That Special Spark Interview Series: Adrienne Dorison

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have tea with heart-centered entrepreneur Adrienne Dorison this week. Adrienne is business consultant to entrepreneurs who want to double their results in half the time so they can give more back to the world. After side-hustling for six months while working at her corporate job, Adrienne was able to go full-time in her business. She focuses on working with people who want to give back to the world in big ways so they can make a difference. She even offered an innovative coaching structure giving 10% of her client's package price to their organization of choice.Now, Adrienne is leveraging her special spark of using her business to give back by helping other entrepreneurs see how they can also have an impact with their income. She encourages businesses to use their platform to share their own unique beliefs and values with their audiences.Join us for the rest of the series and download your free Spark Chart to help you uncover more of your special spark and leverage it in your business to attract clients and stand out from the crowd.

References:Profit for Good™ CommunityThe Heart Centered Entrepreneur CommunityAdrienne's Favorite Books:You Are a Badass at Making MoneyShow Your WorkWhite Hot TruthThe Leadership Gap


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