Is Your Life Busy? Here’s how to Stay Consistent in Your Business
Hey, heart-centered ladies. Today, we're here to talk about how to be fiercely consistent in your business. Maybe you're someone that gets really busy, has a crazy schedule, or you cycle through being inspired and uninspired frequently. Today I’m going to give you some tips to stay consistent anyway. Ready to get started?
Consistency in Your Business
Consistency is more important than frequency... When building trust with your audience.
I know you're an awesome person. If I were to sit down, get to know you, and have tea with you, I would be able to see that clearly. But your potential clients - who are, essentially, strangers to you - don't know this, and so consistency is what really establishes trust in you and your business.
Three Non-Exhaustive Ways to Show Up Consistently
Plan Ahead:
The first is to plan ahead. Maybe you don't want to create all of your content ahead of time like I did, but maybe at the start, you want to focus and take one hour to brainstorm for the next 6-9 weeks, what it is you're going to talk about, making sure that it aligns with your goals of your business.
When you intentionally plan ahead, you already know what you will be presenting to your tribe, and you'll be less likely to avoid it, because you're not having to sit there and think from scratch every single week what it is that you're supposed to be doing in your business.
90-Day Focus:
If you're someone that has trouble committing or staying consistent to one message or one business idea, I want to encourage you to do the 90-day test. Give yourself 90 days to implement and execute something, creating content on ONE topic - one thing for 90 days - and put all your energy towards that before considering a shift. What this allows you to do is really try something out in real time; after the 90 days you can look back and say, "Hmm. How did that go? Do I want to shift? Did it go well?" Instead of ten days into something, shifting gears, and after another ten days in, shifting again. This can be exhausting!
Really giving yourself a full three months to try something out allows you the freedom to say, "I'm not going to put any of my mental or physical energy towards questioning or wondering or changing. All of that energy is going to go towards executing and trying and creating."
This is especially great if you're feeling stuck between two business ideas; don't try to fit it all in one! Just try one of the things for a full 90 days, and then evaluate after.
Pace Yourself:
In order to be consistent, you must pace yourself. Sometimes, I almost create too much content at once, or my energy ebbs and flows, so I’ll sit down and write this incredibly long post. What I used to do is just send it to my list, or post it on Facebook, and in the next few days, not create anything.
A better strategy is if you do feel inspired or have created a lot, hold it back. Just don't feel like you have to publish it all at once.
If you create 9 things, great! I'm not saying to delete them. Put them aside, save them, and publish one; save the other ones for a rainy day when you're just not that into it. This is important. I love that the author Marion Roach talks about this concept in writing: what we don't put into our writing is actually just as important as what we do put in. I feel it's that way with our business, too.
We don't want to overwhelm people all at once. We want to be consistent over time with a steady amount of intentional content.
Once you think about that when inspiration strikes; maybe you think of three different ideas for this new group program; pick one to execute, and put the others aside for another day. Also, remember that writing and brainstorming has value in itself, and definitely influences the way that you're executing content in your business.The last thing I want to say on pacing is that in addition to breaking post up, remember that you can also repurpose. I created a free workbook with my repurposing process for; that helps me stay consistent and not feel burned out. Go to and see what that process looks like for me. I would love to hear from you, how you're committing to showing up more consistently in your business so that you continue to build trust with your clients in your tribe?