Get Unstuck in 3 Steps. It's Time.
I’m going to walk you through the simple, powerful 3-step process I used to walk my therapy clients through to help them get breakthrough and clarity when they felt ultra-stuck. ...I'm sharing it with you now, because I JUST had to use this on myself in the middle of my content-writing-ahead project. FIRST, think about something you feel stuck around. Big or small. Something that you REALLY want to change or finish, but you’re having a hard time.Someone you haven’t forgiven. Choosing between two business ideas. For me, one of the BIG things in my business I have long-avoided recently is really batching and pre-writing content ahead. SECOND, (and this is gonna seem weird), tell me a reasons why you aren’t DOING it. Not the obvious ones. Tell me the BENEFITS you are gaining by not doing this thing. On the other side of doing it, what will you be losing? What is the COST, even if it’s every so small?Forgiving someone might feel like it would be excusing that behavior. Holding on to that resentment feels like a small win when you have lost so much. Choosing a business idea means that you actually have to implement it and face rejection. Sure it's frustrating and discouraging, but it's safe and controlled. Back to my content example… for me, the subliminal benefits of writing content day-to-day or week to week instead of months ahead, are bigger than just sacrificing chunks of time to batch… for me it’s more about the fear of committing to set topics, taking a risk to see if I can actually accomplish this audacious goal. THIRD, write down the benefits and the repercussions on the other side of doing the-thing. Forgiving someone may mean that YOU feel lighter, more peace and more energy for all the relationships in your life that you do value and cherish. Choosing a business idea might mean rejection, but it also might mean crazy success! For me, the benefits of pre-writing the content as I am (though it’s a huge mental battle for me) include; ultimate consistency in my business, the freedom to take time away for my new little one and then extra energy to spend on bigger CEO tasks. I think we aren’t often honest with ourselves about the pain and cost that of both sides. Once they are both on the table then we can fairly evaluate what we want to do.... and what we have to sacrifice to get there. “We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.” -Henry CloudIs there something that you feel stuck in? I’d love to hear about it! Wishing you a beautiful and restful weekend, Anna