Six powerful questions to find your special spark

This week I want you to answer six powerful questions to help you boost your business by getting really clear on what makes you distinct. With that clarity comes confidence, so you can be bold at shining your light! The world needs it.

You can get the full worksheet here >>>

I'll go first. Here's my answer to the first two.

1. One of my greatest strengths is... I am, by nature a radical optimist.

I've always seen the bright side- without having to force it.

I truly believe that this helps me leverage my current resources and boosts me quicker into the next season.

There's no one right way, and when I play to my strengths (and help my clients play to theirs) I'm able to create success that I can sustain without the burnout- 'cause I'm doing it my way (and helping my client's do it theirs).

Being positive has it's downsides too. It makes change hard because I naturally am grateful and see the best of my present circumstances.

But I am grateful for this gift. I truly feel like it helps me as a coach see the good in others, and hear what their heart is speaking even when they can't hear or see it for themselves.

Hope and confidence DOES have to come from within, my clients have to have that belief within themselves that their success is inevitable- but, I believe that they can borrow my true and genuine belief in them till their mind catches up :)

Your turn, let me know in the comments- what's one of your greatest biz strengths? 

2. A challenge I have overcome... is at the start of my business is starting it while I had a day-job and was pregnant with my second little one.

This one was really hard for me to answer because I really feel fortunate to not have had a ton of challenges (but I think that's my positivity speaking up ;)

I feel like the challenge of having limited hours to build my business really helped me grow it in a lean and focused way.

It forced me to really show up in the few hours I had, to be decisive and take risks (even though I'm not a risk taker by nature), to work in advance (even creating six months of content so I could take a maternity leave), and prove that I could create a relationship-driven, heart-centered business even while working 2-3 days per week.

What's a challenge you have overcome, and how has it shaped you for the better? 

Don't forget to download all six questions so you can embrace and leverage your unique gifts in your business. Get the free worksheet here >>>


How to Get Unstuck in Your Business


That Special Spark Interview Series: Adrienne Dorison