good at selling, it's safe to find a way to sell that that feels good. And without feeling spammy and icky and in integrity, maybe you've even been in business for a while, but you're still trying to sink into those sales

    Anna Rapp (02:58):

    Strategies and methods that align with you. But that is a huge one that I wish I would've embraced faster because once I fully embraced it, I feel like I actually started enjoying it, right? Because I started finding the things that I enjoyed to do. Okay? Next is hiring a team member. I really wish I would've done this faster, number one, because it feels great to be supported, but also because here's the thing, I hear this thing from a lot of my clients and potential clients is like, I don't wanna be an agency owner. I want it to just be me. I think they just because they have doubt in their management skills or they feel like taking on a team member is gonna be another obligation instead of a relief, especially if you've never had a team before. But really remember the whole point of having a team is that they're working for you, they're supporting you, they're taking the load off of your shoulders, right?

    Anna Rapp (03:50):

    And if you're someone that's a giver, giver, giver, it can be a really big stretch to do this. And so the reason I would've taken on a team member sooner than I did is number one, so that I could have the support. But number two, so I could just have the practice managing someone and the practice of letting go of control and the practice of being supported and the practice of releasing things like that's the edge, the practice of being direct, the practice of firing someone, the practice of hiring someone, right? It's really that skillset that maybe you don't have yet, but it's really being like, just because I haven't done it yet doesn't mean I can't do it. And as you grew your business to six figures and the million dollar mark, there's no way you can do that without a team, right? And so, or you can, but you're gonna burn yourself the F out and you're gonna sabotage and not sign clients because you want the money of clients, but you don't really want the work of clients, right?

    Anna Rapp (04:44):

    And the way you fix that is by increasing capacity. And the way you increase your capacity is with team. And so even if you don't wanna hear this <laugh>, it's just starting out small and hiring someone for a few hours a month, right? Maybe for, for me, my first hire was hiring someone to help me with my laundry, right? Just starting to let go. Starting to let go. Starting to release control, starting to trust, starting to receive, starting to allow yourself to be supported, right? So that you can support others. It's so interesting 'cause as I was growing and scaling my business, I was really concerned that like making more money or taking on clients would make me a bad mom. But I really found like, because I've been able to embrace team, it's made me a better mom because I've been able to get more support in my life and feel more common regulated. So just remembering that, right? Third, I would see the challenges that were in my personal life. I would've seen them as a priority to help me in the business too. Whatever it is. Like two things. Number one, if there's a challenge or something that's holding you back in your life, in your business, giving yourself permission to face that head on, whether it's past

    Anna Rapp (05:56):

    Trauma, whether it's a current relationship, like not avoiding that, like really facing that head on, going to therapy, talking to your coach, whatever you need to do, and facing that, right? And then also remembering. So that's whatever hard thing you're facing in your life, right? Then remembering whatever good thing you're wanting to manifest in your life. Maybe it's being a mom, maybe it's finding a partner, maybe it's traveling the world, right? Maybe even say it out loud right now. What's that thing in life you're wanting to manifest? Knowing that you can manifest that as the same time as your business. And that it's okay to work for one big life desire and one big business desire at a time. Now that being said, I do encourage my clients to prioritize and not work on like 17 business goals at once or try to launch like 17 things in their business.

    Anna Rapp (06:42):

    Like one big business goal and one big personal goal. But I don't think we have to sacrifice that one big personal goal as we're doing the big business one, right? Examples of some things that I have manifested are my house, right? I really manifested my house as I was working on business goals too. And so just giving yourself permission to face whatever hard thing you're, you're going through in your life with tenacity, and then also wanting to manifest whatever positive thing in your life. You can do that while you're growing and scaling. And I find that that actually helps you grow in scale. Because as a CEO, we are, especially as a woman, we are multifaceted, we are complex, right? And as you are taking care of what you need to in your life, that's gonna help grow your business too. Okay. And then just briefly, if I was redoing my business again, I would go to six figures on one income stream.

    Anna Rapp (07:39):

    And then from there I would scale like this. I would go, I would fill up my one-on-one, I would launch a six week group program or course of some type. I would go to six month mastermind and then I would create evergreen options, which is kind of what I did in a sense, but it was much messier than that. And I think I got distracted at times, but I really feel like that's the order of programs that I would do if I was going from scratch for a few reasons. Number one, I just think it's the easiest to feel that way, the easiest to monetize, the easiest to establish your thought leadership. But that's it. I hope that that helps you. <Laugh>, I am so grateful for you ladies, and I just wanna say like, just a reminder, like as we're continuing to start this fresh year, like the sky's the limit for you. The sky's the limit for you no matter what you are facing, no matter how you are feeling, no matter what is happening in your outside world, right? Whether it's, you know, politically or your inside world personally, maybe with someone you love. Just take a second to sit and remember that your success is inevitable, right? Your goals, your dreams, your desires, your visions, like I, even

    Speaker 4 (08:54):

    If you don't have faith to see them come true. I shared this before, but one of my favorite mentors shared with me, Anna, when you don't have faith for your dreams, borrow my faith. And I just wanna say that to you, those biggest dreams that seem impossible to you, right? I just wanna say I believe and I'm praying and I'm seeing them as a reality for you. And I'm knowing that actually that's just the start. What if what you dreamed was just the start for you, that life could be even better than you thought possible. Our, like our mind likes to go to like worst case scenarios all the time. But I just wanna say, what if your life could turn out? What if this year could turn out better than you dreamed, right? Can you believe that? Can you sit in faith and in small confidence knowing that the best is yet to come for you?

    Speaker 4 (09:45):

    I sure know that it is. Okay. As we wrap up, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite templates. If you are someone that is short on time, but you are wanting to grow in scale and you are wanting to create a group program or a mastermind or something that's a course, something that's beyond one-on-one, or you're wanting to take your one-on-one and make it more streamlined in framework, you are going to love my program in a day template. And it basically helps you create everything you need to, to create a scaled program, whether it's a group or a course. I really included all of my swipes when it comes to emails, when it comes to, you know, in social media group support and everything. Everything that you need to create worksheets for your program. You know, I also included my commitments and boundaries, my pre-survey example, an example of how I host a one hour group session, the outline, and then also just the, even the design elements as far as like a course logo, a workbook cover an email header, you know, everything that you need.

    Speaker 4 (10:52):

    I even included a checklist so that you can outline your group program and like an example of my welcome email, my welcome email swipe file. Like for me, I really feel like as you scale your business, we think we need a lot of complexity. But what I did is I was creating my first group programs is I just like wrote some simple emails and created some simple worksheets. And I really wish I had this resource, but I hope it helps give you a starting ground so that if you are planning to launch a group program or a mastermind as you grow and scale, that it happens faster for you. And I'm excited you can grab for less than 200 bucks and I just hope it's something that saves you hours and hours of time. I would estimate up to 40 hours of time as you launch your group program. Okay? I'll share in the show notes, more info for that. But no matter what, just wishing you a beautiful, beautiful rest of your week.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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What I Would Do If I Was Starting from Scratch