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Heart Centered Entrepreneur Podcast
Over 100 free training episodes that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and guide you to make more money and sign more aligned clients in your business. Peek behind the scenes of the multiple-six-figure business I run on part-time hours – and, yes, all of the business strategies I teach are heart centered and test driven by hundreds of clients in our community. So pop in those earbuds, grab that tea, and let’s break your income ceiling!!
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Take a CEO Day
In this episode, I want to tell you a little bit about what CEO Days look like when I do them in my business and some things you can do on your own CEO Day so you can come back focus, inspired, and refreshed.
Are you ready to create your happy, boring dream life?
Are you ready to create your happy, boring dream life? You may have heard me use this phrase over the last few months, and I've really noticed that my clients and my audience, and the Heart Centered Entrepreneur community as a whole have been resonating with this phrase.
Introducing the Coaching Skills Certificate!
Building a coaching business changed my life in the biggest way. This is something that I talk about all of the time on the podcast. With that in mind, I’m so excited today to share a brand new bonus that’s going to be available in my program, Get & Coach Your First Client: The Coaching Skills Certificate!
Market Update: The Coaching Industry
Is the coaching market saturated? Is it too late to start a consulting revenue stream in your business? How do you stand out in a sea of coaches? Welcome to a market update of the coaching industry.
9 Things That Are Working Right Now
I’m sharing a snapshot of the nine things in my life right now that I'm loving. You know that I am an efficiency and productivity nerd, so I just want to share with you what's working right now in my business and my life and I hope it's useful for you.
What does your partner think about you investing in your business?
Gabriel Omat shares with such grace how she navigated this challenging area. We also chat about knowing how much to trust ourselves while also taking input from those we trust, like our partner, friends, family, coach, and therapist.
Why I’m Grateful I Became a Coach
Today on the podcast I’m sharing the biggest reasons why I became a coach! This pivot in my career honestly changed the trajectory for my life in a way that I am SO grateful for.
Live Coaching: This client nails her niche in 20 minutes
On today’s live coaching episode of the podcast, I’m walking Clare Sutton, a new life coach, through the six steps of refining your core message. We’re focusing more on the audience portion, but you’ll hear about every component!
Live Coaching: Visibility for a Parenting Coach
Today’s live coaching replay is a good one because it hits on two things that many of my clients face time and time again – the feeling that we have to be doing all the things all at once, and the fear that we will be just another voice in our industry. Parenting coach and school psychologist, Kenya Kistler, is joining us and it was so fun to workshop through these problems with her. I hope it resonates with you, too!