The Three-Hour Self Study Accelerator to Consistently Sign Clients on Social in Half the Time Online
You’re overwhelmed and focusing on so many things.
– but literally NOTHING else matters if you’re not consistently visible and marketing your business.
→ It doesn’t matter if your design services are the best-kept secret online because secrets (unfortunately) don’t sell.
→ It doesn’t matter how good you are at closing discovery calls if nobody is hopping on them in the first place.
→ It doesn’t matter how many coaching certifications you have if don’t have the clients to experience your powerful work
→ It doesn’t matter how perfectly outlined your course is if you don’t have an audience that’s ready to buy it.
All it takes is six weeks (really!) of being consistently visible in your business to start seeing major traction like new client inquiries in your inbox and cash in your bank account.
It’s exactly what I help you do in Visible Impact.

The 3-Hour Self Study Accelerator to Consistently Sign Clients on Social in Half the Time Online
You’re overwhelmed and focusing on so many things.
– but literally NOTHING else matters if you’re not consistently visible and marketing your business.
→ It doesn’t matter if your design services are the best-kept secret online because secrets (unfortunately) don’t sell.
→ It doesn’t matter how good you are at closing discovery calls if nobody is hopping on them in the first place.
→ It doesn’t matter how many coaching certifications you have if don’t have the clients to experience your powerful work
→ It doesn’t matter how perfectly outlined your course is if you don’t have an audience that’s ready to buy it.
All it takes is six weeks (really!) of being consistently visible in your business to start seeing major traction like new client inquiries in your inbox and cash in your bank account.
It’s exactly what I help you do in Visible Impact.
As Karen got visible during her 6-weeks of visible impact she launched and successfully filled her first ever group coaching program!
“I finally have a system to make content creation easier and quicker. The biggest thing that kept me going was joining visible impact- having a clear visibility strategy and support. I'm forever grateful for this program and to myself for showing up for six weeks, moving beyond 1-1 and filling my first group.”
Hear Karen's Story on the podcast [START AT 26:10]

You deserve a clear, step-by-step way to get visible NOW (even if and especially if now feels like the busiest season of your life, or if getting visible sounds like the scariest thing to you right now).
You’re Invited to the Six-Step System I’ve personally walked over 100 women through and helped them go from playing it small to consistently signing clients online.
You deserve a clear, step-by-step way to get visible NOW (even if and especially if now feels like the busiest season of your life, or if getting visible sounds like the scariest thing to you right now).
You’re Invited to the Six-Step System I’ve personally walked over 100 women through and helped them go from playing it small to consistently signing clients online.
This isn’t the typical social media or marketing program.
(though it does have detailed trainings on the IG Reels, FB Groups, podcast pitching…)
And it will completely change the way that you think about social media.
(or finally get you to STOP thinking about and using social media 24/7).
And it will completely change the way you think about making money online.
(or finally get you to START making money online in a way you can rely on).
You’re Invited to VISIBLE IMPACT!

“Visible Impact gave me structure and a path to simplify getting visible consistently- it also gave me the courage to 3x my workshop rates, and surprise – people actually paid my increased workshop rates and LOVED their experience!”
Emily Grabatin, Career & Calling Coach
Visible Impact Stats:
Students Graduated
Rounds Completed
During Visible Impact, Jordan built her Instagram from 0 followers to 300 engaged followers, landed her first high ticket coaching client, has signed more clients since, and saw a massive boost in her confidence in a coach.
“Visible Impact was exactly what I needed to focus on immediate growth AND to think about where I wanted to be long-term. What I really loved was the foundation it gave me to show up consistently and the short-term strategies I learned to get clients and have steady income coming in.”
Hear Jordan's Story on the podcast [START AT 19:40]

What do you get access to on the inside?
(glad you asked 😉 )
01. Visible Impact Core Training
Lifetime access to the six signature steps you can complete in one afternoon (Because this program is meant to SAVE you hours, not cost you them). Or watch one eight-minute video each week for six weeks so you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to get visible in front of your dreamies without overworking.
02. The Visibility Vault
Forever access to the 15+ mini trainings that my clients rave about. It’s got a template for everything you can think of – from content prompts to planners to messaging clarity to swipes to use when you need to take a break online! Worksheets and exercises curated to be done FAST and get you taking money-making actions!
03. Content Creation Accountability
EVERY single week for six weeks I’ll be popping in your inbox as your coach on Thursdays with resources, inspiration, and all that you need to create your content in advance for the following week (i.e. write your social posts, record your Reels, etc.). And you’ll get all the fillable Google Docs, resources, swipes, and templates you need to make this happen in ONE HOUR or less each week.
What your business (and inbox) would look like if you were visible CONSISTENTLY for six weeks in a way that was SUPER simple, SUPER strategic, and aligned. (Spoiler Alert: It would mean way less time online and way more clients signing up for your programs)

The Value of Visible Impact
Visible Impact Core Training Videos $697
Google Doc Worksheets, Templates, + Swipes $397
Six Weeks of Accountability Emails $297
Visibility Vault:
The Compelling Content Workbook $97
POV: Write with Me - One-Hour Guided Writing Video $47
IG Reels Masterclass $97
Master Your Message Mini Course $197
Turning Wins into Social Posts $47
Pitching a Podcast $97
Content Organization $47
Take a Break Vacation Swipes $197
The SPF Method for Sales Content $47
Email Growth Checklist $47
The Selfie Challenge $97
Polish Your Copy Like a Boss $47
Engagement CPR $47
The Engagement Funnel $47
BTS: Watch Anna Write One Week of Content $47
FB Fill Up $197
Total Value of $2850
Your Price $297

“I signed my very first client in the 6-week program while getting visible! I went into Visible Impact feeling lost and confused in terms of how I show up consistently for my audience. During the time with Anna my confidence grew massively in terms of coming out of my comfort zone. I absolutely love the 6-week repeatable structure that Anna provides for visibility– it’s been a game changer.”
Karen Briggs, Life Coach
“In Visible Impact I finally nailed down my messaging and booked my first paying client! I didn't realize how much time I was spending on just THINKING about how to connect with my audience or grow my list. Visible Impact taught me a system that frees up my time so I can focus on serving my clients. My content calendar is full! Having guidelines and prompts has allowed me to work more efficiently. I'm never staring at a blank screen when it's time to write!”
Katie Brown, Online Business Manager
“Visible Impact helped me turn a corner in my business. I was spinning my wheels working 120%, 24/7, weekends, evenings… and I knew I needed outside help.
I’d only done 1-1 services, but during my six weeks getting visible in Visible Impact I decided to run a group- I wouldn’t have done it without Anna's tools and support- and I’m so glad I did it because I was able to fill the group!”
Sue Christensen, Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach

With the level of support, resources and results I've seen over 100 women get in this program- I know I'm offering it at a great discount- however I'm committed to keeping it value packed because I know that no visibility = no business.
So I wanted to put this at a price point that was accessible to everyone, even if you’re just starting out, just made another investment, or are not bringing in consistent income YET.
I don’t think anyone should have a barrier to entry to start an online business. This is my way to give back.
(In fact, if the price of this program is still out of reach – email support@heartcenteredentrepreneur.com because we do offer limited scholarships).
I’ve made this program stupid cheap. Because I want this program to MAKE YOU BANK – and not cost it.
I know that no visibility = no business.
So I wanted to put this at a price point that was accessible to everyone, even if you’re just starting out, just made another investment, or are not bringing in consistent income YET.
I don’t think anyone should have a barrier to entry to start an online business. This is my way to give back.
(In fact, if the price of this program is still out of reach – email support@heartcenteredentrepreneur.com because we do offer limited scholarships).
Here’s What You Walk Away With:
Clear Visibility Blocks
It’s time for a mindset check-in so that you can release any hurdles that will keep you from making the most of your visibility. Up-level your energy and ensure your content turns into the right connections and clients in your business. Bye bye Impostor Syndrome!
Week 02. CLARITY
Nail Your 6-Week Focus
Ready to cut your social media to-do list in half but double your impact? You’ll create a detailed but shockingly simple visibility plan that puts a step-by-step plan to your BIG goal (i.e. getting booked out or growing your audience). It’s a repeatable system that you’ll be able to use in your business even after the program wraps up so that you can hit more of your goals with less overwhelm and more speed.
Week 03. CONTENT
Your Simple 6-Week Content Plan
Create a clear six-week plan with simple prompts. You’ll know exactly what to say when you sit down to write and know that it’s exactly what your audience craves to hear from you. Every time you sit down to plan your next six weeks of content (or even batch it if you’re going on vacation!) it will get easier and easier. Rinse and repeat!
Your 1-Hour Content Workshop
Over the six years I’ve been in business I’ve helped hundreds of clients rock dozens of visible platforms: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Podcast…But no matter which platform you choose, one thing doesn’t change: the fact that you can batch your (high-converting) content in one hour a week. I’ll teach you how so you can spend less time online and get more leads while you do it.
Convert Content into Clients
You’ll create incredible content in Visible Impact but you’ll also learn exactly how to turn that content into paying clients by learning to naturally connect with your audience without any sleeze or ick. It’s time to feel EXCITED about not just giving value online but also open up your heart to receive BACK in the form of comments, clients, and cash!
External Visibility + Getting Featured
After you get visible on your OWN social media channels, it’s time to GROW your audience by showing up in front of other audiences! It’s time to release any blocks that are keeping you from growing your influence and audience so that you can make an impact on more people. I’ll share my favorite strategies for organic growth and you’ll pick one to go all in on so you can see your follower count go up-up-up!
Wrap up by making a solid game plan for your NEXT six weeks. Yes, this is a rinse-and-repeat system that will get easier every time you plan your visibility! I have a special worksheet that will help you create your six-week visibility plan on ONE PAGE. Simplicity is queen when it comes to making an impact with your time online. Let me coach you through it! Sign up now!
I get it… there’s about a billion places to show up online.
Email newsletter.
Your IG feed.
Your FB group.
That dream of a podcast.
You know it’s time to GROW your audience.
– because literally nothing else matters if you’re not visible in your business.

It’s time to learn a proven system and tap into the insight of a heart centered coach who gets your struggle and eagerness to…
Stop watching others from the sidelines wondering if there is space for you. You’ll now confidently know (because your clients & community tell you with clicks, comments, & payments) that you’re making a difference in their lives.
Overcome Impostor Syndrome once and for all and start feeling qualified to attract the RIGHT audience that’s ready to spend their time and money with you.
Find a simple, consistent rhythm of showing up online (without feeling the pressure to be in all the places 24/7) that actually converts into dream fit clients.

Have Questions?
I’ve got answers
This is a self-study course, so it’s absolutely all done at your own pace. My recommendation is you do one of these two plans to get the most out of your investment:
PLAN 1: CEO DAY – Block off three hours on a Saturday and work through all six steps of the program! I honestly love being able to knock things out in one fell swoop. Consider this a personal intensive day with me. You’ll walk away with your mind blown on how clear and confident you feel in your visibility!
PLAN 2: WEEKLY SUPPORT – Block off 30 minutes each Monday (or whatever day you’d like) to work through each of the six steps!
I also encourage you to block off one hour each week to actually create your content. My clients have shared with me that this actually means that in the long run they spend LESS time online because it’s just done all at once (i.e. instead of overthinking what you’ll post on social each day, you’re batching out four posts in one sitting).
– so I advise you to spend about 90 minutes each week for six weeks to make the most out of this program and see practical results from your visibility!
I’ve built and perfected this program LIVE with over 100 amazing women. I have tweaked it over time because I’m so passionate about you FINISHING and getting a return for your investment. Some of the shifts I’ve made include getting you CREATING content very early on and not just learning the theory.
One example is that in addition to the core content, every Thursday I send you a nudge and resources to actually CREATE your weekly content so that you don’t forget to batch it in advance. This ONE practice has literally shifted so much in my business and makes me feel less reactive and anxiety-filled during the week. I’m a busy mama with an unpredictable life and I’ve seen for my clients this one practice alone has shifted how they are able to be CONSISTENT and strategic with their visibility.
I also have kept the six core modules super simple… something you can finish in one afternoon if you’d like! Because that means it’s more time you’re being SEEN online!
I’ve also infused a TON of mindset among the visibility strategy because at the end of the day you can google content prompts… but what you won’t find is a complete and comprehensive system for showing up coherently for six weeks INFUSED with the mindset work that removes your fears being SEEN online so that it’s EASIER to create and write because you have less resistance there.
If you're a busy mama or fur mama 🐶 and your schedule (and brain) is full, you are EXACTLY who I created this program for.
It's time to REMOVE the limiting belief that you can't make money online when you are "busy." In fact, I know that when you have clear strategy and support to work through limiting beliefs all you need is 1-3 hours a week for this program and your visibility.
This shouldn’t add time to your week but give the time you’re already spending online more focused so you can get a RETURN for the time you’re putting in.
No visibility = No business.
If you are NOT visible online right now in a way that's filled with ease (and is getting you consistent clients), I feel like there is no better investment!
It's time to move beyond CONSUMING online and invest in the accountability to consistently CREATE online for six solid weeks.
This is a program focused specifically on giving you tools and resources for getting you more VISIBLE online and connected with your ideal clients right now. If you already have an active visibility plan and are working on it (i.e. showing up every week online) then you don’t need this course.
If you are struggling to get consistently visible and sign leads from the visibility then this could be a great addition and toolbag of resources to supplement your work with your coach.
My clients are service-based business owners like:
Website & Graphic Designers
Business Coaches
Health Coaches
Life Coaches
Virtual Assistants
Podcast Managers -
Here’s a response from four of my clients directly!
Participant 1: “Build out social content for both of the businesses I am working on!”
Participant 2: “My number one goal is to build a sustainable way to get new (ideal) clients. Before the six weeks are up, I hope to see a marked difference in inquiries and/or bookings.”
Participant 3: “Confidence for executing a clear plan that is doable and get more clients I can easily and joyfully serve.”
Participant 4: “A structured plan and support to create content that leads to selling my course.”
I’d love to hear YOUR reason! Email it to me or DM it to me right after you sign up. ❤️
Absolutely! Email me directly at anna{at}heartcenteredentrepreneur.com if you have any other questions or want to hop in my DMs on Instagram to chat.
I'm here to help your answer be a HECK YES or "Nope, but now I know what my next best move is in my biz!" and I'll answer you honestly. Here to help you succeed either way!
If you’ve gotten this far…
Then I know you want this program and the visibility and clients that come with it. But I get that it can be scary to go all in on your business and visibility!
Connect with me personally to see if this program is a match for the business growth you are looking for. Send your Qs to me via email anna@heartcenteredentrepreneur.com or DM me on IG and I’ll respond to you personally.