Getting Comfy with Undone Things in Biz (to get the results you want!) 


Episode Summary:

So many of my clients are productive, efficient women – but even when we are wildly brilliant and ambitious entrepreneurs, we can struggle with getting the RIGHT things in our business done. It’s easy to check your unread emails or tidy up your inbox, but the truth is that those little things are moving you closer to accomplishing your big goals. So how do you prioritize your to-do list? This is exactly what we’re going to chat about in today’s episode of the podcast. After the episode my hope is that you’ll feel not only able to accomplish your goals, but proud of how far you’ve already come.

Topics Discussed:

  • How to put certain things in your life on pause in order to do an intense integration somewhere else 

  • Getting clear on the things that are a priority in your business and in your life so you can take action with confidence 

  • The importance of attaching a timeline to your goals so that you can get the results that you want

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hello, my loves. Don't mind me with my little raspy voice because <laugh>, my friend and I were joking. <Laugh>, my best friend Jessica and I, that I feel like we've all been lightly sick for the last three years. Anyone else? I just feel like one sickness starts, the next one stops. It's just a constant like, am I sick? Did I stay up too late last night? Like, there's a tick. Like, oh my goodness. So anyone else feeling that? Sending you so much healing love? But I just, this is kind of like a impromptu podcast. I just really felt like I just finished a beautiful mastermind call with my cell, with heart ladies. And this idea came up and it's something I've talked with a few of my private clients about recently, which is, oh my goodness, the hard thing, which is leaving some things on your to-do list undone.

    Anna Rapp (00:49):

    So many of my clients are very productive, efficient women. Maybe you're listening to this podcast and in your corporate job, you so surpassed expectations that like your job was almost easy, right? And I think as entrepreneurs, even when we're wildly productive, bro, first, if you're listening to this, I just want you to own, I'm a productive, brilliant woman, right? <Laugh> often because we're so ambitious, we're not able to ac I talk in my book The Freedom Fund about like, you know, we wanna make our goals so big that we're not always reaching our goals, that we're always stretching, right? But the downside to that is we fool ourselves into thinking that we're not smart, we're not brilliant, we're not effi efficient and productive. We are. It's just that we have big goals and dreams and desires, right? But I wanna talk about this idea of getting the right things in your business done.

    Anna Rapp (01:37):

    Because if you are not making traction in your business, if you're not growing as fast as you'd like, often it is this idea that you haven't yet figured out how to prioritize. You haven't yet figured out how to schedule and time block and all of that stuff. We're just gonna dive in and get messy because I'm working on the Freedom Fund book launch. I can't believe it's actually here. It's actually launching. For those of you that have joined Launch team and are helped me launch the book Freedom Fund, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for doing that. But really in this book is the idea for 90 days of going at building $20,000 of savings of a freedom fund, right? And I've seen in my life time and time again, of accomplishing so many things when I give it a push for 90 days, right?

    Anna Rapp (02:22):

    And I call this like intense integration, right? Anytime you're starting something, I was able to fully book my coaching practice in 90 days and keep it booked ever since. But it's really because for 90 days, all I did was sell my coaching spaces, okay? <Laugh>. And what it takes to ma after a habit is locked into place. It doesn't take as much to maintain it, right? It's why I gained so much traction so fast with dancing salsa bacheta, because for 90 days I gave it my all. I literally took hundreds of hours to dance classes and dance socials, right? And then, then from there, you know, you can always maintain things, but I think we're not willing to put other things in our life on pause and hold in order to do an intense integration. Okay? So what this means, right, if you're working on building your freedom fund, is you are prioritizing creating money, saving money for 90 days.

    Anna Rapp (03:16):

    And it means other things on your to-do list are not gonna happen. That's the part we don't like, right? Obviously we want to <laugh> take showers. We want to stay active, we want to like bathe our children, right? Like the things that are, you know, survival things. But I think for me, the reason that I've able to been able to get so much done in my life, in business, even being a super busy single mom, is I've really increased my tolerance for allowing things that aren't important to not be done. For example, at the start of my business, when I was fully booking my practice, my house was a wreck, right? I really was not getting chores done. <Laugh>. And for this can be hard to tolerate, right? But it's really getting clear on what are, what are the most important things you actually need to get done?

    Anna Rapp (04:06):

    And can you pause some of the other things so that you can do what's most important, right? In your business. For example, one of the most important things you can be doing is selling. Are you prioritizing that? Right? And so what I want you to do, if you're listening to this podcast episode right now, this might be a little sign, a little wining from the universe that it's time to write down all the big projects that are on your to-do list that you've been putting off, that you've been bumping, that you've been overwhelmed with. And maybe you're not actually getting anything done in your life or business right now because you're so overwhelmed with your project or task list, right? Get really clear what are the things that actually need to get done right now and what can be put off for three months, right?

    Anna Rapp (04:51):

    Yikes. I told my mastermind ladies this example, right? I went through, I changed my name back to Anna Wrap this year, and there was a ton of things in the process, right? But because I was prioritizing several other things like writing a book, like filling my programs, right? There are some things in my name change. I did do that. I made a priority. For example, I changed my social security card name, right? I updated my passport. There's other things I didn't do. Like I haven't updated my driver's license yet, right? It's on the calendar for March, it will happen <laugh>. But I really asked myself what actually needs to get done. And the most efficient, productive women out there aren't the ones that are getting everything done. They're the ones that are getting the right things done during their efficient working hours, and then they allow themselves to not work and to sleep and to keep up with their routines, right? But really asking yourself, am I doing things to just soothe my anxiety and itch my scratch? Or am I actually doing what matters in regards to my big goal, right? Not to be a little challenging, but here we are. So in the freedom

    Speaker 2 (05:57):

    Fun book, right? It's a nine step process. And that nine step process is there to help you manifest anything that you want in your life or business. Obviously in the Freedom Fund book, I'm applying it to creating 20 days of cash in your business, which is absolutely possible for you if you don't have a savings account yet, if you don't have a 20 K personal fund for emergencies, if you don't have a 20 K business reserve, that should be your priority, my love. That should be your priority, right? And so doing that will mean that you might put other things in your life on pause right now, right? There might be other goals or dreams or desires that you have that are secondary, and I think we want to get so much done, but the truth is that we get more things done when we do them one at a time, one at a time, right?

    Speaker 2 (06:45):

    You can get a lot more done than you think, but not all at once. Not all at once, not at the same time. It's safe for you. Here's another great example, right? Right now for some reason, my kids, our bedtime and wait time has kind of gotten discombobulated again. So I asked myself, okay, what's more important though, that I really Rena bedtime routine or that I Rena our morning routine and I decided it was bedtime. So that's what I've been doubling down on and it's been improving. And to be honest, our morning routine, still a little bit of a show, but you know what, I'm fine with that because I'm like, you know what? I really wanna spend 30 days on refining our bedtime routine, right? And really allowing yourself to ask yourself, what are the things in my life or my business right now that need the most attention?

    Speaker 2 (07:27):

    And am I putting time there? I give my clients the hardest time because if there's a, they're say out loud right now, if you're listening to this podcast, what's something in your life or business that you're frustrated by, challenged by, or not getting results in? Say it out loud, right? I'm a huge fan of being able to acknowledge our challenges or problem areas without making yourself wrong, right? Just like objectively, like there's nothing wrong with me, but this area really sucks right now and I really need to work on it, right? My relationship, my exercise routine, what is it? And then I wanna ask you, are you actually putting time on it, right? How much time are you actually allocating <laugh> to that thing? That's why in the cell with Heart Master, might I actually make my ladies clock in for their selling hours? You know, an hour and a half a week, right?

    Speaker 2 (08:14):

    Asking yourself that thing that I'm most wanting breakthrough or results on. How many hours am I actually giving it? Am I actually clocking in for that goal? And you might say like, Anna, I don't really have the time. I'm kind of busy. That's where you need to prioritize and allow yourself to cut back on other things and commitments so that, you know, so often we're like, Ooh, I don't have the money to work on that. Most always, it's the time, it's the energy. And so really being mindful who are the other things or people you're saying yes to that you're not allowing yourself to have that time and capacity, right? Anyway, I digress. So how much time are you budgeting right now for that goal or objective in your business? How much time do you want to be? Is that time on your calendar? And are you honoring it as if it were a client task, right?

    Speaker 2 (09:06):

    Are you really honoring that time and really encouraging you to do this for, again, 30 days, 90 days? Because every chapter in our life again, is I call intense integration, right? We're picking something and we're telling ourselves, I'm gonna stick with this for 90 days, even if it's hard, even if I'm discouraged, right? I'm gonna really give it my time, my energy, my intention, my attention, and I'm gonna be okay if other things are undone, right? And if I'm feeling anxiety about other things being undone, I'm gonna remind myself it's safe to have emails in my inbox. It's safe to have a messy desk, right? It's safe to have whatever it is that feels like a little messy or untidy, right? Because here's the thing, emptying your inbox and tidying your desk gives you a dopamine hit. I'm not saying it's wrong to check your emails and clean your desk.

    Speaker 2 (10:00):

    Those are good things to do, right? But so often we do that because we want the immediate dopamine hit and we never hit our long-term goals. We never make long-term impact. We never sell out our practice, we never write the book. We never do those big, deep, juicy things that are on our heart because it's not immediately gratifying, right? And so I want you to ask yourself, how can I tolerate more discomfort and anxiety in these low level things so that I can start getting the deeper long-term payoff on the big, deep desires I have on my heart? You guys know in Freedom Fund, chapter one is all about getting clear on all of your desires and picking the one desire that you most wanna happen right now. What's that one thing? Maybe you even wanna do that right now as you're listening in your business.

    Speaker 2 (10:48):

    What's the one thing you most want right now, more than anything else in your life? What's that one thing that one thing that you know in your heart feels an integrity to do? Are you allocating time for that? Or are you cleaning, cleaning your desk and cleaning your inbox? You know, I'm not trying to be petty, but that's what I'm here for. You know what I mean? What really matters? What are you gonna be proud of when you die? You know what I mean? Like, what are you going to look back on and, and, and not regret? Okay, <laugh> not to get serious, right? But here we are, okay? My loves. I would love to hear from you if you need more support on this, I highly recommend you read chapter one, A Freedom Fund, right? No matter what goal you have, really getting clear on what your desires are, picking your top desires, and then of course, you can read the rest of the book for the other steps on how to make it happen, right? But this is so important that you're giving yourself that space and that room to decide, and then you're letting yourself

    Speaker 3 (11:52):

    Integrate, right? You're letting yourself double down there and you're, it being okay. If the rest of your life is messy, I should have a hashtag like messy life club, right? I wish I could show you a picture of my desk right now. It's messy. It's like lightly tidy. I tid it recently, but it's definitely not super clean, right? It's normal. It's okay for you to have certain areas that you double down on so that you can focus on the things that matter most to you. Okay? Bonus points for emailing me. What matters most to you right now in your life, in your business? What are your number one priorities? Tell me so that you can own them. Just own it, right? Is it a 20 K freedom fund? Is it fully booking your business? Is it scaling your business by hiring team members?

    Speaker 3 (12:40):

    What are those focus areas? What are those focus areas? And then when you get challenged, where do you go for support? One of the mastermind ladies in the group this week said, you know, in between session in Slack, the lady's writing write and, you know, kind of debrief and process and vent. And one of them was saying how normalizing it was to really see the other women doing that too. Knowing that, you know, basically no one's perfect on the way to their goal. Everyone, I know this from coaching so many women, and I think it helps me in meeting my goals too, on the way to meeting challenging goals. It's gonna be messy. There's gotta be hardships, there's gonna be, you know, speed bumps. And so that's why it's so important to get support. Okay? Love you ladies so much and whatever life is like for you right now, I just wanted to let you know that I love you. I'm sending you the biggest hug. I am saying a prayer for you. And just know that I'm proud of you. You're doing the work, you're working hard, you're doing the best you can. It's safe for you to double down and work hard, but then when your work hours are done to unplug, to rest, to sleep, to watch Netflix, to go dancing, whatever you need to do, take care of yourself.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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