How to Create Killer Content that Leads to Sales (PART 2: Authority)
Hi, heart-centered lady. This a two-part series, and today, we will be discussing what it looks like to create content that sells without you having to feel ultra sales-y or continually pitch and sell. Last week, we talked a lot about authenticity, and this week, we're discussing how you can establish authority with your content. Are you ready to dive in?
The Importance of Believing You're the Expert
Today, we're talking about the type of content that builds expertise. If that makes you cringe, and you're thinking, "Uuuuh. I have to show up as the expert in my business?" Yes, you do.
Believing yourself to be an expert doesn't mean you have to show up as a know-it-all snob, but you do have to show up as someone that has something valuable to offer. Why else would they be buying from you?
We talked last week about the fact that we're usually dealing with strangers; they don't know us, so it's our job to educate them in the importance of what we do. We have to show them we’re the one that they should be buying from. We're the one that has this valuable offer.
You have to believe that what you're offering is important, valuable, and someone is better off because of the product or service they're receiving from you. ...THAT is what makes "sales" feel good.
Create Content with the Potential Client in Mind
As you're thinking through this type of content, remember you're creating content not just for your current clients, hopefully retaining them as repeat customers, but you're probably mostly creating this content for people that have not yet worked with you, right? Think through that place, and remember that a part of this process might be educating your potential clients on the importance of what you do, getting them ready to work with you.
Ask yourself this question: what does my client need to do, achieve, or realize in order to be ready to work with me?
That is part of the process that you need to take them through to get them ready for the sell.

Building Authority through Sharing Tips
A practical way to build authority in your business is sharing a tip post or a tip video. If you're a sleep coach, you might want to share some sort of methodology, like a routine, that you can take someone through - a specific strategy that you know that has worked for your clients.
You want to deliver small wins and real results with your content. This helps your potential clients trust you, believing and experiencing that what you have to offer is valuable.
Maybe they try this new bedtime routine that you suggested. They haven't met you before, but they watch your video and learn how to do it. Then, when they already start getting a better night’s sleep, they're going to tune in much clearer to what you say the next day because you've already demonstrated for them that what you offer works and is actually helpful!
Make sure that what you offer as you build authority is simple and uncomplicated, and is something they can execute rather quickly. We want them to achieve it!
For example, one strategy or three tips, not like a 10-step process. You want to keep it non-overwhelming.

Remember, as you're showing up as the expert, you need to be convinced of your own value. If you aren’t convinced of the importance of what you are doing, or your clients aren't going to believe it either. I came to this place in my business where I finally realized that whether one person is listening to me or a thousand, it doesn’t change who I am. It doesn't change the value that I can bring.
As you create and build your business, you need an audience. But you don’t need an audience to validate your worth or value.
If you're showing up as the expert from a solid, grounded place - knowing and trusting in your value - that is the strongest foundation you can have.
Reminder: Create Content Toward Paid Offers
Make sure that in both of these types of content - pieces that establish your authority and pieces that help you show up authentically - that both of them are leading towards your paid offers in your business. They should be purposeful and themed around what it is that you sell.If you would love more help on creating content, and want a behind the scenes look on how I multiply content, I have free downloadable workbook for you! It shows how I take one piece of content and create ten pieces of content from it, helping me to continue to show up inspired in my business without burning myself out. You can download this at
Let me know in the comments below how you establish authority and expertise in your business through your content.
How do you show up a confident, yet approachable expert that people can trust with their investment?
Content That Leads to Sale Part 2